Celebrate Holidays and Life
- Halloween: Ask parents to have children dress like a character in a book and do role plays in class. Consider having a Fall fund raiser where students wear costumes without masks or weapons. Do a science lesson and let kids decorate the room with spiders, webs, and bats.
- Thanksgiving: This allows for social studies emphasis on America’s beginning. Students can make pilgrim and indian outfits and post what each child is thankful for. They can wear their outfits to lunch the last day. Invite parents and be sure to say thanks for the food.
- Christmas: Look for opportunities for students to engage in giving. There is a great story about how a refugee from hurricane Katrina got a used bike. Have students make cards for nursing homes or soldiers. Card making is also great for other holidays like valentine’s day. Third grade reading/writing buddies play an important role here. Also play in the snow when possible as a science and PE lesson. Look for other celebrations. Susan does a splash day at the end of the year. Always look for science, social studies, and character education connections.
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