Chiropractic Adjustments: Real Treatment or Real Quackery? by Reyshimar Arguelles takes on a controversial topic. Since my own experiences with chiropractors have been positive I decided to do this guest post. Be sure to ask your chiropractor if he or she will refer you to another type of physician if your problem isn’t one they can fix. Mine did once even though it meant less business for him.
- As a species, humans are constantly looking for ways to improve our way of life and the way that we do things on a daily basis. We are constantly looking for solutions to problems and better ways to execute processes. Down to the very core, human history has always been a recurring trial and error scenario.
- Sometimes, we’re able to come up with breakthroughs, and sometimes, we fail and then it’s back to the drawing board. One realm of living where we’re very particular is the realm of health. Isn’t it strange? That we’ve lived for millennia and yet, we’re still trying to learn new things about our bodies and how to better treat them.
Watch Out for Fads
- This seemingly-constant pursuit for new knowledge often gives rise to a multitude of fads. Things like ketogenic diets, alternative medicine, yoga, and quite recently, chiropractic adjustments sprouted like mushrooms in a forest. Those who propose these new methods always claim that there’s a scientific basis for these things. Sometimes, they’re legitimate. They truly improve the way we live and the effectiveness at which we’re able to address the plethora of problems that plague our lives.
- But sometimes, these fads turn out to be hoaxes, quackeries, and falsehoods that were constructed with the purpose of using hype and mere anecdotal evidence in order to get people to jump on the trend. So, what category do chiropractic treatments fall under? First, we need to define some things.
What exactly is a chiropractic adjustment?
- According to this article, a chiropractic adjustment is the manipulation of vertebrae that are unable to function properly. The ultimate goal of giving a chiropractic adjustment is to increase the range of motion, improve bodily functions, and to reduce the likelihood of nerve inflammation.
When is it administered?
- Chiropractic adjustments are usually administered in order to address neck pain, lower back pain, headaches, recurring strains, sports injuries, and injuries that are sustained from car accidents. It’s also important to note that spinal adjustments are extremely dangerous when done improperly. It is because of this that it’s of paramount importance that you only get your adjustments done by fully trained professionals like the New York Chiropractors.
The Verdict
- Chiropractic adjustment should not be the end-all-be-all solution for back pains. It is not the miraculous treatment that many would have you believe it to be. However, its benefits cannot be denied. Is it a real treatment? Yes, it is, but not to the extent that many of those who try to stoke the hype would tell you. Studies have not yet confirmed its effectiveness for pain relief or even as a treatment for chronic back pain for that matter.
- It has, however, proven to be beneficial in many ways. For the purpose of maintaining bodily functions, range of motion, and flexibility, chiropractic adjustments will definitely be beneficial to you. This should be taken in the context of a component of a solution, not a singular, one pill cures all solution to your problems. It’s important that you do not undergo a chiropractic adjustment if you have osteoporosis, chronic back pain, or even simple back pains as these may worsen with improper treatment.
Reyshimar Arguelles
- After graduating from university, Rey worked as a journalist. He covered various beats, including politics and crime. Later, he would work as a freelance writer on the side. He usually writes academic papers as well as blog content. You can reach him at reyshimar.arguelles92@gmail.com
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