Day 1 – Monday
- Chris never liked Roman numeral numbered pages when he hated reading so there are none in this book. As a kid he saw reading as a chore that he wanted to finish as fast as possible. He preferred books that didn’t start on page one as it meant it was closer to being over. He was also fond of pictures that took up space as they took the place of boring, lifeless words. The third thing he looked for were big words. The rest of this chapter deals with 12 super amazing reading facts such as: reading will improve your social life, your communication skills, and your performance at work and school. He suggests that if you choose a book you are more likely to like it, and that reading can give you something to think about. Reading can make you a better (more empathetic) person, and most importantly, it will improve your brain/thinking ability. If you like the summary, buy the book