Humor / Music / Cool Stuff
The Benefits of Creating a Bucket Drumline
– A student drum corps can give kids a taste of leadership and a sense of pride in their creative abilities. @edutopia @bmanchester_edu
2 Girls 1 Harp! Dancing With Myself (Billy Idol) – Harp Twins – Electric Harp – The Harp Twins have a lot of YouTube videos worth watching. @HarpTwins
London Symphonic Rock Orchestra Presents AC/DC ‘Thunderstruck’ – I bet that kids at your high school can do this. @DerbyLIVE
4/30 The Yardbirds – Milton Berle Show 1966 (Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page) – Eric Clapton also played with this band at one time. Mark Zep via @YouTube
4/24 Lindsey Stirling plays “Toccata and Fugue” at Wisconsin State Fair 2023 – If you want to get your kids into classical music, try this. @LindseyStirling
4/23 Cartoons on Tests in School – I hope you enjoy Larry Cuban’s lastest effort. @LarryCUban
4/19 Largest Churches in the World – This three-minute animation is fascinating.
Gravity via @YouTube
4/18 Heart – Crazy On You (1977) – To date, Heart has sold over 35 million records worldwide, including over 22.5 million in album sales in the U.S. They have had top 10 albums on the Billboard 200 in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2010s. @TOTPofficial
4/17 Foggy Morning Breaking – Alison Brown (feat. Steve Martin) – Banjo fans and players like myself will love this. @alisononbanjo @UnrealBluegrass
4/16 James Brown Once Invited Eddie Murphy Onstage To Impersonate Him — Here’s How It Went. During his Richard Pryor Tribute, Brown invited his Hollywood friend to join him in singing, “(So Tired Of Standing Still We Got To) Move On.” @DarrellCBassist @joellealedu
4/12 Review: Fender Tone Master Pro – Fender’s digital modeling amp is so easy to use and sounds so great, it’s as if Apple made a guitar pedal. @pwhall @WIRED
4/11 Steve Martin and Kermit the Frog in “Dueling Banjos” – This is really cute and funny. Share with music students. @UnrealBluegrass @KermitTheFrog
4/10 John Fogerty – – Medley 1988 PBS – Fogerty is good enough to pull this off. Enjoy. Rod Wolfe Oldies Radio DJ via @YouTube
4/9 The ONLY 10 Spices You Need – If you want to simplify your spice rack and cook with just the essentials, THESE are the only 10 spices you need. Brian Lagerstrom via @youTube
4/8 These Talented Kids Covered Ozzy Osborne’s ‘Crazy Train’ On Their Xylophones, And It Rocks. I bet some kids at your school can do this too. Challenge them to try. @joellealedu
4/5 Check out Trump’s Rally Playlist and Biden’s Summer Playlist. Does your favorite playlist come from your favorite candidate? @Medium @Apple @JoeBiden @realDonaldTrump
4/4 Pretty Little One – Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers – Martin is a first rate banjo player and this group is a great backup. @SteepCanyon @ebnewbohemians @UnrealBluegrass
4/3 David Byrne and St Vincent – Burning Down The House – I saw this show. It featured no less than eight horns. Alain Guilloux via @YouTube @DBtodomundo @st_vincent
4/2 W.A. Mozart. Ave verum corpus (flash mob) – This takes a while to get going, but it’s worth it. Mattia Bena via @YouTube
4/1 Avantgardey Full Performance | America’s Got Talent 2023 – This group of Japanese girls are an amazing dance company. @TALENTKINGHD
3/28 1812 Overture, FANTASTIC Flash Mob – (you’ll get chills ) Be sure to share with kids who aren’t into classical music, yet. Musical Society of Algemesí (Spain) via @YouTube
3/26 Teenager Ilia Malinin Smashes Records En Route To World Figure Skating Title – He does six quads including a quad axle. This is pretty insane and one of the greater performance in sports ever. @TheIliaSociety @NBCSports
3/25 Perseverance rover delivers amazing view of ancient Mars river – Take a tour. This short video (3:00) is a cool tour of another planet. @videofromspace
3/21 Jack Black, Beck And Will Ferrell Team Up To Crush ‘Under Pressure.’ If you like these guys give this a chance. @jackblack @Will___Ferrell @digg
3/20 Paint It Black (Rolling Stones) Harp Twins – The scenery is great too. The drummers are also twins. If you like this search YouTube for more. @HarpTwins @VolfgangTwin
3/19 Crowd STOPS for AMAZING Street Performance | Stand By Me – Karolina Protsenko & Oscar Stembridge. These guys are excellent. @karolina_violin @oscarstembridge
3/15 PERFECT RUNNING FORM – 5 Mistakes You’re Probably Still Making – How many are you making? @jimmydunne70
3/13 AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ Goes Incredibly Hard In Irish Gaelic. This has to be one of the most covered songs. The lyrics are translated into galic. @TgLurgan @LaughingSquid
3/12 The BEST rendition of Dire Straits’ “Sultans of Swing?” These guys appear to be serious buskers. They get a tip from me. Aryeh and Gil Gat via @YouTube @WannabeOreo
3/11 Hand Clap Skit – The Original! Can You do This? I’m sure that your kids could do something like this. 2000jrg via @YouTube
3/7 How to make the best hummus of your life – I make hummus often and I learned several things from this video. Rainbow Plant Life via @YouTube
3/6 You’ve Heard This Song but NOT Like These Japanese Girls Do It! You will love the Brass Japanese Girls Group Audition on America’s Got Talent. @AGT
3/4 “Crazy Train” on the Bagpipes There is also some great video and production here by Ally the Piper. @piperdotally
3/1 Walthamstow School for Girls Steel Drum Band – Does your school have a steel drum band? @WalthamstoWSFG
2/29 Willow Osborne – Foggy Mountain Breakdown – This might inspire some young students to practice more. Search YouTube for more of her work. She is now an adult. @WillowOsborne
2/28 Sing Sing Sing 2021 KYOTO TACHIBANA SHS BAND – This looks like a marching band playing an old standard and doing some dancing. It’s seriously cool. @NABESAN99458593
2/28 Meet Grace Beyer, the small-school scoring phenom. Although not a Division I player, Grace is giving Caitlin Clark a run for the scoring title. @APdaveskretta @AP
2/27 Ghost Riders in the Sky – pedal steel guitar – I remember this song from when I was a kid. This is a cool rendition. @carla_ponti @maesearguelles Doug Beaumier via @YouTube
2/26 The Chantays “Pipeline” 1963 – Just about any high school band you play this just as well, but it you do, don’t plan to get on TV. @RealPunkRadio @DeeJayDogTV @WobblyRail
2/23 Chariots of Fire • Main Theme • Vangelis – If you haven’t seen this movie you should check it out. HD Film Tributes via @YouTube
2/22 Move 1 Stick To Fix The Equation. See how man you can get. PuzzleDigits Daily via @YouTube
2/21 The New Christy Minstrels – Today – Randy Sparks 1933-2024 – I was a big fan in the 1960s. In addition to forming and managing the group Randy Sparks also discovered John Denver and Kenny Rogers. This is my favorite son of his. John1948NineD via @YouTube
2/19 Life After Death by PowerPoint (Corporate Comedy Video) – How many of these mistakes are you still making? @donmcmillan
2/16 Can you guess the Beatles song from the keyboard part? If you like the Beatles and playing Name That Tune this is for you. David Bennett Piano @YouTube
2/14 How Was The Great Wall Of China Built? The Great Wall Of China was built to protect a growing empire and the Silk Road that brought in wealth. @DiscoveryUK
2/13 The Most Important Exercise For Seniors To Master – The squat is a good exercise for everyone. If you can’t do one, here is a lesson on how to get there step by step. I’m 76 and I do 100 every day. @DrToddSullivan
2/12 Erie Canal Locks Time Lapse HD Video – If you ever get a chance to hand out near a working lock be sure to take it. Aaron Puffall via @YouTube @ErieCanalCruise
2/9 The Chieftains with Roger Daltrey & Nanci Griffith on the Jay Leno Show [June 1992] – The Chieftains take on a classic Who song and a classic folk song with some serious help. @thechieftains @Roger_Daltrey_ @jayleno
2/8 Why Is “Mr. Bright Side” Still On The Charts? This hit from 2004 is a top streaming song. Here is the link to its official video. @thekillers @moremiddle8 @skillshare
2/7 Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue by Toby Kieth (1962-2024 – This song was written shortly after 9/11. It did cause some controversy. What do your kids (students) think? @toby__kieth
2/5 Chopin, Fantaisie Impromptu Op 66 for Marimba. Arr. Pablo Blanco Cordero – Arrangement: Special Prize -2021 PAS Italy Composition Contest. Pablo Blanco Cordero via @YouTube
2/1/2024 ALL JUPITER’S MOON size Comparison – See Tuesday and Wednesday’s posts for the moons of Saturn Uranus, and Neptune. @MetaBallStudios
1/31 All MOONS of URANUS and NEPTUNE ► 3D Size Comparison – Yesterday I did the size compression of Saturn’s moons. The music here is also cool. Can your kids guess where the names come from? @MetaBallStudios
1/30 ALL SATURN’S MOON Size Comparison – Astronomy buffs of all ages will like this. @MetaBallStudios
1/29 Cliffs of Dover – Wakefire – I recently posted this by a girl guitarist who covered this Eric Johnson classic. It’s pretty insane on the mandolin. @Grillin_Pirate
1/26 Stand By Me | The Buzztones | (Ben E King A Cappella Cover) – My chior is doiong thind this spring. It’s pretty cool. @TheBuzztones @TheForgeMusic
1/25 Somewhere Over The Rainbow – Mountain Dulcimer – As instruments go this on is on the easy side to play. @KevinTeague @YouTube
1/24 10 Electric Cars that Dealers Can’t Sell ! | Here is why! I think range anxiety may be the big problem. I drive a plug-in hybrid which has electric ang gas engines so I never worry. @thesuvgeek
1/22 I’m Looking Through You – MonaLisa Twins – Note that the twin with the red hair is playing a guitar with a banjo bottom. @MonaLisa_Twins
1/17 Why is rice so popular? Much of the world relies on rice for most of the calories in their diet. As carbs go it’s fairly healthy. @carolynmbeans @tED-Ed
1/16 Ellen Alaverdyan – Penny Lane (Bass & Vocal Cover) This is too cute not to watch. This young girl might go somewhere. @EllenPlaysBass
1/11 How did Polynesian way finders navigate the Pacific Ocean? @alantamayose @JamieBillingham @TED_Ed
1/10 How An Igloo Keeps You Warm – This is a good science lesson fof upper elementary on up. @okaytobesmart
1/9 Bernoulli’s principle – This short video is good for high school or college physics. @getaclass_physics via @YouTube
1/5 Haydn Trumpet Concerto (3rd Movement): Wynton Marsalis, trumpet – Wynton is the rare musician who and excel at classical music and jazz. @wyntonmarsalis @RichardThomasEE
1/4 American Bandstand – November 9, 1963- FULL EPISODE – This lasts 30 minutes so feel free to skip around. I was a junior in high school when this was televised and hurried home to watch this show daily. #youcandancetoit via @YouTube
1/3 Top 10 songs of the 70s – JUST 4 CHORDS! If you are a beginning or intermediate guitarist this is for you. @andyguitarleeds
1/2/2024 How To Figure Out The KEY Of A Song by EAR On Guitar – This is a pretty cool way to figure out the key for another song. @samjamguitar
12/29 Hallelujah – Bagpipe & Vocal cover – Hallelujah played on the Galician Bagpipes (Gaita) by 2 artists, The Snake Charmer and Marco foxo from 2 different countries India and Spain. @THICKFIYAH Instagram – @thesnakecharmerbagpiper
12/28 Cartoons about Kids in School – This month’s cartoons are about children and youth who are deemed smart and tech savvy encountering busy elementary school teachers who have to teach 25 or more students of varying abilities and behaviors for an entire day and secondary school teachers who face 100-130 youth over five periods of instruction daily. @LarryCuban
12/27 A Capella Version of “The Longest Time” performed by Chris Bandy, Cory Blackmon, Cooper Case, Mark Denman, John Frederick, and JP Stephens. – This kicks ass as far as I’m concerned. Chris Bandy et. al. via @YouTube Also, check out the same song by the Men’s Bathroom Choir. @my_pcs #PCS
Les Paul shows his guitar omnibus – Les Paul and his wife Mary Ford were among the first to use multitrack recording. This interview and demonstration are concocted by Alaister Cook. @hakkix
12/26 – This is seriously cool. Give it a chance. @LessThanFace1 @punchbrothers @Lightfoot365
12/21 Fool Your Friends With This Cold-Weather Trick Passing Your Scarf Through Your Neck. Also learn a better way to tie your scarf for the winter. Ekaterina via @digg
12/21 Taylor Swift: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert – Here she plays, sings, and talks about song writing in an intimate setting. @nprmusic @taylorswift13
12/20 “Crazy Train” on the Bagpipes – If you like bagpipe music you will like this. It’s also great video production. @piperdotally
12/19 School of Rock: The Physics of Waves on Guitar Strings – Playing the guitar is an art form. But the good vibrations you hear are a science. @rjallain @WIRED
12/18 Carol of the Bells on the Hammered Dulcimer – This is a very cool instrument and she plays it well. @harvestcoffee @FearKillsMindz
12/15 Difference Between Pig iron, Wrought iron, Cast Iron And Steel – I bet most readers don’t know the difference. This is only %:25 in length. James Sword Research via @YouTube
12/13 This 13-Year-Old Improvises The Drums To A Twisted Sister Song She’s Never Heard Before. The song is “We’re Not Going to Take It” by Twister Sister. @Nandi_Bushell @drumeo
12/12 Martin Guitars Factory Tour – If you can’t get to Nazareth, PA you can take the tour here. @iGuitarMag @MartinGuitar
12/8 How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific Ocean? This is a great integrated science lesson. @alantamayose @KSNews @TED_Ed @Compassion
12/6 / “CLIFFS OF DOVER – Eric Johnson | Guitar Cover by Sophie Burrell – This stands up well to the original. @SophieBxrrell @EJUpClose
12/5 Béla Fleck – Wheels Up (Live) – This is six+ minutes of Bela playing with some other first class musicians. @belafleckbanjo @SierraDawnHull @MCFlamekeeper @JustinMoses2
12/4 Shadow puppet star can do wonders with his fingers. Have your kids see what they can do. I enjoyed this when I was young. @CoufinPata @itsShowtimeNa @nypost
12/4 Gen Z might quit vaping to show solidarity with the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo — here’s why. See if your kids can see the flaw in this reasoning. It’s mentioned in the comments, which are worth a look. @newscomauHQ @nypost
12/1/2023 How Televisions Are Made | Biggest TV Factory In The World !! – This is a cool way to use the last five minutes of any science class. @Xprocess_main
11/30 Queen – Bohemian Rhapsody cover by @Halocene , @FirstToEleven , @VioletOrlandi , @laurenbabic
11/28 Card Tricks Anyone Can Do – Give this some practice before dinner, and you’re bound to impress the whole crowd. @oscar_owen
11/27 ‘Leo’ Reviews: Adam Sandler Makes A Decent Kids Movie. Check out the trailer. This looks pretty good to me. @AdamSandler
11/22 Glen Campbell Live in Concert in Sioux Falls (2001) – Galveston – The guitar solo here is insane. It starts at about 2:35. @glencampbell
11/17 Mamma Mía Medley – Singing Europe 29/12/15 Auditorio Nacional de Música – If you like ABBA you will like this. @GrupoTalia
11/17 Cartoons of Teachers, Parents, and Students Dealing with School Report Cards – Thank you Larry Cuban for another fine collection. @LarryCuban
11/15 The Gold Ring on harp, concertina and Uileann Pipes – These three young ladies might inspire some of your students. @SultCeol
11/14 “Sweet Child O’ Mine” Bluegrass Cover | Thunder and Rain – Is this a song that a band your are in should be playing? @erinnpeetlukes
11/13 Classical music’s favorite chord progression = Share with any musicians and music students you know. David Bennett Piano via @YouTube
11/10 Gentle On My Mind – The Petersens – “Gentle on my Mind” was written by John Hartford and performed by Glen Campbell. @thepetersens
11/9 VOCES8 – Shenandoah(arr. Hewitt-Jones) – This London-based octet with two women in pretty amazing. @VOCES8
11/8 Ten Heart-In-Mouth Moments Caught On A GoPro Camera – From frightening incidents at sea to nail-biting moments in the mountains, here’s a montage of GoPro video from scary times from adventurers around the world. @BsaGrant @GoPro
11/8 The Rocky Road To Dublin – The Ramparts _ This would usually be in my Humor, Music, Cool Stuff section, but it belongs here. This is a bar I want to spend time in. @Ramparts_dublin
11/7 How the USA’s Oldest Guitar Company Makes $2800 Instruments – This is a look into the Martin Guitar Factory in Nazareth, PA. I have been there and I strongly recommend a visit. I am also a proud owner of a Martin Guitar and Ukulele. The ukuleles are made in their Mexican factory. @BusinessInsider @MartinGuitar
11/3 Moneytalks – Steve’n’Seagulls (LIVE) – This is a funny way to perform in a limo. It’s also a nice AC/DC cover by a string band. @SeagullsBand
11/2 Vivaldi: Concerto in D Major RV 212 “St. Antonio,” Alana Youssefian & Voices of Music, with cadenza! – Vivaldi was amazing. A son of Venice, Italy, he is one composer that you and your kids should know about. @voicesofmusic @asenjopilar
11/2 Jupiter by Gustav Holst This features 18 saxophone players. @SaxophoneUt
11/1 Brandee Younger: Tiny Desk Concert This harpist recently performed on the Tamron Hall Show where my daughter works. @harpista_ @tamronhall @ValmontGod
10/31 “Blues is life” for Grammy-winning musician Christone “Kingfish” Ingram. This is great. If you dig blues at all, check it out. Sorry about the commercial. @callmekingfish @60Minutes
10/30 10 Weirdest Misheard Lyrics of Al Time – This is pretty funny. It’s worth ten minutes. @DoYouRemember
10/27 Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) ~Summer Recital ~7 years old ~ Lee Hieu This is crazy. I thought Jake Shimabukuro’s version was amazing, but this may have him beat. @JakeShimabukuro
10/26 Keith Richards Shows Off His Guitar Skills by Playing Some Rolling Stones Hits | The Tonight Show – Keith plays while Jimmy Fallon imitates Mick Jagger. @officialKeef @jimmyfallon @MickJagger
10/25 10 Beatles Songs That Paul McCartney Hated – If you are a Beatles fan you will like this. @musicbox_usa
10/24 “Cliffs of Dover”-(Eric Johnson) Acoustic Bluegrass Version By Aaron Jaxon – This is insane. Here is the original. @aaronjaxonband @EJUpClose
10/23 The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba – Your don’t have to be a Handel fan to enjoy this. Play this for kids who aren’t into classical music yet. @luciehorsch @BojanCicic @AAMorchestra
10/20 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba – Georg Friederich Händel – You don’t have to be a Handel or a harp fun to enjoy this. Share with music students and teachers. Laetitia Troisi De Menville vua @YouTUbe @PhoeniciaMalta
10/19 Diana Damrau sings Mozart’s “Queen of the Night” aria. This is one of opera’s greatest hits. Give it a chance. @DianaDamrau @WarnerClassicUS
10/18 Umberto Tozzi – Gloria – This is Laura Branigan’s hit from 1992 sung in Italia.n @UmbertoTozzi
10/16 Flash Mob – Pachelbel’s Canon (Canon in D) performed by 7-16 year old kids. Can kids from your school do something like this? #Bellavita #flashmob #Canon #Pachelbel’s
10/13 Sweet Child O’ Mine Bluegrass Cover | Thunder and Rain – This sarts with the musical hook on a mandolin followed by a great female singer. @erinnpeetlukes
10/12 “Sweet Dreams” Hurdy Gurdy Cover – Patty Gurdy (Live Session Here you can find out how a hurdy gurdy works.@Patty_Gurdy
10/11 Oklahoma State Brass Quintet Does J.S. Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor – If you like this piece, you will love this version. @okstate @messiahph
10/10 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” BYU Inauguration Combined Choirs and Orchestra – BYU’s combined choirs, with the BYU Philharmonic Orchestra, perform “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” @BYU
10/10 23 year old phenom Kelvin Kiptum makes history at Chicago Marathon – It’s a new men’s marathon record of 2:00:35. This video shows the last five minutes. @NBCSChicago
10/6 ThreeE pieces that prove Bach was a genius – This for music nerds, but it is very cool. via David Bennett Piano @YouTUbe
10/5 The Role of the Bass in Music If you want to play bass, you need to watch this. @studybass
10/4 Rugby for beginners: a guide to the rules of rugby union – The Rugby World Cup in on now in France and it ends on October 28, 2023. I love the soccer (football) World Cup and I’m starting to enjoy rugby as well. @EnglandRugb10/3 Mozart’s Requiem Mass – I sang this once with my wife and daughter. It really kicks. @TheHarryChanne1
10/2 Top 10 metal moments in classical music I love classical music and some heavy metal. This kicks ass. @Amaranthemetal
9/29 Newport Sessions: Béla Fleck – “A Banjo Crashcourse” – This is an interview with Bela Fleck, my banjo hero. Regardless of which instrument you play this is worth the time. @belafleckbanjo9/27 Circle of Fifths: Everything You Need to Know – Anyone interested in music should watch this short video. @SMCSMusic
9/26 Barbie girl” again, but in the style of 6 classical composers – If you are trying to teach theme and variation this can’t miss. Share with music teachers and students you know. @jcastanyer
9/25 J. S. Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D minor on the glass harp – GlassDuo have created an exceptional musical instrument from a set of custom made wine glasses. @whereisglassduo #GlassHarp #MusicalGlasses
9/22 8 Movies to Watch if You Can’t Stop Thinking About the Roman Empire – I like that it tells you how to stream each movie. You need to disable your ad blocker. @angtric @decider
9/21 Old Movie Stars Dance to Uptown Funk – Turn on subtitles to find out the film names. You don’t have to like Uptown Funk to like this. Thanks to my frat brother and Vietnam vet RICHARD J BATTAGLIA for this. @nerdfestuk
9/19 Thunder Ridge – The Petersens (LIVE) – An Emmett Franz Original – This is an instrumental that I found to be pretty catchy. @thepetersens
9/18 Adam Sandler Has An Incredibly Good Axl Rose Impression. This old “Saturday Night Live” sketch parodying “We are the World” as “Musicians for Free-Range Chickens” also has Phil Hartman as Michael McDonald and Dana Carvey. @jaredrusso @digg @SNL
9/15 LIVE: Rolling Stones launch new album in London – This is a jimmy Fallon interview that you will like if you like the Stones at all. The first part of this video is a lot of dead air. Go to the 1:06 point for the action. @ronniewood @jimmyfallon @RollingStones
9/14 Less Common Instruments Music teachers will get a kick out of this and be able to use it in intro to music classes. Share with any you know. @desirecampbell
9/8 How Adopting 80/20 Running Will Help You Exercise Again, Even After Stopping For Years. This rule aims to improve overall running performance and reduce the risk of injuries. @joellealedu
9/7 Sweet Child O’ Mine Bluegrass Cover | Thunder and Rain – The video that put Thunder and Rain on the map with 6M views is BACK! @erinnpeetlukes
9/6 Lioness grabs GoPro camera and shoots wild selfie video in Kenya. A lioness grabbed a nature photographer’s GoPro camera and shot a wild selfie video while on the prowl in Kenya. @inkonthepad @nypost
9/5 STEVE ’N’ SEAGULLS – The Trooper [Iron Maiden] – How about some Iron Maiden on the banjo? @SeagullsBand
8/28 Mir Kim Wins The World Yo-Yo Contest’s 1A Championship With A 99 Point Score In The Finals. This is INSAME!
8/23 Andrés Segovia: Bach – Gavotte from 4th Lute Suite for guitar – I saw this guy play when I was in high school and he inspired my to learn guitar. I’m glad I did. Allegro Films via @YouTube
8/17 How “solar grazing” is creating a new industry – In many parts of the country, agricultural land is being used to house solar panels. @CBSNews
8/15 Songs that use 2/2 time – This is an excellent that you don’t habe to be a musician to enjoy. David Bennett Piano via @YouTube
8/14 America’s Favorite Music Genres, Ranked – Where does yours and your kid’s rank? @darcymiajimenez @digg
8/10 JS Bach | Harpsichord Concerto in A Major, BWV 1055, I. Allegro – If you have four minutes you will enjoy this. Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment via YouTube
8/9 Clannad: Live at Christ Church Cathedral – IF you like Celtic music you will like this. When’s the last time you saw a harp player sing lead vocals? @ClannadMusic
8/8 Bach – Toccata and Fugue in D minor on the glass harp – This is insane. I love this piece. It was the first piece in Disney’s “Fantasia.” GlassDou via @YouTube
8/7 Most epic version – O Fortuna (Carmina Burana) – This is the heavy metal of classical music. Baú do Rubio via @YouTube
8/4 Woman Turns 600-Square-Feet Tiny Houseboat Into An Affordable Toronto Home With Full Amenities. I would love this. It’s 16 minutes, but you can jump around to see if faster. Joel Leal via @digg
8/3 I Turned FAMOUS Classical Music Into METAL – I’ve always thought that some classical pieces were pretty “metal.” This proves it. There is an ad in the middle you can skip. @CHBerthoud @NordVPN
8/2 Pee-Wee Herman @ David Letterman, Halloween 1984 – As you may know, Paul (Pee Wee Herman) Rubins just passed at age 70. This is comic genius. @jesus_jimz @melenar @peeweeherman
8/1/2023 Why Doesn’t The US Use The Metric System Like Most Of The World? – If you know a teacher who has to teach measurement, please share. @weird_hist #history
7/28 The World’s Most Dangerous Sex Position – There are countless sex positions, some more dangerous than others. But have you tried the world’s most dangerous one? My wife passed from ALS in 2009 and we never tried this one. @godsfavourite_1
7/27 BAROQUE TRUMPET TUNES (Handel Purcell Clarke Charpentier Mouret) – If you have kids you should expose them to this. IT rocks. @ensimon
7/26 David Byrne – The 60 Minutes Video – I’m a huge fan of this guy who reinvents himself every few years. I’ve seen all of the shows mentioned here. @DBtodomundo @60Minutes
7/25 Mel Blanc on How He Created His Iconic Voices | Carson Tonight Show 1983 – Parents and kids should both find this amazing. @JohnWCarson_RP
7/21 Would You Still Eat KFC If You Knew How Gross It Was? From animal cruelty to less-than-hygienic practices, you might think twice about buying that chicken bucket once you’ve seen how it’s made. (Full Confession: I’m a vegan.) @darcymiajimenez @MashedHQ @digg
7/19 All Presidents Heights Comparison: From Washington to Biden, Shortest to Tallest – See if you or your kids can guess the height of some presidents you know. Social studies teachers can use this. Anger Entrainment via @YouTube
7/18 Hollywood’s Future Belongs to People—Not Machines. Artificial intelligence is poised to transform entertainment as we know it, from blockbusters to pornography. But the power is still in the hands of humans. @MadelineAshby @WIRED
7/18 Chuck Jones – The Evolution of an Artist – If you are into cartoons at all you have to watch this. Also, share it with your kids. @24ppersecond @tonyszhou @glassesattached
7/17 Ringmasters – The Bells Of Notre Dame Medley with a Symphony Orchestra – Performed together with The Heilbronn Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Alois Seidlmeier in Konzert- und Kongresszentrum Harmonie Heilbronn, Theodor-Heuss-Saal 2022-12-18. @RingmastersQtet
7/14 Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries” Organ Solo – You don’t have to be an opera fan like me to enjoy this. @ScottBrosDuo
7/13 Moyun Rearranges ‘Sweet Child O’ Mine’ Into A Groovy Folk Rock Tune. If you liked the original you will probably like this. 墨韵 Moyun Official on YouTube
7/11 Elly De La Cruz Stole Second, Third And Home In The Blink Of An Eye. This guy is the most exciting player in baseball not named Ohtani. @MLB
7/7 This Trick Won The Magic World Championships And It Has Utterly Destroyed Our Brains. Any idea how he does this? It’s actually several tricks put together. @Ecsleights @FISMNews
7/6 The World Jigsaw Puzzle Championships Are STRESSFUL! – Guinness World Records – This can be good therapy at home, but stressful in competition. @GWR
7/5 Zadok the Priest – Georg Friederich Händel – If you watched King Charles III coronation you heard the full orchestral version of this. Here it is done on two harps. Harpist Laetitia Troisi De Menville at St John’ s Co Cathedral, Malta @maltatoday
7/4 This Is What Happens When You Launch Fireworks From A Drone – With great firepower comes great drone responsibility. What could go wrong? @_beyondthepress
7/3 Venice on Foot – What to know before you go = I suggest going in September. If you haven’t been there put it on you bucket list. There is nothing like it. Nomad Citello on YouTube
6/30 Mel Brooks Admits To Cutting A Scene In ‘Blazing Saddles’ That Went Too Far. This is somewhat edgy and clearly for adults. @TeamCoco
6/29 Nikki Glaser Turned MC Hammer’s ‘U Can’t Touch This’ Into An Acoustic Sing-Along With Ease. The multitalented Nikki Glaser took the acoustic guitar and turned everyone’s favorite bop into a folk singalong. This is funny, but also very good. @NikkiGlaser @FallonTonight
6/29 Listen To The 16 Finalists Representing Their Nations In This Year’s Eurovision Song Contest. A new Eurovision winner was chosen from the 16 finalists who represented their nations at this year’s contest, which was be held in Liverpool, UK. See if you can pick who won. The only other way you could have watched this in the US is with a Peacock account. @ad_waitt @Moroccanoil @Eurovision
6/28 2 Accordions 24 Countries | Traditional Music – These guys are amazing. Just Duet on Youtube
6/23 Dance Group Murmuration’s Hypnotic Performance Earns Them The Golden Buzzer On ‘America’s Got Talent.’ Murmuration’s show involved the group wearing blindfolds and synchronizing a set to some downtempo music. @AGT
6/22 This World Champion Juggler Can Teach You To Juggle In Under An Hour. I followed this advice and learned how to juggle. Make sure you start at the beginning of this video. @BsaGrant @GalchenkoVova
6/21 Tom Scott Takes A Ride On One Of The Last Remaining DIY Cable Cars In Operation. There are only a handful of manual cable cars that exist in the word, and that are still operational, and Tom Scott visited one such location in the Slovenian mountains. @tomscott
The 30 Guitar Riffs Everyone Should Know How many can you play? How many would you like to play. Search YouTube for lessons. @Paulmdavids
6/19 We’re Dizzy Just Watching 4K Footage From This Norwegian Monster Coaster Going Upside Down. Tusenfryd in Oslo, Norway is home to an intense coaster called “Storm.” We couldn’t hack it, but we get a thrill watching other people freak out. @ThemeParkReview @BsaGrant @tusenfrydas
6/15 What The Journey To Mars Will Be Like! – There is some detail here that I didn’t know. This is a cool science lesson.
6/14 Making Gains With LIGHT Weights Is Possible! Here’s How. I have weights in my living room and use them as I watch TV. @Picture_Fit
6/12 J.S. Bach, Cello Suite No 1 – Julia Lange, Classical Guitar – This is an amazing piece that many people copy. This is a great guitar version.
6/12 Jakob Ingebrigtsen 2 mile world record – This is pretty insane. The guy runs back to back 7:57 miles. Crazy. @runningshoeguru
6/8 10 Cheapest Countries in Europe 2023 They all lot like very cool places to visit. My Swedish cousins go to places like these as they are smart and frugal. @WanderListGuide @wanderlustmag
6/7 Glen Campbell – Best Guitar Solos 1960 to 2000s – Glenn was an amazing guitarist and a member of the Wrecking Crew although you may know him more for his singing hits. Solo Flight West on YouTube
6/6 SENSATIONAL Welsh Male Choir Has Judges In TEARS In Britain’s Got Talent Audition 2023 – These guys practice once a week on Sunday. This is very cool. @MaleJohns @BGT
6/5 Teenage Sensation Malakai Bayoh’s ‘O Mio Babbino Caro’ Brings ‘Britain’s Got Talent’s’ Judges To Tears. The 13-year-old singer Malakai Brown has proven once again why he’s one of “Britain’s Got Talent’s” star performers. @Malakai_Music @BGT
6/2 The Mzansi Youth Choir’s Bring ‘AGT’s’ Judges To Tears And Get A Unanimous Golden Buzzer With Their Angelic Cover Of Nightbirde’s ‘It’s Okay.’ The auditorium erupted when all the judged decided to hit “AGT’s” golden buzzer for the Mzansi Youth Choir, after hearing their soulful rendition of Nightbirde song “It’s Okay.” @MzansiYouthChoi @AGT
6/1/2023 Nikola Jokic too smart for the NBA plays but they get increasingly smarter. This guy from Serbia is an amazing passer and seven feet tall. Get ready for him in the NBA finals. @njokicfanclub @NBA @nuggets
5/30 A Tight 12-Minute Set Of Just Peanut Butter Jokes, And They All Stick – This is very funny and clean. @800pgm @GregWarren
5/26 Accent Coach Clearly Enunciates How You’d Get Grounded In 20 Different Accents From Around The World. This is very cool and only takes 1:50. @accentcoach1
5/26 The Legendary Tina Turner Passed Away At The Age Of 83, Here Are Some Of The Queen Of Rock’n’Roll’s Iconic Moments. Read for a little “Proud Mary?” @jaredrusso
5/25 Someone Replaced ‘(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life’ In ‘Dirty Dancing’ With ‘The Muppet Show’ Theme Song And Created A Masterpiece. The climactic dance scene in “Dirty Dancing” is dramatically improved with “The Muppets” theme song. @Pandamoanimum
5/23 Who pays the lowest taxes in the US? There’s a common myth about who pays their fair share, and who doesn’t. @voxdotcom
5/22 The Engineering of the Drinking Bird – This is a great science lesson that should grab the attention of upper elementary on up. @engineerguytwit
5/19 PINK PANTHER Theme | double bass quintet | Božo Paradžik & students – Most symphonies don’t have five-string bass players, but here are five of them playing together. @FinanceDirCFO
5/17 Conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin wants to open world of classical music, opera to new audiences. I go to the Metropolitan Opera several times a year and this guy is GREAT! @nezetseguin @60Minutes
5/15 Zadok the Priest – Handel Electrifies the Coronation!. If you watched the coronation of King Charles III you heard this. It really kicks. via The Music Professor on YouTube
5/10 Guy Turns The Police’s ‘Every Breath You Take’ Into A Grimey Rammstein Reimagination – One-man-band Moonic Productions turns the gears on the popular rock song and gives it an industrial twist. via Moonic Productions @ad_waitt
5/8 Musicians pay tribute to Gordon Lightfoot – As you may know he just passed at the age of 84.This sis a summary, but if you want to hear some songs it’s an easy search on YouTube. @CBCNews
5/4 11-Year-Old Olivia Lynes Wows ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ With A Cover Of ‘Defying Gravity’. Olivia Lynes received the golden buzzer on “BGT” after Amanda Holden deservedly smashed it upon hearing Lynes’s cover of Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth’s “Defying Gravity.” @AmandaHolden
5/3 Andrés Segovia: Bach – Gavotte from 4th Lute Suite for guitar – This guy was amazing. I remember him from the 1960s. @losolivosca
5/2 Walking Blues (Robert Johnson) feat. Keb’ Mo’ | Playing For Change | Song Around The World – I’m not sure how they sinc the music, but this is very cool. @playing4changen #PlayingForChange
5/1/2023 Can Cricket SUPERSTAR Harry Brook learn how to hit a baseball in just 1 day?! | MLB Europe Follow International cricket sensation and MLB Europe Ambassador Harry Brook as he heads to Florida to join up with the St. Louis Cardinals’ Spring Training camp. @MLB
4/28 Harris, Parton, Ronstadt on Late Show, March 24, 1999, – “Trio II” was recorded in 1994 but not released until 1999, when Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton, and Linda Ronstadt appeared on Late Show to perform Neil Young’s “After the Gold Rush.” The Glass Harmonica (or Armonica) was played by Dennis James, @thedonz5
4/27 Understanding Mr. Brightside – This is crazy cool for anyone who likes the Killers and people who are into music and art. @12tonevideos
4/26 Top 10 metal moments in classical music – I like metal music and a lot of classical music could pass for metal in addition to these selections. @Amaranthemetal
4/25 Cartoons about Teachers and Students Asking Questions during Lessons – But exactly how many questions do teachers ask? A two-decade-old research article summarized research on teacher questioning. @LarryCuban
4/24 UNLEASH THE ARCHERS – Northwest Passage (Official Video) | Napalm Records – This a punk version of a Stan Rogers classic that is something of an unofficial Canadian national anthem. @UnleashArchers @BuchanZig @BrittneyPotPie @g_duckets @akingsleyuta @NickMShred
4/21 Concerts Sound A Lot Better Now, And The Explanation Is Simple – This is a good science lesson that music fans will like. @BsaGrant @WIRED
4/21 The Best Arena To See A Live NBA Game In, Ranked – This data display is worth a look even if you are not an NBA fan. @jaredrusso @digg
4/19 These Financial Statistics Of The Average Person Are Eye-Opening. This is an excellent video for high school students on up. I’ve always been a saver and never had credit card debt. I now am comfortable in retirement. @Chris_invests
4/17 Florida is ground zero for moving scams where companies demand extra fees — or steal your stuff. Moving company scams are on the rise, and almost half originate in Florida. Anyone moving should read this as you can find scammers in all states. @eliza_relman
4/13 Official Ronnie James Dio Hologram Wacken Performance – Are you really dead if you are performing as a hologram? My brother-in-law Doug Thaler played with him in a band called The Electric Elves. @OfficialRJDio
4/12 A Desk Is Made From Recycled Chopsticks, But Is It Any Good? It’s a bit pricey, but this chopstick desk is surprisingly pretty neat. @ShrtCrctYT
4/11 When Is Easter? This is pretty nerdy, but astronomy, calendar, and religious buffs should like it. @KieranBorovac
4/7 The Poor Farm Boy Who Invented Reese’s to Provide for His Family – This 13-minute story about how the most popular candy in the US came to be is very interesting. @BusinessStoriesOfficial @reeses @Hersheys
4/6 Hugh Jackman Explains Why He Turned Down The Chance To Be James Bond. – I saw Hugh in “The Music Man.” In my view, he is the best when it comes to singing, dancing, and acting. @RealHughJackman @HowardStern
4/5 A Mathematician’s Tips On The Best Ways To Win The Lottery – There are no surefire ways to win, but mathematician Skip Garibaldi has a few clever tricks to make your lottery experience better. @skipgaribaldi
4/3/2023 How to Build a Martin Guitar | Factory Tour – I recommend the real factory tour if you are ever in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, but this is pretty good. I am a proud owner of one. @premierguitar @MartinGuitar
3/31 Old Rock Star Songs from comedian Tim Hawkins Classic Rock Songs updated for the singer’s age – This does make fun of old people, but I’m 76 and it made me laugh. @timhawkinscomic
3/30 The Curious Connection Between Cartoons and Classical Music In this video, we look at some history and the work of Carl Stalling to figure what connection exists between classical music and Looney Tunes cartoons. @PanchoBah1
3/29 14 Songs Based On Classical Music – The copyright for a piece of music expires 70 years after the composer dies. This means most classical music is in the public domain and free to use. David Bennett Piano on YouTube
3/28 How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube in 8 Steps | The Math of Games and Puzzles – If you want to impress your friends you will probably need some help, so here it is. @Wondrium
3/27 Charpentier: Te Deum, H. 146 | B’Rock Orchestra, Vox Luminis & Lionel Meunier – If you like baroque music, this is for you. @BRock_Orchestra @VLuminis @LionelMeunier @dw_culture
3/23 A 5,000-mile-long mass of seaweed is coming to shore. Here’s what will happen. The Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt, a 5,000-mile-long belt of seaweed weighing more than 11 million tons, is threatening to wreak havoc in the coastal waters and beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. @johnyangtv @NewsHour
3/22 Beethoven Flash Mob – Wayzata Symphony Orchestra and Edina Chorale – Minneapolis Nov 16, 2015, – @marleneconducts @EdinaChorale
3/21 It’s Basically Impossible To Overcook Mushrooms. I’m a vegan at home and use a lot of mushrooms. They add some good taste to your meals. This is also an excellent science lesson. for middle school on up. @SciShow
3/20 Six13 – Elton Johnukah Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, hello #Chanukah! Our last homage to a Piano Man went so well we thought we’d celebrate one of our most joyous holidays with a tribute to another timeless entertainer, the great Sir Elton John himself. @Six13Sings @EltonJohn
3/17 aroon 5 – Memories | One Voice Children’s Choir Cover – Share with your school’s music teachers. I bet your kids can do this. @1VoiceChildrens
3/16 A Normal Person Explains Cryptocurrency. This is funny and informative and only two minutes long. @avalonpenrose
3/13 Breaking Down American Homeowners’ Stubborn Obsession With Lawns – Around 80 percent of American homes have lawns, and it’s a safe bet that 100 percent of those lawns are pointless. @HalfInteresting @HelloFresh
3/10 Tennis has a Pickle ball Problem – This is the fastest growing sport in the US. Learn about it here. @CultTennisYT
3/8 RIP David Crosby – This guy should have died a long time ago based on his life style. This is a eulogy that covers his career. Seach YouTube to hear him perform. @amity_tracks
3/7 How playing an instrument benefits your brain – When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. @TED_ED
3/6 JEFF BECK LIVE Cause We’ve Ended As Lovers – As you may know, Jeff just passed at age 78. He has been a big deal in rock since the 196s. The above photo features Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones on the left next to Jeff and Rod Stewart on the right. Hit YouTube to listen to more of his work. @jeffbeckmusic
3/3 Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell | TEDxSydney – There is math than predict if a marriage will work. @cliocresswell @tedxsydney
3/1/2023 Opening a Vial of Cesium Underwater – I doubt your school with have any cesium setting around, so share this with chemistry teachers and students you know. @theactionlabman @manscaped
2/27 Top 10 Rock and Roll Pioneers – You can argue that they left someone out, but these folks all belong for my money. @WatchMojo
2/24 Andy Varipapa’s Bowling Trick Shots From 1948 Stand The Test Of Time. These are amazing. I remember watching this guy bowl on TV when I was growing up in the 1950s. @BowlingCityUae
2/22 Zadok the Priest — Choir of Westminster Abbey – The singing starts around 1:25. This is very majestic and is scheduled to be part of King Charles coordination. @finchbrown
2/21 Rush -Tom Sawyer live – This starts out with a funny bit from a “South Park” show. @rushtheband @SouthPark
2/17 MNOZIL BRASS | Wilhelm (William) Tell Overture – If you like brass with a little humor you will enjoy this. @mnozilbrass
2/15 An ex-Russian spy gives seductive manipulation tips can get you any man. There is some s\psychology here that anyone looking for love can use. @AliiaRoza @nypost
2/14 More Than a Name on a Wall – The Petersens (LIVE) – This is a real tear-jerker. @thepetersens
2/13 Five Surprising Facts You Need to Know about a Female Body – Consider showing this to your teens as I doubt your school covers any of this. @RenaMalikMD
2/9 The Top Ten Songs That the Beatles Gave Away – See how many you have heard of. @beatlesbible
2/7 An electric tuk-tuk it a perfect city ‘truck.’There are clearly some places where electric vehicles are the best choice. @MicahToll
2/3 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Live in Augusta Maine 1991 If you like country and folk music you will like these guys. @GrittyDirt
2/2 Doug Kershaw – Diggy Diggy Lo – This video is from 1990. If you like Cajun music you will like this guy. He is now 87. @KERSHAWDOUG
2/1/2023 How A Couple Of Design Tweaks And A Solid Marketing Strategy Helped Lego Wipe Out Its Competition – Phil Edwards explains how a toy block company like Lego beat its competition to become one of the world’s biggest brands. @PhilEdwardsInc @voxdotcom
1/31 The history of football – Ball games resembling modern football, aka soccer, go way back. @thatmattbates
1/30 Flash Mob – Pachelbel’s Canon (Canon in D) performed by 7-16-year-old kids – This takes a minute or so to take off, but it’s pretty cool. #Bellavita
1/27 The Origins of Rock ‘n’ Roll (1922-1959) – There is text below that tells you who is singing and what year. This is very cool. Lots of black voices made rock and roll happen. Kids in school should listen to this. @TheDirtyDeeds
1/26 “I saw the light” – If you like banjo, you will like this. I started playing in 1963 and still do.
1/25 Google Translate Sings: “You’re Welcome” from Moana (PARODY). @missmalindakat @TxdTranslations @SingKingKaraoke @jmkatzenstein
1/24 The Real Problem with Living on Mars – This is a good science lesson for upper elementary on up. @TheInfoShow
1/23 Alaska man can see the Northern Lights from his doorstep. THis video is only thirty seconds, but it’s amazing. @Vincent_Ledvina @UAFGI @nypost
1/13 How to make the perfect vegan ragu – recipe – It’s pretty clear that plant-based diets are the healthiest. Becoming a vegan is a gradual process so give this recipe a chance. @FelicityCloake @guardian
1/12 What caused flights to be grounded nationwide for hours on Wednesday? (1/11/2023 – Here are some answers but we all want to know more. @wusa9
1/10 NASA’s New Discoveries Deep Within Jupiter’s Clouds and Moons | Juno Year 6 Update – There lots of new pictures here for astronomy buffs. @astrumspace
1/6 Michael Smith And Michael van Gerwen Produce An Electrifying And History-Making ’23 World Darts Final. “The most remarkable 61 seconds the sport has ever seen,” said one review. @SkySportsDarts @Michael180Smith @MvG180 @OfficialPDC
1/4 A bunch of retired seniors in their 60s, 70s and 80s, were asked about their biggest mistakes and regrets, and later offered life advice so that other people can avoid them. This all sounds like good advice to me and I’m in this age group. @Sprouht_
1/2/2023 MNOZIL BRASS | Wilhelm (William) Tell Overture – These guys ae funny and good. If you like brass at all, you must watch. @mnozilbrass1/2/2023 MNOZIL BRASS | Wilhelm (William) Tell Overture – These guys ae funny and good. If you like brass at all, you must watch. @mnozilbrass
12/29 Two Guys Figure Out How To Get The Absolute Maximum Air On A Water Slide Ramp – We’re not quite sure what kind of waterpark allows two people to go down a slide together, but more waterparks should say “screw it” and allow it, because this looks awesome. #PraiseTheCameraMan
12/27 Dire Straits – Sultans Of Swing – Mark Knofler is an excellent guitarist as this video will attest to. @DireStraits77 @MarkKnopfler
12/27 This Acapella Group Performed A Next Level Version Of Kate Bush’s ‘Running Up That Hill’ From ‘Stranger Things’ – South Korean five-member Acappella group absolutely crushes this cover of Kate Bush’s signature song that might save you from Vecna. @MayTree78 @KateBushMusic
12/22 The Real Reason NASA Is Returning to the Moon! – Large parts are unexplored. @NASA @TheSimplySpace
12/22 Blue Man Grop – You are in for a treat if you haven’t seen this act before. @bluemangroup
12/21 Here’s What Will Happen to Qatar’s Billion Dollar Stadiums Now That the World Cup Is Over. The total seating capacity comes to 426,031, nearly 100,000 seats more than the entire native population of Qatar. @arynebaker @TIME
12/20 Are Talking Trash Cans The Secret To Sweden’s Cleanliness? John Oliver investigated the case of the talking garbage cans in Malmö, Sweden, to see if they made disposing of garbage fun. WARNING: There is a casual F-word. @LastWeekTonight
12/19 Flash Mob – Performing “I Will Follow Him” & “Jupiter” by Holst at a Mall – What’s not to love about this. Share with your kids. Dontate to Flash Mob Geek here
12/15 Jolene (Dolly Parton); by Shut Up & Kiss Me! – This is an interesting cover to Dolly Parton’s big hit. @StudiouldeBaza for letting us film at your place! @GiuliaSirbuSinger @BeatriceFloreaSinger @Alexandra Parasca @AndreiCerbuTheVoodooChild @Robert Ciubotaru
12/13 Does San Francisco Have The Steepest Streets In The World? If bicycling is your hobby you will enjoy this. Mitch Boyer on YouTube @insta360
12/9 How A Woman Raised An Abandoned Squirrel And Nursed It Back Into The Wild – If you or a friend is an animal love you will find this 8+ minute video to be a real tearjerker. @Tommygun0388
12/8 Everything You Need To Know About The Most Notorious Type Of Ants. Polyergus ants have some of the most brutal and hierarchical working systems among their ranks, which is why they’re called “slave-raiding ants.” @Kurz_Gesagt
12/7 Oklahoma State | J.S. Bach Toccata and Fugue in D Minor – This is five trumpet players taking on this Bach classic. Share with music teachers you know. @bwi11i @jkhartl
12/6 The Unexplainable Mystery of Stonehenge REVEALED! – I have visited this site and highly recommend it your you can any kids you know. @SciShow
12/5 Lewis Black | The Rant Is Due best of the Bible – In this collection of rants, Lewis analyzes the differences between the Jewish and Christian Bibles, the separation of church and state, and the Ark Encounter “life-size” Noah’s Ark/Creation Museum in Williamstown, KY. @TheLewisBlack
12/2 Watch Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie (1943-2022) Perform ‘Everywhere’ Live In 1997. Rest in peace, Christine McVie. @Nickslive @christine_mcvie
12/1/2022 California Dreamin’ (The Mamas & The Papas); Cover by Shut Up & Kiss Me! – If you like three strong female voices singing together, you will like this. @BeatriceFloreaSinger @GiuliaSirbuSinger @Alexandra Parasca @AndreiCerbuTheVoodooChild @Robert Ciubotaru @Maria Tufeanu
11/30 Five FANTASTIC Google Maps Features You Want To Know About – Google Maps does far more than just give us turn-by-turn directions. With Google Maps you can measure distance, measure area, and look back in time with street view history. @dottotech
11/29 Seven super common chord progressions and why they work – This is a great lesson for beginners. More experienced players like myself might like it too. David Bennett Piano on YouTube
11/28 Walls of Time – The Petersens (LIVE) – Looks like the little sister couldn’t make it. @thepetersens
11/25 Metallica – Master of Puppets (Piano Cover) – I like this version better than the original. @Gamazda_
11/23 Learn To Solo In 5 Minutes – 6 Note Soloing Technique – Steve Stine Guitar Lesson – Playing lead guitar is easier than you think. This is an outstanding video. @stinemusic
11/22 Here’s The Trailer Of ‘Elemental,’ The Next Pixar Movie That Might Make You Cry. Pixar has an amazing record for turning out hit movies. This could be the next hit. @Pixar @leahmlewis
11/18 Mark Knopfler Showing his magic on an acoustic guitar – This is a good guitar lesson for beginner and intermediate guitarists. @MarkKnopfler @chanchoconhipo
11/17 Kids React to AC/DC This is so cute. As a retired elementary principal I love these kids. I’m also a big AC/DC fan. @react
11/16 Every FIFA World Cup 2022 Kit, Ranked – If you are into football (soccer) like me at all, you will enjoy this. Folks just into fashion will like it too. @BOOMBOOMPAOLOW @InsideHook
11/15 Cartoons about Grades and Tests in Schools – Here is this month’s cartoons about families, teachers, and students as they encounter the rituals of report cards, homework, scanning school grades, the aftermath of Covid-19, and enduring state tests. @LaarryCuban
11/15 The #1 Smoke Bombs for Photography in the World – If you ar a photographer or a photography teacher, get some of these for special effects in your photos.
11/14 Jeff Beck and ZZ Top do Ernie Ford’s “Sixteen Tons.” “Sixteen Tons” is a song written by Merle Travis about a coal miner based on life in the mines of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. Ernie Ford has a number 1 hit with it in 1955. These guys make it seem fresh. @ZZTop @jeffbeckmusic
11/11 I’ll Fly Away – The Cotton Pickin Kids – This band is composed on six siblings, the oldest of which is only 19 with their dad on bass. They are good and so cute. @vivs1man
11/8 The Seven MOST IMPORTANT Things to Own in Retirement – Share with retirees and people approaching retirement you know.
11/7 Axis of Awesome – 4 Four Chord Song – This is a funny demonstration how most hit songs only use four chords. WARNING: Get ready for a few f-words. @axisofawesome
11/4 “Weird Al” Yankovic – Bob – THis song is entirely made of of palindromes. English teachers should use this. It’s a parody of Bob Dylan’s Subteranian Homesick Blues. @alyankovic @Vevo
11/3 Neil Peart Drum Solo – Rush Live in Frankfurt – Neil Peart (1952-2020), the drummer for Rush, is considered by many as the best rock drummer ever. Check this out and see if you agree. @NeilPeartFans @rushtheband
11/2/2022 The Traveling Wilburys – Handle With Care – This all-star band is 3/5 dead, but still worth a listen. I was impressed with George Harrison’s singing and nobody sings like Roy Orbison. @OfficialWilbury @JeffLynnesELO @bobdylan
10/28 Timothy Fletcher’s Drumming Will Instantly Put You In A Rhythmic Mood. Fletcher began playing drums in sixth grade and, over the last few years, has established himself as an electric performer, with appearances on different late night TV and sports shows. Also, check him out o YouTube. @Timothyfletch
10/26 Halloween Photo Ideas Here is some inspiration on how to make the most of your smoke bombs and pumpkins to create an epic photoshoot this Halloween. shutterbombs on Instagram
10/25 Why is it so hard to cure the common cold? This is an excellent TED Ed video for middle school on up. @TED_ED @antonbogaty @TheRealNeekola
10/24 How the World’s Wealthiest People Travel – If you like to travel like I do you will enjoy this. @wendoverpro @HalfInteresting @StandardShows @WatchNebula
10/21 Buying Your First Acoustic Guitar (5 Things You MUST Consider) | A Beginner’s Guide – Guitar Center Lessons wants to help make choosing your first acoustic guitar an easy and informed process. @guitarcenter
10/20 How does money laundering work? – Delena D. Spann = Money laundering is the term for any process that “cleans” illegally obtained funds of their “dirty” criminal origins, allowing them to be used within the legal economy. @FraudCrusader @TED_ED
10/19 Comedian He Huang’s ‘Australia’s Got Talent Audition Brought Down The Entire House Huang’s self-reflective set had the judges, hosts and audience members of “Australia’s Got Talent” in splits. @hehuangcomedy
10/18 Busting Five common myths about water and hydration – To set the record straight, Life Kit talks to Tamara Hew-Butler, associate professor of exercise and sports science at Wayne State University; Mindy Millard-Stafford, director of the Exercise Physiology Laboratory at Georgia Tech; and Yuki Oka, a professor of biology at Caltech who specializes in thirst. @aaronscottNPR @NPRLifeKit @NPR
10/17 Apple Watch 8 – First 14 Things To Do! ( Tips & Tricks ) – I’ve love my Apple Watch 3, but this looks pretty good. @whatgearreviews @Apple
10/14 Homecoming – Cotton Pickin Kids – This is a very young band that has promise. They remind me don’t an early eversion of the Petersens. If you like cute, this is for you. @vivs1man
10/12 Domino Structures Defy Gravity As They Topple At The World Domino Collective 2022. Who knew dominoes could do all this? Watch as 704,814 (of 750,000 set up by the Dutch Domino Team) dominoes go down in a riveting sequence, setting a new amateur domino record. @theawesomer @Hevesh5
10/10 GoPro Awards: Top 10 Official Selections – Five years ago today, GoPro introduced the GoPro Community to GoPro Awards – an always-on program created to reward camera users with monetary awards and gear for sharing their best GoPro content. @GoPro
10/8 US Cities Are Recycling Trees and Poop to Make Compost. Wood and biosolids from water treatment plants can be used to improve the soil—and keep remaining trees healthy. @SeattleBryn @WIRED
10/7 The 100 Greatest Karaoke Songs of All Time – I’m sure all of you will take issue with some of these and find some of your favorites missing. Let me know what they left out at @billboard
10/6 Why Only Three Countries In The World Still Run On The Imperial System – Can you or your kids name these countries. Skip to 3:30 to avoid the commercial. This is a great lesson on the evolution of measurement. @johnnywharris
9/19 BEST EVER AC-DC impression by Jim Breuer – This guy does “The Hokey Pokey” AC/DC style. This is a riot. @JimBreuer
9/18 The benefits of good posture – Your posture is the foundation for every movement your body makes and can determine how well your body adapts to the stresses on it. @TED_ED @beynine_beynine
9/17 Pipe Dream (Animusic) – Remastered 4K 60 FPS – This is an INSANELY GOOD animation. Please watch and share.
9/17 David Beckham joins queue for Queen’s lying-in-state. Ex-England soccer captain recalls receiving his OBE from the Queen as he waits with thousands of mourners in central London. Why aren’t you going? @JamieGrierson @guardian
9/16 Grieg – In the Hall of the Mountain King – This starts off slow and rocks near the end. @ScottBrosDuo
9/14 The Heimatdamisch: Sweet Child o’ Mine (Guns n’ Roses) – Taken from the album “The Heimatdamisch: Circus Oberkrain”, available at bergbeatshop. @SoulPitStop1
9/13 The Best Damn Female Guitarists The World Has to offer! I love watching ladies rock. @CRAVE_Guitars
9/12 70’s VS 80’s VS 90’s (Guitar Riffs Battle) This a blast no matter which decard you grew up in
9/9 Safest States in America – TOP Data has identified the safest states in America by comparing all 50 states across 37 relevant metrics. How is your state doing? I was happy to see my state of New York at 14. @TopDataScience
9/8 A Thousand Musicians Rocked ‘Under Pressure’ Harder Than It’s Ever Been Rocked Before. Rockin 1,000, the 1,000-person band from Italy, absolutely crush this live cover of the Queen-Bowie classic. @rockin_1000
9/7 Inner peace Rmx by Pazzos Bi (Lyrics and Video) – This guy is a one-man band. Be sure to follow him. @PazzosB
9/6 10 THINGS I wish I knew as a beginner guitarist – This video by Paul Davids is something that beginners and experienced guitarists should watch. @Paulmdavids
9/3 These Marimba Players Didn’t Have To Go So Hard But They Did. Hillcrest College Marimba Band brought home the Marimba Challenge Cup with this banger in 2017. @ZwHillcrest @theawesomer
9/2 Ten Bike-friendly cities you can actually afford – My daughter lives in Brooklyn, which is bike friendly, but the average rent there is $3000/month. @propelbike
9/1/2022 Why The World’s Highest Jumping Robot — That Can Leap 110 Feet — Is A Marvel In Engineering, Derek Muller reveals how this robot can jump as high as the Statue Of Liberty’s eye-level. @veritasium
8/31 Dueling Horns and Banjos – AKA Deliverance like you’ve never seen it! This is crazy good and so creative. @Duttons #duttontv #branson
8/30 AC/DC – Thunderstruck Guzheng Cover|Moyun – This is done on an Asian zither of some sort. She plays both guitar parts, some of the bass part and some of the percussion. It is AMAZING. @AndyVermaut
8/29 Cartoons about Schools and Covid (2020-2022) – Even in these turbulent years, cartoonists have found humor in the impact of this troublesome and lethal virus that has seized the U.S. and the rest of the world. @LarryCuban
8/26 Five Levels of Canon in D – Easy to Insane. I love this piece and this does some very cool things with it. Piano players should really enjoy it. @musicalbasics
8/25 THE WHO *BABA O’RILEY* live in CINCINNATI at TQL Stadium on 5/15/2022 First concert Cincy 43 years. It starts with Pete Towndsand talking and introducing the band. You can go to the 8:30 mark for a very cool violin solo. Ringo Starr’s son Zach is on drums and is very good. Daltry can still sing. @TheWho
8/24 It Seemed Like a Normal Day – David Perry Original – This song is especially good for elementary students as they can practice their reading skills as they watch. @DavidPerryTunes
8/23 Home Free – “When Will I Be Loved.” If you like acapella, the Everly Brothers, or Linda Ronstadt, you will like this. @HomeFreeGuys
8/20 ABBA’S DANCING QUEEN Like You’ve NEVER Heard It Before! Simon Cowell Won’t Forget This AGT Audition – Debbii Dawson WOWS Simon & the Judges with her GORGEOUS Original Version of a Pop Classic with Simon Cowell, Heidi Klum, Sofia Vergara, and Howie Mandel on America’s Got Talent 2022. @debbiidawson @AGT @SimonCowell @heidiklum @SofiaVergara @howiemandel
8/19 Thunderstruck |but with banjos| – Southern Raised This is the second post I’ve done of this AC/DC song featuring banjos. These guys are good. @SouthernRaisedB
8/18 2020 Branson Show – The Petersens (LIVE) – Can’t get enough of this band. This is a full 1:20 concert, so watch as much as you want. @thepetersens
8/17 Miley Cyrus – Jolene (Backyard Session) HD | LYRICS IN VIDEO! – Sorry about Miley Syrus two days in a row, but she has a special voice. This was ten years ago. @MileyArmy
8/16 Simone Giertz Builds The Most Satisfying Music Box Ever By Popping Bubble Wrap.
Mad genius Simone Giertz builds an immensely satisfying music box using the dulcet sounds of bubble wrap. This is very clever. You can skip ahead if you don’t want to watch the entire process. @SimoneGiertz
8/15 Miley Cyrus and Metallica “Nothing Else Matters” Live on the Stern Show You don’t have to be a fan of Miley or Metallica to enjoy this. It starts with a talk with Howard Stern. The singing starts at about the 2:40 mark. @Metallica @MileyNewsAccess @MileyCyrus @HowardStern
8/14 TOP 30 songs for ACOUSTIC guitar! You don’t have to be a guitar player to enjoy this. @Paulmdavids
8/11 Pachabel’s canon in D but it keeps getting jazzier. This variation of this classic piece is pretty cool. @hiromispark @TWFTonyWilliams
8/10 CELTICA – Pipes rock: Smoke on the Water, Scotland the Brave/ Live – Please forgive me if I’m posting too many rock and roll bag pipe videos.
8/9 Here Are The Eight Biggest Terrestrial Vehicles On The Planet. You won’t see them driving down your street, but they are pretty amazing. @supercarblondie @MECN_Davina
8/8 Joan Jett & Dave Grohl ~ Cherry Bomb 2015 – This is a favorite of mine. It’s a rock number for a woman, but Dave does it justice. @joanjett @foofighters
8/7 80 Great Guitar Intros – If you don’t play guitar please share this with people you know who do. @Paulmdavids
8/6 VOCES8: ‘Locus Iste’ by Anton Bruckner. If you like acapella music, you will like this. @VOCES8
8/5 Comedian Recreates That Horrifying Realization When You Find Out Someone Forgot To Use Reusable Bags. A roommate fails to use reusable bags, and drama ensues. WARNING: One F-word. @AuntyDonnaBoys
8/4 The James Webb Space Telescope Zeroes In On One Of The Weirdest Galaxies In The Universe. A new image looks at the mysterious Cartwheel Galaxy, some 500 million light-years from Earth. @EdMazza @HuffPost
8/3 Comedian Recreates What Goes On Inside Every Woman’s Brain On A First Date. I love femail comedians and this one is pretty funny. WARNING: Two S-words and some tame sexual references. @lkallmekris
8/2/2022 Watch The First Two Hours Of MTV Remastered From Its Original 1981 Broadcast. MTV isn’t what it used to be. I loved the original version. How about you and your kids? @MTV
8/1 2022 The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you – Anthony Hazard My history
class never talked about how black slaves were originally sold by other blacks in Africa. @Ad_Anderson @TED_ED
7/31 The best Wordle strategy – according to science – If you want to up your Wordle game watch this. @AndrewSteele
7/30 Roller Coaster Physics – Here is a list of resources for teaching and learning about the physics of roller coasters. @rmbyrne @StoryLandNH @CK12Foundation @TeachEngineer
7/27 Three Men And A Percussionist Perform Epic Cover Of Michael Jackson’s ‘Billie Jean’ On One Guitar – This is amazing. Watch four guys play one guitar. #BCNGuitarTrio
7/26 This Day In The Life of A Park Ranger Is An Incredible Slice Of Life – Kids should watch this five-minute video to see what this job is like. @Digg
7/25 Sydney McLaughlin Tops Her Own World Record In The 400 Hurdle. Her world record time going over ten hurdles would have finished 7th in the flat 400-meter final. You don’t have to be a track fan to appreciate this. @GoSydGo @NBCSports
7/24 Webster Schroeder Percussion Ensemble with Julie Davila’s Stool Pigeon – Share with your band director and ask if they can let there kids do something like this. @SueBjarnar @MuscatoSTS
7/23 The Blob Opera – Click and drag to make each blob sing. As more blobs show up they will automatically harmonize. This is way fun. @BlobOperaNL
7/22 ach: Toccata & Fugue in D minor – Original Canadian Brass with Peter Schickele = If you like brass and Bach this is a winner. @CanadianBrass
7/21 AC/DC – Thunderstruck Guzheng Cover|MoyunInside Mid journey, The Generative Art AI That Rivals DALL-E – With a short text description, the tool can create surreal sci-fi environments and stylistic fine art—for a price. @janusrose @motherboard @VICE
7/18 Alison Balsom, ‘Haydn Trumpet Concerto in Eb, 1st mov.’ (Allegro) –
Alison Balsom (1978) is an English trumpet soloist, arranger, producer, and music educator. Recorded live on the last night of the BBC Proms, September 12th, 2009, Royal Albert Hall, London. @alisonbalsom @RoyalAlbertHal
7/16 The Winners Of The 2022 Audubon Photography Awards Are Spectacular. Here are the eye-popping winners from the National Audubon Society’s annual Audubon Photography Awards. @jamescrugnale @Digg @audubonsociety
7/15 Home Free – How Great Thou Art – This is my favorite hymn. You don’t have to believe in God to enjoy this as the background is insanely beautiful. @HomeFreeGuys
7/13 Watch This Guy Play A Solo On A Record-Breaking 69-String Bass Guitar. It does have a unique sound. You can skip the first minute of the talk. @Davie504bass
7/12 Pixar’s Highest Grossing Films, Visualized – Redditor Sterling adjusted Pixar film budgets according to inflation to see which ones were the studio’s biggest hits. Here’s what their calculations showed. r/dataisbeautiful @Pixar
7/11 Psalm 136 with Béla Fleck and Sierra Hull – As a banjo player Bela is my idol. I think you will find that Sierra can keep up with him. @belafleckbanjo @sierrahull
7/10 The sonic boom problem – Katerina Kaouri – This short video is a great science lesson for upper elementary on up. @KatKaouri @mathscu @esgicy @TED_ED
7/8 The 2019 Disc Golf Championships – I took up disc golf when the pandemic hit. It’s a great sport for everyone, but these guys are insanely good. If you want to skip the talk, go to the 3:00 mark. @JomezPro
7/7 What are those floaty things in your eye? – Michael Mauser – I have had to deal with these for decades. How about you? @PenPenChen @TED_Ed
7/6 Thunderstruck for Percussion Ensemble Alumnado PercuFest 2014 dirigido por Rafa Navarro – Thunderstruck starts about 3:45 in, but it’s worth the wait. Rafa Navarro
7/4 Mondo Duplantis Finally Breaks The Pole Vault World Record. Mondo Duplantis easily clears 6.16m in the pole vault at Diamond League Stockholm to set a new world record in the event by 1 cm. @mondohoss600
7/3 Larry Cuban’s Cartoons on Aging – Getting really old has been on his mind so he began exploring its humorous side. @LarryCuban @CubanLarry
7/2 PICKLING vs FERMENTING – What’s the Difference? If you are not into fermentation, their lady will help. Fermented foods are so good for you. Clean Food Living – Consider subscribing.
7/1 Shane Van Boening Makes An Extraordinary 10-Ball Break That Has To Be Seen To Be Believed. If you play pool at all you have to watch this one-minute video. @BilliardNetwork
6/30 Here’s Why They Stopped Building Roller Coasters That Loop In A Circle – Loops on roller coasters used to be perfectly circular. Here’s why the extreme G force from the curvature made that a terrible experience for passengers. @voxdotcom
6/29 Why This Accidental Battery Breakthrough Matters – Exploring why an accidental discovery may have unlocked the holy grail in battery research: an energy-dense, long-lasting, and safe battery. @UndecidedMF
6/28 How are microchips made? Microchips are the brains behind almost everything we use in our increasingly electronic world. Here’s how they are engineered. @IntEngineering
6/23 What *REALLY* happens to ‘Recycled’ Glass?! – (you might be surprised). This is a great video to show kids from middle school on up. It shows how glass is really recycled. @ZacksJerryRig
6/22 This Giant Sinkhole Swallowed A Car And Its Passengers In China. A car and the two people sitting inside it fell into a huge sinkhole that opened up on a street in Luoyang, China. @nowthisnews
6/21 Some Guy Strapped A Jet Engine To A Longboard And Proceeded To Blast Off Like Wile E. Coyote. There is no detail here. You just get to watch this amazing ride for two minutes. @BobMaddox
6/20 Knowing What to Say at Sunday School – Ricky Gervais | Animals | Universal Comedy – He is my favorite living comedian. (WARNING: A few naughty words.) @rickygervais
6/19 What is déjà vu? What is déjà vu? – Michael Molina – What causes the sensation of déjà vu? Dive into the theories and psychology that could explain why you’re having that feeling… again. @TED_ED @PMichaelMolina
6/18 The guy who put electric strings on his acoustic guitar. I don’t play as well as this guy, but I want to try this. @igusaseiji
6/17 Mary Roach: 10 things you didn’t know about orgasm – This is informative and very funny. Parents should watch it prior to sharing it with their kids. @mary_roach @TEDTalks
6/16 How to Make Homemade Sauerkraut – A Delicious Probiotics Rich Side Dish for Gut Health – I make my own fermented vegetables. They taste good and are high-end healthy food. You should put some on every salad. @WorldHealthScot
6/15 Comedian Recreates What Happens When You Search Google In 2022. Ryan George hilariously demonstrates the frustration you get from doing a Google search these days. @theryangeorge @rayconglobal
6/14 Why you shouldn’t worry about pooping once a day | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter – This is an excellent shot (4:11) lesson on digestion for middle school on up. @DrJenGunter @TED_Talks
6/13 Top 20 Singer-Songwriter Songs of All Time – I liked all of these songs and I bet you will too. @rickbeato
6/11 Sexy trash cans? This Swedish city is taking a risqué approach to garbage. By installing talking garbage cans that dish out racy audio messages after being fed trash, authorities are hoping for an increase in rubbish being deposited. @JHBantock @Henrikkp @Richard_Orange @CNNTravel @cnnsport
6/10 Here’s Everything An N95 Mask Catches When You Wear It 20 Minutes Daily For One Week. The density of fibers and the electrostatic nature makes these masks rather effective. @SciInspire
6/9 Can you outsmart the college admissions fallacy? – Elizabeth Cox – If you and your kids don’t understand circular reasoning, maybe you should watch this. @TED_Ed
6/8 Taimane Gardner, the Ukulele Virtuoso | Taimane Gardner | TEDxMaui – She mixes Bach’s Fugue in D minor with some flamenco stuff. This is VERY COOL. @taimanegardner @TEDxMaui
6/7 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations In The Continental United States From 2010-2022, Visualized – This tends to make it look like there are more than there really are. @Digg
6/5 Guy Plays The Same Lick On 91 Different Instruments And It’s A Musical Tour De Force. This would be a good music lesson for elementary on up. @InstrumentMania
6/3 Let’s Get Our Shit Together—Literally. It’s time to build the Poop Ark, a centralized collection of the entire animal kingdom’s feces, for research, de-extinction, and more. @JRMorber @WIRED
6/2 How to practice effectively…for just about anything – Annie Bosler and Don Greene – Mastering any physical skill takes practice. Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. But what does practice actually do to make us better at things? @anniebosler @DonGreenePhD @TED_ED
5/31 Here’s What Summiting Mt. Everest Looks Like On GoPros. Mountaineer Jon Gupta reached the top of Mt. Everest (8848 meters) and the GoPro footage shows the spectacular journey he took to pull it off. @MountExpeds @GoPro
5/31 ‘Top Gun’ studio borrowed fighter jets for $11K an hour but Tom Cruise was not allowed to touch controls. – Cruise was able to fly in several sorties for the new movie. Try watching the original movie on Netflix. @landon_mion @FoxNews
5/30 A Breakdown Of The Greatest Comeback In Tetris History – If you have ever played tetris you will get a kick out of this. @aGameScout
5/25 Reagan tells Soviet jokes. These are jokes that you just might be able to use.
5/24 Mick Jagger Presents Top Ten Things He’s Learned After 50 Years In Rock N’ Roll | Letterman – This is pretty funny. It’s about ten years old. Share with Stones fans, you know. @RollingStones @MickJagger
5/20 Next Level Beatboxer Creates An Entire Orchestra Using His Mouth And The Result Is Mesmerizing. @MB14beatbox @Enaparte_immo
5/19 This Supercut Of Dogs Reacting To Getting Adopted From The Shelter Will Instantly Make Your Day Better. Be sure to share this with any dog people you know. @We_LoveAnimals_
5/18 <Pachelbel’s Guitar Hero | Trace Bundy | TEDxBoulder This tune is easy to play, but good luck matching this dude. @tracebundy @TEDxBoulder
5/17 Reinventing Freedom with Electric Harp | Deborah Henson-Conant | TEDxNatick In thirteen minutes Deborah Henson-Conant tell she envisioned the modern electric harp and worked with a French collaborator to make it a reality. @HipHarpist @TEDxNatick
5/16 Mason Williams – Classical Gas w/ Deborah Henson-Conant – This is a very cool classic song with a harp accompaniment. @HipHarpist
5/15 Stevie Nicks – Edge of Seventeen (Official Music Video) – I never get tired of this song. I hope you like it too. @StevieNicks
5/14 Instantly Improve Your Putting With These Simple Tips. Take ten minutes to make sure you are following this advice. @ChrisRyanGolf
5/13 The quest to take a picture of the black hole at the center of our own galaxy – Understanding Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, could help us understand how the Milky Way formed, as well as the strange physics that happen in and near black holes. @decohere @UChicago
5/12 Blowing The Lid on The Biggest Guitar Secret This lesson in expression is good for guitar players at all levels. @Wallimann
5/11 This Animation Shows You How Small Atoms Really Are. It’s not possible to imagine the size of an atom, but this video tries.
5/10 Peanut Butter | How It’s Made – I bet your kids will like this. @DiscoveryUK
5/9 Royal Marines Corps of Drums and Top Secret Drum Corps | The Bands of HM Royal Marines – If you know any percussionists, please share this with them. @RMBandService
5/9 This Overhead View Of Rich Strike’s Come-From-Behind Win At The Kentucky Derby Is Absolutely Bonkers. Drones are giving us videos the likes of which we haven’t seen before. Did you get one for your kids yet? @DubaiPlan @Digg
5/8 George Carlin – Euphemisms – If you are trying to teach this concept this video will do the job for middle school on up. @TheGeorgeCarlin @dannytechworld
5/7 Jørgen Dahl Moe | Dancing In the Dark (Bruce Springsteen) | Blind auditions | The Voice Norway – This song is full of cliches, but it’s still a very good song. This guy has a great voice. @TheVoice_NO
5/6 14 (Thankfully) Discontinued Guinness World Records – Some are so stupid it’s hard to imagine how they started. Drinking the most beer in an hour could kill someone. @ellengutoskey @mental_floss
5/5 Ten Siri Tips and Tricks – It Does More Than You Think. – Siri is still not perfect, but it’s better than ever before, and with these 10 Siri Tips and Tricks, you can make sure you’re getting the absolute most out of it. @properhonesttec
5/4 Guns N’ Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine on iPhone (GarageBand) – Every GarageBand instrument & instrument setup used for #GunsNRoses #SweetChildOfMine can be found in this video
5/3 The interesting engineering behind the SHAPE of Train wheels! – Have you ever wondered why the train wheel shape is conical, not straight? Let’s explore this simple but genius invention in detail. @BrainMwirigi4 @prakash_bohara1
4/30 33 Kitchen Hacks That Are Borderline Genius – I live alone and do all of my own cooking so I enjoyed this.
4/29 This Visualization Of The Scale Of Planets In Our Solar System Might Make You Feel Small And Insignificant. Note that this model also shows relative spin rates. I only wish that it included the other big moons in the solar system. @physicsJ
4/28 15 Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind – Human psychology explores the mind and behavior, and while there’s still a lot that we don’t know, there are some fascinating and surprising study findings about the secrets of the mind. @BrainyDose
4/27 Ichika Nito Demonstrates Why The Casio DG-20 Digital Guitar Is The Coolest Instrument You Can Play In The World. Prepare to melt some faces when you shred with the Casio DG-20 Digital Guitar Synth Gray. @IchikaNito @CasioMusicUK @Casio_USA
4/26 Boomers And Millennials Alike Debate The Point And Humor Of This Old Steve Martin Sketch From ‘SNL’ – This novelty song debuted on “Saturday Night Live” 44 years ago, and there’s a lot of debate happening suddenly about how it holds up, and its merits. @SteveMartinToGo @nbcsnl
4/25 How does a Tank work? (M1A2 Abrams) -The good news is that it can hold 500 gallons of fuel. The bad news is that it only gets 0.6 miles per gallon. @jaredowens
4/24 Far Side Banks of Jordan – The Petersens (LIVE) – I’m a big fan of this group. I hope you like them too. @thepetersens
4/22 Shipping Up To Boston/Enter Sandman – Bagpipe Cover (The Snake Charmer x Goddesses of Bagpipe) This is a mix of Irish tunes and metal for you on the Bagpipes with 3 Female Bagpipers all the way from the US, Scotland and India. This video is very well done. @yourbestvids @DropkickMurphys
4/21 Top 100 Rodney Dangerfield Jokes – If you like Rodney at all, you will love this well-done compilation will do it for you. @RodneyNoRespect
4/20 Punch Brothers cover Gordon Lightfoot’s “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” 3/3/22 Boston, MA – Chris Thile and Punch Brothers with Noam Pikelny, Chris Eldridge, Gabe Witcher, and Paul Kowert perform Gordon Lightfoot and Tony Rice’s “Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” @LessThanFace1 @punchbrothers @christhile
4/19 CELTICA – Pipes Rock: Megawat – If you like bagpipes and rock and roll this could work for you. @CelticaRocks
4/17 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Fan Vote. You have only two weeks. I don’t see how they can keep Dione Warwick out. I also recommend Pat Benatar and Judas Priest. Dolly Parton said she would decline to make from for someone else. @rockhall @judaspriest @BestShotBenatar
4/16 Rush – Tom Sawyer (Bass Cover) by a very young girl. She is incredible. Getty Lee is considered a top bass player, and she is playing his entire part. @EllenPlaysBass
4/15 Canon Rock – Jerry C cover by Laura Lace – Laura is a student of Jerry’s, and she just kicks ass on this cover of Pachabel’s Cannon in D. Yesterday I posted her doing Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D
4/14 J. S. Bach – Toccata in D Minor Guitar cover – This is INSANE!!! This is the piece that opens Disney’s “Fantasia.” At the end, there are more amazing videos. Instagram:
4/13 “My Old School” Performed in Berklee’s LA Studio Ensemble 2016 Spring semester led by Marty Walsh. These kids really kick this old Steely Dan hit. @martywalsh8
4/12 Songs that use Counterpoint – This is an excellent music lesson for middle school on up. @TomplayApp
4/11 Old Blind Dogs – EDINBURGH TRADFEST 2020 – What’s not to like about a band with a bagpipe player. @oldblinddogs
4/10 Molly Tuttle & Golden Highway – Crooked Tree (Live) – If you like this there are a lot more of her work on YouTube. In addition to a very pleasant voice, she is an excellent guitar player with a fine band. @mollytuttle
4/9 The 5 Eating Habits Tom Brady Swears By – I pretty much do this and I never get sick. How many do you and your kids follow? @SamanthaBoesch @EatThisNotThat
4/7 Akaash Singh | Bring Back Apu | Full Comedy Special – This is a bit political but works for the left and right I think. WARNING: It’s also loaded with F-words so beware. @AkaashSingh @PadmaDevii
4/5 Artificial intelligence beats eight world champions at bridge. Victory marks milestone for AI as bridge requires more human skills than other strategy games. @lfspinney @guardian
4/4 The 12 Easiest, Most Fun Guitar Riffs – This is aimed at players who know the basic guitar cords. @musiciswin
4/3 Iron Maiden – The Number Of The Beast (Official Video) – If you are into metal rock this is one of the best. If you are also into opera as I am. you will appreciate Paul Dickenson’s voice. @IronMaiden
4/2 Top 10 Heartwarming Olympic Moments – Have a box of tissues ready. I sure needed some during this video. @MsWatchMojo
4/1/2022 Mesmerizing Drone Footage Captures Extraordinary Time Lapse Of Sheep Running Across A Meadow – This is really cool and only last 1:15 minutes. @LiorPt @design_boom
3/31 The mysterious isochronous curve – This is something you and your kids could make and research further. @CuriosityShow
3/30 All You Need To Know About The Starstreak Missiles Now In The Hands Of Ukrainian Troops – The U.K. Ministry of Defense has confirmed that Ukraine is ready to use the high-velocity missiles in combat against Russian aircraft. Be sure to watch the two short videos. @CombatAir @thewarzonewire
3/29 Clever Margarita Glass Is Made Entirely Of Salt – You don’t have to be old enough to drink to enjoy this short video. @therealshoptime
3/28 George Carlin- “Everyday Expressions” – If you need six minutes of joy, here it is for you. @TheGeorgeCarlin
3/27 How Much Apartment Space You Get For $1,500 Per Month In America’s Biggest Cities, Visualized – From 1,600 square feet to just 262, here’s how the size of apartments differs on a $1,500 budget across America’s 100 biggest cities. @tilpa
3/26 Have Your Mind Blown By This 360° Time Lapse Of All 5,005 Exoplanets Discovered Between 1991 And Now. This is very creative and cool and only 1:17 minutes. @NASA
3/25 Cartoons on Teaching Art in Public Schools – As someone who observes every K-23 teacher in a local district I find that the art classes are excellent when it comes to learning and differentiation. @LarryCuban @CubanLarry
3/24 Someone Threw A Paper Airplane Off Their Penthouse Apartment And Its Flight Path Will Put You On The Edge Of Your Seat. This looks like something that your kids can do if they can find a high place. @Digg
3/23 Secret to running faster without getting so tired (NOT WHAT YOU THINK) At 75 I still run and race. This sounds like good advice to me.
3/22 Here’s What Was Going On Inside The Head Of The Man Who Illegally Climbed The Shard. This iconic building in London it a goal for extreme climbers. WARNING: There is a casual F-word. @VICE
3/21 Six from Six: The Musical on Broadway – This is an Animatic of the final number, which to my tastes should be a big hit. If you like it a little searching will find videos from the actual show that I saw and really enjoyed on 2/18/2022. @TheTobyMarlow @MucyLoss
3/18 The Nesting Song – Official Video – This lady has a good voice. This is a nice song and a very cool video. @diellemusicuk
3/14 ‘SNL’ Captures That Uncomfortable Feeling Black Customers Have When Shopping At A Cashier-less ‘Amazon Go’ Store. I shopped in a black store where you had to check your bags on the way in and they told me I could keep my bag. You guessed it, I’m white. @kenanthompson @nbcsnl
3/12 Someone Built A Hot Wheels Backyard Mega Track With Waterfalls And It’s A Thrill Ride From Beginning To End. You and kids of any age should get a kick out of this ride. @backyardracing
3/11 Tiger Woods: World Golf Hall of Fame Acceptance Speech (2022 Induction) – In case you missed it, this is pretty cool. Did you know that when Tiger played junior gold he wasn’t allowed in many club houses due to the color of his skin? You can also listen to his daughter introduce him. @TigerWoods @GolfHallofFame
3/10 How Expensive Are Starbucks Lattes Around The World? These Data Visualizations Break It Down. Not all Starbucks lattes are created equal. These maps and charts show the prices of Starbucks drinks across the United States and around the globe. This is a good lesson in data science. @Starbucks @Digg
3/9 This Little Girl Singing ‘Let It Go’ Inside A Ukrainian Bomb Shelter Will Melt Your Heart. Just in case you haven’t seen this yet I had to post it. @jamescrugnale @Independent
3/8 Peace Love and Hope – David Perry Origina – This would be a good song for elementary teachers to play. It is especially good for beginning readers. @DavidPerryTunes
3/7 Northwest Passage (Stan Rogers) – The Water Boys (A Cappella Cover) – If you aren’t a Stan Rogers fan here is your chance to get started. @WaterBoysUW @Stanfest
3/5 Why isn’t the Netherlands underwater? Dig into the incredible engineering of the Netherlands’ Delta Works— the most sophisticated flood prevention system in the world. @alstefan @TED_ED
3/4 Robin Williams explains how golf was invented – This is the clean version of his classic story of golf. @RWFansite
3/3 How These Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles Are Taking A Bite Out Of Russia’s Armored Vehicles – Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles are proving to be an effective defense against Russia’s advancing armored vehicles in Ukraine. Here’s how they work and why they’re a formidable weapon to have on the battlefield. @usmmil
3/2 Five Surprising Uses for Recycled Poop – The average person produces about a pound of poop a day. Where does it all go? The answer depends on where you live. @LinaZeldovich @mental_floss
2/28 SNL’ begins the first show in a month with Ukrainian choral performance in a display of solidarity. “Saturday Night Live” forewent its usual political cold open sketch and began Saturday’s show with a solemn performance by the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York in a show of solidarity with the people of Ukraine. @joneillmusic
2/27 50 Fun And Interesting Geography Facts – Fact one is that 90% of Earth’s population lives in the Northern hemisphere. Which ones took you and your kids by surprise? @catdaddyshow
2/26 How To Master The Easiest And Toughest Shots In Pool – Professional pool player Tony Robles demonstrates how to get the basics right and then shows off some fancy shots you can learn on the table. This is good for beginners and intermediate players. @PredatorTourNYC
2/25 All the Things That Drain Your EV Battery – And, yes, there’s way more to it than just driving hard and turning on those heated seats. @AlistairJ90 @WIRED
2/22 What makes muscles grow? We have over 600 muscles in our bodies that help bind us together, hold us up, and help us move. Your muscles also need your constant attention, because the way you treat them on a daily basis determines whether they will wither or grow. Your kids should watch this. @IAQinGWN @TEDTalks
2/21 Blues Brothers: Soul Man – SNL – Today’s song “Soul Man” by The Blues Brothers was recorded LIVE at the Universal Amphitheater in September 1978, a few months after they debuted on SNL as the musical guest on April 22, 1978. @dan_aykroyd @nbcsnl
2/18 ‘Dream come true’: Puerto Rican model is Victoria’s Secret first with Down syndrome Sharing a black and white p