Technology Today: the Virtual Big Brother by Vaishnavi Agrawal

Farmville Over Your Real Garden

  • This may be understood further by contemplating the high possibility of this particular hypothetical. How many people have a general disregard or a complete neglect regarding their domestic horticulture, while at the same time they maintain very lush Farmville landscapes in Facebook? You might say that it is so because of the fact that these users will not otherwise be able to maintain the same in reality, and hence it is a means of living out their desires and fantasies. You would be right, but the fact cannot be denied that some of us are assigning priority to our Twitter following and Facebook friends more and more, which eventually results in isolation of our real friends and family.

Digital Background Checks

  • Looking at the information that we make available on ourselves, via our as-close-as-it-gets-to-legit sources like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, it is not difficult to contemplate these concerns. In lieu of a motivated candidate who may not seek further information pertaining to this subject, there is another reason for digitizing our existence. It would render it impossible for us to deceive someone online or for that matter even offline, as a fact check or background check is easily executable. This opinion, if formulated, will be on the basis of complete unawareness of how these fact checking operations are executed, or for that matter the liberties that can be exercised by the organizations all over the world. This includes governments and corporate Goliaths. The Patriot act of the United States is one of the finest examples of how your information, personal or otherwise, can be accessed by the government. This only requires probable cause and we have all heard stories where these tools of security have been vandalized.

Big Brother Is Probably Watching

  • Amazon, Ebay, Flipkart, and various other companies are on a desperate prowl to find professionals who have proficiency in big data software to analyze the structured and unstructured data generated while we carry out online sessions such as retail, search, and browsing. Analyzing this data helps these corporate giants devise retail and promotional strategies. This results in recommendations that tempt us by gleaning information from the corner of the WebPages that we browse. On the other hand, constant monitoring of our activities might help improve our security. It might help the world of medicine devise better cures and anticipate diseases on the basis of one’s medical history. It might also make one feel censored and violated in terms of their freedom of expression. The lesson here for children and adults alike is, the next time that you are online and intent on doing something relatively mischievous, remember that someone is probably watching.
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