- Many students have figured out that once you put something on the Net, anything can happen to it. This creates a lot of anxiety. If you make a mistake in person, you can have a talk with the offended person to try to make it right. Students find that they are more likely to say mean things online. People who trump new technology don’t mention the possible downside. Kids feel anxious when they can’t read incoming messages in real time. Bathroom time is for checking messages in some schools. Emergencies are associated with friends’ perceived crises. Being safe means you have your phone and you feel naked without it. With phone cameras everywhere, everything you do can leave a trace. This could make everyone think that as long as you aren’t doing anything wrong, you are safe. This may mean, however, that there may be no space for real dissent. If you like the summary, buy the book
Tags: Alone Together, Sherry Turkle