4Four Ways To Stay Motivated During Your College Final Exams by Craig Middleton offers sound advice for new and experienced college students. Even though final exams are far away from this date, this is a good time to formulate your game plan for your next set of finals.
- College is a period of newfound freedom and independence for young students. For many, it marks their first time away from home and signifies their formal transition into adulthood. While the college years are likely full of fun, lively activities, and meaningful new friendships, school also comes with an abundance of responsibility, papers, and tests. Final exams denote the end of a college semester, and they require a plethora of preparation and tons of studying. If you are a college student worried about staying motivated through your final exams, fret not. Read on to learn some helpful tips on remaining dedicated through finals and wrap up a successful semester.
1. Go Outside
- While the library is full of information on various topics, it is challenging to remain diligent in the dark, cold environment that a library typically offers. Instead, consider taking your books outside and setting up your study hall on the grass. Most college campuses offer several areas conducive to outdoor seating, be it a quad or a mall. In any event, sunshine and a dose of Vitamin D can improve your mood and make any subject seem more enjoyable to study.
2. Create a Schedule
- The thought of learning and absorbing the hordes of materials necessary to pass your finals can feel overwhelming and downright impossible. An easy way to remedy this staggering feeling is to create a study schedule. Outline a list of items you need to complete by finals, ensuring full preparation come exam time. Consider getting even more detailed, and create a list of things you would like to accomplish daily. Keep in mind they do not all have to be related to studying, school, or finals. Physically check off these items once they are complete. This process of breaking down and checking off tasks will leave you feeling accomplished and productive instead of overwhelmed.

3. Get Extra Help
- Because finals comprise a significant amount of your final grade, professors often make help readily available at the end of the semester during exams. Take advantage of this extra support by attending your professors’ office hours, or seek additional resources like tutors and online prep courses. Remember to reach out to classmates and organize informational sessions together. Preparing for final exams as a group allows you to divide and conquer the class study guide, and it provides an excellent forum for questions and answers. (Doug: Don’t wait until the last few days to start this process. Learning is more efficient if it is spaced out. Cramming is inefficient!)
4. Exercise
- Sometimes you need to know when to put away the books and allow your mind to relax. Exercise is an excellent, healthy way to reset your mind and body, preparing you for your next study session. Research shows that a mere 20 minutes of exercise is enough to release hormones in the brain that promote happiness and optimism. Be sure to schedule a quick workout into your daily schedule to regroup and re-energize. While college is full of freedom, fun, and excitement, final exams can cause an overabundance of stress and anxiety. Hopefully, this list provides you with some ideas that will prepare you to enter your exam week with confidence and motivation. A thrive patch is a good way to keep energy up and help you with your nutrition.
Craig Middleton
- Craig is a New York City-based retired business consultant, who is an expert in education and cultural trends. He has a Masters of Business Administration and a Masters in Education from St. Johns and loves sharing his knowledge on the side through his writing. If you have any questions or comments you can direct them to Craig at craigmiddleton18@gmail.com.
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