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Summaries of Five Books by Chip and Dan Heath with Help from Karla Starr

Wednesday, March 16th, 2022

Heath Books
Yesterday (3/15/2022) I posted my summary of Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers by Chip Heath and Karla Starr. Looking back in my book summary archives, which contains over 200 summaries of nonfiction books, I find that this is the fifth book Chip Heath has coauthored that I have summarized. The other four are by Chip Heath and his brother Dan. They all offer great advice for any educator, parent, or anyone who wants to have a more productive and happy life. Below you will find links to all of the summaries. Enjoy.

Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers by Chip Heath & Karla Starr gives specific advice on how to frame numbers in a manner that your audience and make sense of and remember them long after hearing a presentation or reading an article. If you find that you have to use numbers to persuade people, read this book and share it with your kids and coworkers.

The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip and Dan Heath makes the case that we all experience moments that make a huge difference in our lives and that there are things we can do to make them happen. You need to be aware of moments in your life and look for ways to make them happen again for yourself and those you serve. This is a must-read for any leader.

Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Chip and Dan Heath deals this one of the most important topics faced by any leader and everyone else. They believe that the primary obstacle comes from conflict built into our brains. They explore this conflict between our rational brain and our emotional brain that compete for control. This book will help your two minds work together. It draws on decades of research from multiple fields to shed new light on how you can affect transformative change. Discover the pattern they have found and use it to your advantage. Click below to purchase this important book.

Upstream: How to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath deals with the notion of preventing problems before they happen rather than being stuck with constantly fixing things after they break. He discusses barriers to Upstream thinking and offers questions Upstream leaders need to address. Whether you are a leader in your organization or just an ordinary individual trying to reduce stress and live a happier life, this book is a must.

Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip & Dan Heath shares research and cool stories that show how our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities. They go on to introduce a four-step process designed to counteract these problems. Their fresh strategies and practical tools will enable you to make better choices at work and beyond. If you want to increase your chances of making the right decision at the right moment, this book is for you. Click the icon at the bottom of any page to buy this important book for yourself and your key colleagues.

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Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers by Chip Heath & Karla Starr

Tuesday, March 15th, 2022

Making Numbers Count
Making Numbers Count: The Art and Science of Communicating Numbers by Chip Heath & Karla Starr gives specific advice on how to frame numbers in a manner that your audience and make sense of and remember them long after hearing a presentation or reading an article. If you find that you have to use numbers to persuade people, read this book and share it with your kids and coworkers.


  • We live in a world where our success depends on our ability to make numbers count. The goal of this book is to teach you how to translate numbers that lack meaning to most people into comparisons that do. For most humans, when you get past five or so all other numbers are just variations of lots. You can start by flipping through the book looking for boxes that contain a standard representation of a number and a translated version that is more understandable. There are over thirty translation techniques to choose from. If you, like most people, are not a numbers person, this book is for you.

Translate Everything, Favor User-Friendly Numbers

  • If you don’t translate numbers for most people you might as well be speaking in a foreign language. Math is no one’s native language. The best translations of numbers are not numbers at all, but things you can visualize and stories you can remember. A gallon of water next to three ice cubes with water running off of them represents in order, the saltwater in the Earth’s oceans, the freshwater trapped in glaciers, and the freshwater we can drink. That image replaces four numbers.
  • Try to avoid the big numbers like the points scored in a career and go with the per-game number of points. Rather than report the number of guns in the US, report the number per person. One game or one person demonstrates the power of one.
  • If you want people to remember a number make sure you round when you can. It’s easier to remember 6 than 5.684. Also, use whole numbers rather than fractions, decimals, or percentages. Try 2 out of 3 rather than 2/3. Depending on your audience, you can break these rules. Baseball fans are fine with batting averages expressed to three decimal points for example.

To Help People Grasp Your Numbers, Ground Them in the Familiar, Concrete, and Human Scale

  • A look at history shows us that all cultures use familiar things like the human body for measuring units. Your arms spread is a fathom. From your fingertips to your elbow is a cubit. One thousand steps is a mile. Use things in your environment that your audience knows well. A grape-sized tumor works better than a 3 cm tumor. While you might have to use multipliers sometimes, Pakistan = two Californias for example, smaller multiplies are better and the best multiplier is one.
  • Pay attention to your geographic location and culture when selecting areas and items. Above all translate from abstract concepts to concrete objects. This will make your figures feel real. Infographics may be nice, but the brain is a pretty good graphic processor if given the right raw material. There are many examples here. A favorite is a model for our solar system and the nearest star, which are compared to two quarters lying on opposite goal lines.
  • Another trick is to convert one type of unit into another. Time, for example, can be converted into money using a worker’s annual salary. Calories can be converted into distances you walk to burn them off. This doesn’t always work as a trillion one-dollar bills makes a 67-mile stack, a distance that few can quickly relate to.
  • Always strive to translate numbers to a human scale. An example of shrinking turns the Earth into a basketball on the baseline and the moon into a baseball on the three-point line. The two-degree reentry window for a spaceship is now the thickness of a piece of paper. An example of magnification can be used to compare the speed of sound and the speed of light. If light from a new year’s fireworks display takes one second to reach you, the sound won’t arrive until January 10th.
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Six Reasons To Seek Higher Education by Craig Middleton

Sunday, March 13th, 2022

Why Educate
Six Reasons To Seek Higher Education by Craig Middleton – Getting an education is fundamental to your overall well-being. Learning is the key to gaining skills and general knowledge to help you succeed in your career and life. Here are six reasons why you should consider continuing your education.

1. Earn a Higher Salary

  • The earnings history of workers shows that the higher level of education you have, the more you will learn over your lifetime. It would help if you started by completing your primary education, as high school graduates earn more than those who have not completed primary school. After graduating with a high school diploma, you can go to college to obtain an undergraduate degree. Lifetime earnings for a college graduate can be over a million dollars more than a high school graduate. Even if you need to get student loans for college the cost will be worth more excellent earning capacity.

2. Increase Your Confidence

  • Taking classes or pursuing a degree can improve your confidence. As you learn new information and skills, you are accomplishing a goal. You will likely be challenged and have to pass tests or complete projects to be successful. Going through the classes and completing all tasks should make you feel more accomplished. In addition, learning about new topics can expand your mind and open up new experiences.

3. Improve Your Qualifications

  • If you are trying to get a promotion with your current employer or change jobs to another employer, having more education can be helpful. You can take classes that focus on elevating your existing skillset. Many colleges offer certificate programs that you can take as a part of a continuing and professional studies program to allow you to become certified in a field. If you can obtain a certification, you will have more qualifications to list on your applications. In addition, your completion of any program of studies demonstrates your commitment to improvement and shows your dedication to becoming an expert in your field.

4. Expand Your Network

  • Getting a higher education will expand your mind and increase the contacts in your social and professional network. Colleges and universities offer access to recruiters, groups, and alumni associations. If you are a student, you can connect with all these stakeholders. In addition, the school should offer you counseling on how to apply for positions and who to contact to get more information on job postings. Any school wants its graduates to be successful, offering extensive resources to promote your achievement. You can take advantage of all this assistance to expand your professional contacts to create more opportunities for yourself.

5. Provide More Job Security

  • Jobs that require a higher level of education or skill set have a more challenging time filling positions with qualified workers. As such, the more specialized education you need for your job, the more secure that position will be. Almost anyone can take orders at a fast-food restaurant, but it takes many years of education and training to be a brain surgeon. You can seek specialized training in various fields, so there are many options to choose from. Some of these can include hands-on training in addition to book learning. You will also become more valuable to your employer if you become an expert in the particular area your job encompasses.

6. Elevate Your Lifestyle

  • More education does lead to higher-paying jobs, but these jobs also usually come with additional benefits that improve your lifestyle. If you are sought after by employers because you have a special education or skill set, you can negotiate a better benefits package. Some benefits may include stock options that can help you build your wealth. Other perks include additional paid time off and flexible hours. All of these benefits can help improve your quality of life.


  • Education can be the key to your future. Having more skills and knowledge can help you find a new job and advance in your current position.

Craig Middleton

  • Craig is a New York City-based retired business consultant, who is an expert in education and cultural trends. He has a Masters of Business Administration and a Masters in Education from St. Johns and loves sharing his knowledge on the side through his writing. If you have any questions or comments you can direct them to Craig at
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How to Teach Future-Proof Skills by Amanda Winstead

Saturday, February 19th, 2022

Future Proof
How to Teach Future-Proof Skills by Amanda Winstead
There is a lot of emphasis in education surrounding making sure students gain relevant skills. After all, there’s a certain amount of responsibility to empower students to be productive in their post-school lives. However, much of this focus tends to be toward passing on technical and vocational abilities. Creativity is often pushed to the back and dismissed as an optional extra.

Yet, creativity is a valuable tool to engage with and enhance a range of future-proof skills. When educators and parents commit to incorporating it with other areas of the curriculum, creativity is a practical and powerful component. Not to mention it is a soft skill in itself that has relevance in all industries and activities.

So, let’s take a closer look at how to teach future-proof skills with creativity as both a central and supporting aspect.

Free Exploration

  • Structure is certainly important when it comes to education. It helps to make sure key aspects of the curriculum are covered and provide a strong learning base students can rely on. Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of value in providing students with space for free and creative exploration.
  • This doesn’t mean students’ minds aren’t meaningfully engaged or they’re wasting time. Rather, you should encourage their curiosity. Empower them to go down interesting rabbit holes outside of the strict confines of the curriculum and see what they can discover. Even just spending a little time doodling in class is considered to have significant psychological benefits. It helps to unlock different modes of thought and stimulate focus. Not to mention it can be a useful form of stress relief.
  • These types of activities help students to think in less rigid ways about the challenges they face every day. Indeed, the problem-solving abilities they gain through free exploration are in themselves future-proof soft skills. There are few roles or industries in which problem-solving isn’t considered invaluable.

Nevertheless, you need to be mindful about how you adopt free exploration into the curriculum. You may find it more relevant and effective if you link it to their lessons. After discussing scientific concepts, give them space to doodle on the subject and share their ideas. Make space in engineering projects to write poetry or stories about the principles you’re examining. This can connect kids’ creative thoughts to practical activities in productive ways.

Technology Use

  • We live in an increasingly digitally reliant world. As such, students need to be prepared for a personal and professional world that incorporates technology into most tasks. Nevertheless, teaching this isn’t necessarily about showing them how to operate technology as a means to an end.
  • If their education is limited to just being users of digital tools, this ignores some of the primary benefits of our technological landscape. By incorporating creativity into their tech curriculum, you can ensure students have a deeper understanding of the concepts and empower them to be innovators in their lives beyond school.
  • This is one of the reasons why programming must be considered an essential part of the curriculum. Students who gain coding skills can tailor technology toward their personal needs or those of projects. Aside from the wide range of job opportunities these abilities open up, it puts students firmly in control of these digital tools. Not to mention it empowers them to apply valuable critical thinking abilities in using technology to overcome obstacles
  • Teaching this isn’t just about guiding them through the fundamental use of programming languages. Setting coding projects like making a game or developing an app is often more effective. This shows students how to use the technological skills to meet a practical need, while still giving them room to address the issue creatively. Importantly, facilitate discussions on how this approach affects their relationship with technology as collaborators rather than blunt tools.

Resilience and Determination

  • The young people you work with may end up changing the world. Nevertheless, the world isn’t likely to get less challenging any time soon. From both a personal and professional level, it is vital to make sure kids have the skills to navigate the difficulties they’ll face healthily and robustly. Through creativity, you can teach kids to build resilience and determination that will stand them in good stead for the future.
  • This can begin with a therapeutic perspective. Help your students to explore how creative activities can direct their frustrations, anger, and anxieties in productive ways. Discuss with the class how important it is to recognize the emotions they’re feeling when they do this and express these safely. Parents can play a role in this by encouraging creative expression outside of the classroom, too.
  • Aside from developing effective coping mechanisms, these activities help your students gain valuable self-awareness. By channeling and expressing their thoughts creatively, they can better understand what is upsetting or worrying them and why. When they can identify or acknowledge their feelings, this can help them to practically and emotionally navigate challenges they face throughout their lives.
  • Another key area to teach kids resilience and determination is through adaptability. Students need to be able to respond to challenges with a minimal negative impact on their self-esteem and productivity. Set creative challenges in which they have a range of materials, none of which are directly suitable for the task at hand. This can teach students to understand they won’t always be facing problems while equipped with the best tools or skills. Most importantly, it helps to boost their self-esteem to nonetheless find creative solutions to overcome these issues as best they can.


  • Teaching students future-proof skills isn’t just about technical abilities attractive to the workplace. Creativity has a key place in making certain students can navigate various aspects of professional and personal life successfully. Free exploration techniques can bolster their iterative and problem-solving skills. Coding is particularly useful for helping kids transition from technological users to innovators. Creative activities can also be an empowering way to unlock resilience and determination. With some adjustments to the curriculum, these elements can serve students well beyond their education experiences.

Amanda Winstead

  • Amanda is a freelance writer out of Portland focusing on many topics including educational technology. Along with writing she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey, or even just say hi you can find her on Twitter.
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How To Reduce College Expenses By Susan Doktor

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

Doktor Pic
How To Reduce College Expenses By Susan Doktor offers great advice for current high school and college students. This is something they should all read so please share. Thanks, Susan.

College is expensive. But in today’s labor market, it’s arguably less expensive than not going to college. On average, workers who have earned a Bachelor’s degree will also earn 75% more in their lifetimes than high school graduates will. Depending on the choices you make, your college degree can actually pay for itself after just a few years in the workforce. Let’s take a look at a few of the more financially significant decisions you’re likely to make—the ones that will have a direct impact on how much your education costs.

Choice Number One: Which School Will You Attend?

  • The price of a college education varies from institution to institution. Let’s say you live in Massachusetts and decide to attend the University of Massachusetts—a public institution. In 2022, tuition and fees will set you back around $17,000. But let’s say you decide to attend a private college with a similar reputation for excellence, such as Boston College. That will cost you just over $60,000 per year. That’s a pretty big spread. So one of the first questions you should ask yourself is whether, all other things being equal, the prestige of attending a private college is worth the price. You may decide that some of the other benefits private colleges offer such as smaller classes, opportunities to study abroad, and living in a close-knit community hold a lot of weight for you, too. But if you’re leaning towards a private college education, don’t make the decision just because it will look good on your resume.
  • There are two other factors to consider when deciding between public and private universities. Public schools are much more economical for in-state students. Out-of-state students may have to pay more than $10,000 per year in tuition and fees when attending a public college. And in terms of prestige, some public universities rival ivy league schools, in terms of academic reputation. Several campuses within the University of California system, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are among them.

Strategies for Lowering Your Student Debt

  • Most college students will take on a substantial amount of debt to pay for their educations. One out of four Americans today are paying off their student loans. On average in the US, college students graduate with $37,693 in student loans. But the principal amount you borrow is only one part of the cost of paying off your student debt. How much interest you wind up paying on your loans is another factor. That’s why you should be paying attention to your credit profile. Student loan finance companies offer their best interest rates to borrowers who have the highest credit scores.
  • Lenders are in the business of managing risk. It pays to have an excellent credit history and a high credit score. Lenders look for borrowers who consistently pay their credit card, mortgage, and auto loan bills on time, for example. They also want to do business with people who carry a modest amount of debt when compared to their earnings (also known as your debt-to-income ratio). They’ll also consider the length of your credit history before offering you a loan. Manage all of these factors well and banks and other financial institutions are likely to consider you a safe bet. And they’ll offer you a more favorable interest rate.
  • So it pays to know what’s on your credit report and correct any bad credit habits you may have. Knowledge is power in the credit game. Before you apply for any loan, you should download a free copy of your credit report.

What If I Don’t Have a Credit History?

  • Many students apply for student loans directly out of high school, before they’ve had the opportunity to build a credit history or warrant a credit score. In many cases, that’s actually better than having a low credit score. But if you’re 18 years of age, you still might have time to develop a brief credit history. One option is to open a secured credit card account. By depositing cash with the credit card company, you can draw against your credit card at gas stations, online stores, and other retail locations. Your credit limit will be equal to the cash you deposit. When you make a purchase, your credit limit will temporarily go down. Then you’ll get a bill for your purchases. Your only job then is to pay it all before its due date. Your credit limit will go up again and you’ll be building a track record of on-time payments—the biggest influence on your credit score.
  • Or maybe you’re in the enviable position of being able to buy a car before you apply for a student loan and build a credit history on your own. You won’t be able to secure a car loan on your own, but if you have a co-signer, someone who’s willing to guarantee your debt will be paid, some auto finance companies will approve you for a loan. The on-time payments made against your account will be recorded and you’ll be able to build a positive credit profile. Incidentally, having a co-signer on your student loans can substantially decrease the interest rates you’re offered, as well.

After You’ve Borrowed, You Can Still Lower Your Debt

  • The global pandemic brought major changes in the credit market in its wake. Interest rates for all kinds of loans plummeted to historic lows during the worst of it and they remain favorable. If you took out your student loans more than two years ago, you’d be wise to consider refinancing themconsider refinancing them. Between the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years, rates went down an average of 31.24% nationwide. Let’s do a little math. Assume you owe $30,000 on a 10-year term loan. You’ve been paying 5% interest, but you are able to refinance at 4%. Over the life of your loan, you’d save $1735 by refinancing. If the term of your loan is longer than ten years or if you carry a higher balance, you’d save even more. If your credit score is higher today than it was when you originally took out your loans, that’s another reason to look into refinancing. Again, financial institutions offer lower rates to more credit-worthy borrowers.

Don’t Leave Money on the Table

  • From state universities to private colleges, most institutions offer some form of need-based financial assistance. Be sure to ask for it, even if you don’t think you’d qualify. Your grant may not be huge, but every little bit helps when you’re taking on student loan debt. If you’re willing to do the research, there are thousands of other scholarship and grant opportunities that can speed you on the way to paying off your college degree. Local businesses, labor unions, Fortune 500 companies, and various non-profit companies set aside money to support higher education. It takes a little work to research what funding may be available to you, but unlike student loans, scholarships and grants are free with no repayment strings attached. Each year, new gifts become available. So make scholarship hunting an annual goal. Many websites can help you through the process of researching and applying for grants.

Top Tips for Reducing the Costs of Higher Education

  • Whether you’re just applying for college or you’ve already graduated—no matter where you are in your college career—the right strategy can save you money. Here’s our best advice summed up in three recommendations:
  • Choose the least expensive school that meets your academic needs.
  • Take steps to build an excellent credit history and credit score.
  • Shop around for the best student loan rates initially and consider refinancing soon before interest rates rise again
  • And have fun! It’s true what you’ve heard: your college years can be the best years of your life. And they prepare you for a sound financial future, which can make life much more fun in the long run.

    Susan Doktor is a journalist, business strategist, and principal at Branddoktor. Her contribution comes to us courtesy of You can contact her on Twitter @branddoktor.

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