Can ‘Math Therapists’ Make a Dent In America’s Declining Math Performance? Though they may not usually call themselves therapists, it’s relatively common for instructional coaches to think about their work in this way. @EdSurge @dtmollenkamp
Can We Solve the Plagiarism Problem? First, a quick overview of this plagiarism problem. @ajjuliani
Scaffolding Like a Pro: Powerful Ways to Support Learning – With options ranging from tried-and-true to lesser known, these strategies for cognitive, metacognitive, and procedural scaffolding will help you set students up for success. @edutopia @finleyt
Schools must do more to help families overcome language barriers. Students and their families should have equal access to education–no matter what language they speak. @eschoolnews
Why Neuroscience and Technology Are Key to Helping Us Rethink How Students Learn – Neuroscience: How Sleep Prepares the Brain for Spaced Learning. Lisa Chilcote Bacco via @EdSurge
– Feedback may not always be pleasant, but need it from someone better than you if you want to get better. @Gapingvoid
The Building Blocks of Math Students Need to Excel – Number sense is so innate to many adults that they may not remember being taught such skills. @HKorbey @hechingerreport
Effectiveness of Personalized Learning: Statistics on Outcomes in Diverse Educational Settings – Personalized learning is changing education. It shows big results for students. Teachers say it boosts student interest and grades by a lot1. @Matsh_Youth
Can theater help prevent violence in schools? The arts is important for all students, not just those that can afford it. @KarenDSouza4 @edsource
How to Assess the Learning Process, Not the Final Product – Let’s talk about assessment, and grading. There’s something going on, and it is impacting all kinds of institutions. @ajjuliani
Could Play Boost Students’ Math Performance? There’s a false dichotomy between math and play that’s common, especially in early childhood. @dtmollenkamp @EdSurge
A Guide to Meaningful Instruction: Rethinking the Gradual Release of Responsibility – This is an excerpt from A. J. Juliani’s upcoming book: Meaningful and Relevant: Engaging Learners In An Era of Distraction. @ajjuliani
These Teens Can Do Incredible Math in Their Heads But Fail in a Classroom. Lessons from this research on the other side of the world might be relevant here in the United States. @jillbarshay @MindShiftKQED @hechingerreport
Engaging the reluctant reader: Benefits of gamified learning in literacy education. Discover how interactive, game-based learning strategies can inspire confidence and joy in literacy (for even the most reluctant readers). @3PLearning @eschoolnews
More than Criticism: Feedback Strategies that Lead to Independent Learning – Putting the onus on students to generate solutions sends a clear signal that learning is ultimately the student’s job. @CitySpoonful @edutopia
How Knowing Teen Brains a Little Better Can Help Coaches Be Effective Mentors. No matter the sport, it’s the coach’s job to help players fix their mistakes. @LindaFlanagan2 @MindShiftKQED
Beating Teacher Burnout: Strategies to Reset and Recharge – Be sure to add this podcast to your exercise plan. @ShakeUpLearning
Ten Must Know Video Tips for Engaging Students – Video can be a powerful toll if you use it right. @ClassTechTips
Boys Face Unique Challenges. Here’s How to Help Them Thrive. School seems to be better designed for girls and they generally do better. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
PBL With A Purpose: The Research Is Clear—It Works. Be sure to watch the short video here. @ajjuliani
Supporting Neuroplasticity in Multilingual Learners – Challenging, culturally responsive assignments can create a dynamic that supports students’ language development and critical thinking. @MrsSaid17 and Thamir Aljobori via @edutopia
Using Tech Tools to Promote SEL – These tools make it easier for teachers and students to collaborate on building self-awareness and reflection skills. @amyzambranoyoga @edutopia
Science teachers, math teachers, history teachers–we’re all reading teachers now. Post-COVID, we must catch our older students up on second grade skills without infantilizing the content. Ian Hartigan via @Chalkbeat
Why I Spend My Lunch Hour with Students – When I taught I left my classroom door open and kids came in to eat lunch with me. It was great. Rachel Herrera via @EdSurge
Transforming Education Through Student-Led Assessment and a Bonus Conversation. Is it time to give this a try in your calss? @mssackstein
Turning classroom boredom into student brilliance – Educators can use boredom to their advantage by tailoring their content to meet student needs.@jonoosterman @VAI_Education @eschoolnews
5 major education trends of 2024 – Schools are supporting teacher well-being and reengaging students through innovative learning spaces and edtech. @ccounts_bn @CompanyMie32441 @eschoolnews
Why Learning Experiences Must Intellectually Challenge All Students – Schools should integrate project-based and inquiry-based learning to challenge students. @CarriSchneider @Getting_Smart
The Game of School vs. The Game of Life – The Game of School Rules: Make the adults at school happy, and the adults at home will be happy. Be sure to watch the short animation at the bottom. @ajjuliani
Early STEM career awareness drives future success for students–and the economy. Engaging, career-connected learning opportunities spark students’ interest in emerging technologies and in-demand careers. @eDynamicLearn @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
Finding Strengths in Perceived Weakness – Sometimes, what we consider a problem might actually be a strength. @gcouros
When Students Repair School Chromebooks, Meaningful Skills Are Developed. As a computer director in the 1980s I set up a student repair process and it worked great. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
Taking Exams in Blue Books? They’re Back to Help Curb AI Use and Rampant Cheating. This sounds like a good idea to me. @MindShiftKQED @CPMustangNews
Students using AI: It’s not that scary and shouldn’t be banned. Instead of resisting the inevitable, educators can help students use AI as a tool for learning, innovation, and ethical problem-solving. @MrMontalvoEDU @eschoolnews
Which School Districts Do the Best Job of Teaching Math? – If your district isn’t one, contact some that are and see what they do different. @The74
7 reasons to ditch recipe-style science labs – Engaging science labs that align with workforce-ready skills break down barriers to learning complex subjects. @LCatMoss @WardeSkoolStore @eschoolnews
The Joy of Learning: A Core Principle for Success – How joyful is learning in your school? Jordan Luster via @Getting_Smart
Using robots to teach creativity, collaboration, and self-confidence – As they engage with robots, students build essential skills and gain engineering experience. @eschoolnews
A look at one school’s innovative approach to PD Does your professional development need some innovation? @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
Students Won’t Always Remember What They’ve Learned. Here’s How to Help. While aimed at teachers, students should also read this. by Marlena Jackson-Retondo Via @MindShiftKQED
What the Research Says About Mixed-Ability Algebra Class – Students in the lowest level who were part of the experiment skipped remedial math and were able to learn algebra. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
Nature’s classroom: Why preschoolers need more time outdoors – I think people of any age can use more time outdoors. @EdSource
It’s Not Too Late to Read That Entire Book With Your Students. Full books are particularly effective at fostering empathy in readers and students may miss out on developing these qualities when they only read shorter passages. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
4 components of an effective literacy ecosystem – Implementing a high-quality literacy ecosystem quickly may not be easy, but we don’t have another choice. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
Students want more career-connected learning. New Hampshire Learning Initiative and Gallup find that nearly half of New Hampshire high school students learn about new jobs through. @eschoolnews @eSN_Laura
This Handy Science Trick Will Help You Beat Your Friends In A Bar Bet – Be sure to have your kids try this, but don’t pitch it as a bar bet. @museumofscience
5 math curriculum insights from educators – Many math educators believe that creativity and math go hand-in-hand. @MINDEduOrg
What to Know About ADHD in Girls – By knowing what to look for, teachers can work with parents and create supports to help girls with ADHD succeed in school. @edutopia
Sanity-Saving Classroom Management Tips Every Teacher Needs – Feeling overwhelmed by classroom chaos? @ShakeUpLearning
4/30 The historical audacity of the Louisiana Purchase –
When the French offered up the Louisiana Territory, Thomas Jefferson knew this real estate deal was too good to pass up. @JLWalton @TED_ED
4/24 How digital tools and AI can enhance social studies – Educators must recognize the transformative potential of digital tools and AI in shaping the future of social studies education. @MrMontalvoEDU @eschoolnews
4/24 Stanford’s Jo Boaler Discusses Her New Book ‘MATH-ish’ and Takes On Her Critics. Critics say she misrepresents research to make her case and her ideas actually impede students. Now, with a new book coming out in May, provocatively titled “MATH-ish,” Boaler is fighting back. @joboaler @MindShiftKQED
4/24 Motivating Teens With Classroom Competitions – Making games a regular part of class can get even the coolest high school students engaged in the content—and help them recall key concepts and vocabulary. @edutopia
4/23 Guidance counselors could help female high schoolers erase the STEM gender gap. Highly-qualified school counselors can deliver tailored support based on students’ unique experiences and needs. Amy McCaig via @eschoolnews
4/23 What Makes a Great Principal: The Five Pillars of Effective School Leadership by George Couros – This looks like a good read for school leaders. @gcourus
4/23 Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI By Ethan Mollick – Mollick’s Co-Intelligence is a fascinating exploration of the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. @emollick @Wharton
4/19 Summer Learning Series – If you are looking for professional development this summer, look here. @ShakeUpLearning
4/19 Three Knowledge Domains For The 21st-Century Student – Thinking in the 21st century is just different. @TeachThought
4/19 Educators love their edtech, but want more training – Nearly all educators believe edtech tools enhance learning, but want to ensure they’re using the tools the right way. @eschoolnews @eSN_Laura
4/18 Should we get rid of standardized testing? Everyone who teaches or who wants to teach should watch this short (5:40) video. @ltoddrose
4/18 Three Engagement Strategies Teachers Can Borrow From Park Rangers – Park rangers use effective instructional techniques to capture their audience’s attention that can also work seamlessly in your classroom. @saintfester
4/17 Students Are Likely Writing Millions of Papers With AI. Turnitin, a service that checks papers for plagiarism, says its detection tool found millions of papers that may have a significant amount of AI-generated content. @byamandahoover @WIRED
4/17 Solving The Apathy Problem: How Achievement Leads to Motivation – In this video, A.J. Juliani goes deep into some of the reasons for the rise in apathy, and how we can combat it in the classroom. @ajjuliani
4/16 Poetry is everywhere: Strategies for teaching poetry through music, murals and more. Poetry is a mindfulness practice. @CPMustangNews @ClintSmithIII @CMattern21 @MelAlterSmith
4/16 How video coaching inspires teacher self-reflection – An interim superintendent shares how administrators, coaches, and educators have built a culture of coaching that has increased teacher retention and boosted student achievement. @Steph_Hofer
4/11 Three key strategies for district leaders to build a resilient educator workforce – Evidence-based, data-backed HR strategies have helped our district become a workplace that naturally attracts and retains high-quality employees. @OFCSSuper @OFCSDistrict @eschoolnews
4/11 How to Plan for Dynamic Instruction – New teachers in particular can benefit from these tips on dynamic instruction, which uses multiple activities to approach learning objectives. @KaraAlyson @edutopia
4/10 Six tips to help educators support young readers – Instead of focusing on memorization, educators need to provide strong foundational skills that students can use to understand how to sound out words. @tiffany_peltier @eschoolnews
4/10 Tapping into the Metacognition of Mistakes – Getting kids to identify and classify the types of mistakes they make gives them the tools they need to drive their own learning. @borywrites @edutopia
4/9 Five helpful hacks for managing a STEM classroom – STEM classrooms require skilled management to keep students focused on their tasks. Kim Harding via @eschoolnews
4/9 Why Schools Need a Social Worker for Teachers – The mental health crisis for teachers is also capturing headlines, especially for its assumed connection to our worsening teacher shortage. Marcelle Davies-Lashley via @EdSurge
4/9 FIve Cognitive Biases that Shape Classroom Interactions – and How to Overcome Them – While bias is everywhere, the impact can be especially negative on students and how they are perceived and treated as learners. @callmeKi @MindShiftKQED
4/8 Ten Hacks to Boost Teens’ Executive Function Skills and Manage Screen Time – When you toggle between two things, you lose cognitive energy and it takes a lot longer to get into deep focus. Marlena Jackson-Retondo via @MindShiftKQED
4/5 Classroom Technologies: Clickers – Called “student response systems,” clickers are hand-held devices that students use to answer teacher questions. Have you tried them yet? @LarryCuban
4/5 RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms by Dr. Ken Robinson – This is amazing. I just rewatched it after not seeing if for several years and still find it amazing. @AbiLStephenson @RSAEvents @theRSAorg @rebeccapyne
4/4 Financial Literacy Month: How to Prepare Students for a Financially Smart Future. n today’s digital age, where #fintok views skyrocket into billions, it’s evident our students crave financial knowledge. @ShakeUpLearning
4/4 Six Ways Educators Can Bolster Boys’ Social Skills – Many boys describe feelings of loneliness, of having friends but longing for someone they can confide in about hard feelings. @Pfagell @MindShiftKQED
4/4 Fourth Grader Spells Out The Problem With Standardized Testing. Sydney Smoot, a fourth grade student, spoke during a meeting held by the Hernando County School Board. This was 2015, but it’s still valid. @HernandoSchools @darcymiajimenez
4/4 The Best Lessons in School are Not Always Understood at the Time. Some of the most brilliant people in the world didn’t do too well in school. @gcouros
4/3 How to Boost Student Participation in Your Classroom – For students who participated in emergency remote learning during the past few years, switching from sharing their work over Zoom or Google Meet to sharing in front of a class is a massive change. @ClassTechTips
4/3 Using Google Tools to Support Newcomer ELLs – Teachers can guide English language learners in using a variety of Google tools to make lessons more equitable and accessible. @Eman_T_Magableh @edutopia
4/3 Screen Time for Kids Is Fine! Unless It’s Not Two new books offer radically different approaches to how people should think about smartphones and social media. @mattsreynolds1 @WIRED
Inspirational/Funny Tweets
4/3 @G
4/2 Apps are helping teachers communicate with families that don’t speak English – For many teachers, apps have become crucial to communicate with the rising number of families that don’t speak English. @eschoolnews @YeseniaRobles @ChalkbeatCO
How Can Educators Build Support Systems for Students Eyeing Technician Jobs? Integrating technical skills into the high school curriculum can inspire and prepare students for diverse roles. Dr. Parminder Jassal via @Getting_Smart
4/2 Understanding and Addressing the Surge of Chronic Absenteeism – Nearly 14.7 million students, or 29.7 percent of the student population, were chronically absent in the 2021-22 school year. What is your school doing? Abbie Misha via @EdSurge
4/1 Understanding learning styles via Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences – The challenge for educators lies in recognizing and accommodating diverse learning styles within a single classroom setting. Dr. Yuvraj Verma via @eschoolnews
4/1 What Do Truly Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds Look Like? Playgrounds are a child’s first outdoor classroom, and where they learn they belong to the community. Marlena Jackson-Retondo via @KQEDnews
4/1 It’s OK to play: How ‘play theory’ can revitalize U.S. education – City planners are recognizing that play and learning are intertwined and turning public spaces into opportunities for active learning. @RemakeLearning @TylerSamstag @AlleghenyIU3 @hechingerreport
3/28 Private school students get fake ADHD diagnoses for 200-point boost to SAT, ACT after tests brought back by Ivy League. I don’t think this is new. I’ve heard about it for a long time. @RIKKISCHLOTT @nypost
3/28 Igniting student curiosity through career exploration – Career resources add immense value to classroom instruction for both educators and students. @timneedles @SmithtownCSD @FiveTownsNY @eschoolnews
3/28 Tools to Boost Students’ Reading Stamina – Try these strategies to help your students sustain their focus on reading for longer periods of time, and drive comprehension in the process. @borywrites @edutopia
3/26 To improve America’s school kids, we need to get them moving. Barely one-fifth of American children are meeting the minimum physical activity levels of 60 minutes each day. How about your kids? @ghlionn @nypost
3/26 Key qualities of a principal coach – A principal coach builds the capacity of leaders to steer schools through change and ensure high-quality instruction. @BJohnson_Edu @eschoolnews
3/25 Kids who consume energy drinks are more prone to mental health disorders. Those who consumed energy drinks — which are intended to boost energy through the use of caffeine or other stimulants — were shown to have a higher risk of mental health issues, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. @MelissaRudy @FoxNews @nypost
3/25 Three tips on how to study effectively – Explore how the brain learns and stores information, and find out how to apply this for more effective study techniques. @biljanalabovic @LauraAngelucc10 @TED_Ed @TheCharacterLab
3/21 Unleashing Creativity in the Classroom: How Night Zookeeper Sparks Students’ Imagination. In a world where education is constantly evolving, the need for innovative tools that ignite students’ creativity and passion for learning is more important than ever. @ShakeUpLearning
3/21 What New Research Says About Fostering a ‘Sense of Belonging’ in Classrooms – Messages in classrooms and how discipline is handled play a role. @jryoung @EdSurge
3/20 How to Change Your Classroom Dynamic – In this episode, Monica Burns chats with Juliana Finegan, VP of Educator Experience at Vivi, all about the various levels of communication and sharing in classrooms, schools, and districts. @ClassTechTips @JulianaFinegan
3/20 Enhancing World Language Instruction With AI Image Generators – By crafting an AI prompt in the target language to create an image, students can get immediate feedback on their communication skills. Rachel Paparone via @Edutopia
3/20 Why Kids Need Meaningful Learning Experiences Right Now – When we look at the research, it makes a compelling case for evolving traditional teaching practices. @ajjuliani
3/20 K-12 computer science trends – K-12 computer science helps students build essential skills for personal and professional success. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
3/19 The pivotal role of school libraries – School libraries are many things to many different user groups–but they’re an absolutely essential part of today’s schools. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
3/19 Three Steps for Creating Video Projects With Elementary Students – A straightforward plan for facilitating multimedia projects helps ensure collaborative learning and a fun classroom experience. @bmanchester_edu @edutopia
3/15 California lawmaker introduces bill to ban artificial dyes in school cafeterias — with some kids’ favorites making list. I hope your kids aren’t eating any of this crappy food. @alliegriffin04 @nypost
3/15 Tapping Into Community Connections to Improve CTE – When career and technical education teachers partner with local industry leaders, students gain valuable contacts and experience. @KPaigeWilliams @edutopia
3/15 We Know How Much Planning Time Teachers Get on Average. Is It Enough? Public schools provid teachers with an average of 266 minutes of dedicated planning time per week. What does your school do? Nadia Tamez-Robledo via @EdSurge
3/13 First-in-the-Nation Artificial Intelligence Framework for District Leaders – The report helps district and state leaders understand AI’s potential benefits, address challenges, and make well-informed decisions about implementation. Kevin Hogan via @eschoolnews
3/13 Learning science might help kids read better. A growing chorus of education researchers, pundits and “science of reading” advocates are calling for young children to be taught more about the world around them. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
3/13 Six trends to watch in K-12 schools in 2024 – As a new calendar year gets underway, new initiatives and trends will emerge to impact teaching and learning. @michaelbhorn @eschoolnews
3/12 How educator Gloria Jean Merriex used dance, drills and devotion to turn around a failing elementary school in a year – Opting for a more kinetic approach to learning, she introduced music and movement. She revamped math and reading instruction by infusing the lessons with hip-hop, dance and other innovations. Gloria Jean Merriex via @ConversationUS
3/12 The surprising effectiveness of having kids study why they failed – Learning through errors was twice as powerful based on instructional time in this study. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
3/12 Hosting an Innovators Day to Boost Elementary STEM Learning – A dedicated day for students to explore STEM activities fosters 21st-century learning and excitement across grade levels. @TechieCoach303 @edutopia
3/11 Unpacking Learning with Starr Sackstein and George Couros: The Power of Portfolios (podcast) – In the ever-evolving landscape of education, two thought leaders, Starr Sackstein and George Couros, have taken to the airwaves to discuss the transformative power of portfolios. @mssackstein @gcouros
3/11 Five ways to teach like a pirate – Stimulating curiosity, fostering creativity, and promoting active participation can create dynamic and immersive learning environments. @BenBrazeau @eschoolnews
3/7 States need to strengthen reading instruction policies. For states to succeed in their efforts to improve literacy outcomes for students, they must ensure teachers are prepared to implement and sustain scientifically based reading instruction. What is your state doing? @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
3/7 How to Use Chunking in the Classroom – Chunking information—breaking it down into manageable units and scaffolding it with activities—makes learning more accessible. @jpk86 @edutopia
3/7 How an AI talk meter can prompt teachers to talk less and students to talk more – One India-based tutoring company, Cuemath, trains its tutors to encourage students to talk more. @jillbarshay @MindShiftKQED
3/6 Let’s Involve Students in the Assessment Process [Video] – This is about three minutes of great advice from Starr Sackstein. Also see my summary of her book on this topic.@mssackstein
3/6 As schools embrace the science of reading, researchers are criticizing an overemphasis on auditory skills. Educators around the country have embraced the “science of reading” in their classrooms, but that doesn’t mean there’s a truce in the reading wars. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
3/4 Seven Ways to Help Students Become Active Listeners– There are some simple approaches and activities that we can employ to help our learners develop and improve their listening skills. @CurtisChandler6 @middleweb
3/4 How to Make School Less Like IKEA, and More Like a Learning LAB – Students are often given “big tasks” to complete in school. These tasks could be writing a paper, research essay, book report project, word problem, or lab. In each case, the task must seem like it is going to take forever. @ajjuliani
3/1 How to make learning more engaging for my gifted students – With a targeted model and edtech supports, students of all ages and abilities will enjoy learning activities and develop critical thinking skills. Monica Douglas via @eschoolnews
3/1 The Easy EdTech Club – Join to get high-quality monthly tech resources for teachers. @ClassTechTips
2/29 Criminal Defense Attorney Explains Why She Doesn’t Let Her Kids Go To Sleepovers. She makes a good point. Kids left alone in a friend’s bedroom may not be a good idea. @ErinBaileyLaw
2/29 Five ways to create an inviting, engaging multipurpose learning space – A flexible learning space is essential in meeting students’ varied needs and supporting excellent instruction. How does your match up? Courtney Billig and Lisa Moretti via @eschoolnews
2/29 The Catalyst Academy: For Future Readiness Educators Samuel Reed III on Fostering Ambition for Teens – This short video (1:21) has some great ideas for teachers and parents. @sriii2000 @MyUniqueGenius
2/28 Five things to know about high-dosage tutoring – Scaling-up high-dosage tutoring is crucial to students’ academic success. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
2/28 Six Ways to Unplug From Classroom Technology in Our Digital Age – There are a lot of great ways to use tech in the classroom, but challenging students to sometimes work without it has benefits for creativity, critical thinking, and engagement. @Rdene915 @edutopia
2/28 Farm-to-Desk? How This School District Is Getting Fresh Produce to Students – When the end-of-school bell rang, groups of students, parents and community members headed for the on-campus farmers market displaying plump green vegetables, potted seedlings and even boxes of free food. @LashericaT @EdSource
2/27 Self-Guided Learning in Outdoor Play Areas – Pre-K teachers can create outdoor play areas that serve as an extension of the classroom and foster social and emotional learning. Julie Hunter via @Edutopia
2/27 25 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently – What students take away from a successful education usually centers on a personal connection with a teacher who instilled passion and inspiration for their subject. @TeachThought @MrsH61210 @OliverDurrer @PTSketchNote
2/27 Designing Engaging Lessons for Students – Here are some tips that you can use today. @ClassTechTips
2/26 2023-2024 Conrad Challenge Finalists – This is an international student innovation competition that I judge every year. You will enjoy checking out what these students are inventing. @ConradChallenge
2/26 Parents, are you overindulging your kid? This 4-question test can help you find out. Unlike spoiling a kid, which is about catering to a child’s needs and wants for the sake of the child, overindulgence is about the adult. @DOTellMedia @MindShiftKQED
2/23 Making the Link Between Handwriting and the Science of Reading Handwriting is definitely connected to reading. @LauraMoCoStew
2/23 50 Alternatives To Lecturing In The Classroom – What do you and your students think are the best alternatives to lecture? @TeachThought
2/23 Learning from student language — instead of prohibiting it – If you hear students use terms you don’t understand, make a list. @MindShiftKQED @CPMustangNews
2/23 An Effective Strategy for Successful Group Work – Articulating what good teamwork looks like takes planning, reflection, and respect for student choice. @saintfester @edutopia
2/22 How ergonomics impacts student success – Schools can investigate these ergonomic best practices to improve comfort for students, both in the classroom and at home. Agnes Lisowska Masson via @eschoolnews
2/22 The Skilled Workers Training AI to Take Their Jobs – A new workforce of language experts, creative writers, and nuclear physicists are turning to data labor—and potentially making their future jobs obsolete in the process. @MORGANMEAKER @WIRED
2/22 Why Not Pay Teachers $100,000 a Year? (Daniel Pink) This article appeared in the Washington Post, February 19, 2024. @DanielPink @LarryCuban @CVBuckskins
2/21 Preparing Students for the Fourth Industrial Revolution – Get ready to discover practical tips and strategies for seamlessly integrating Fourth Industrial Revolution concepts into the K-12 curriculum and igniting student engagement through Project-Based Learning (PBL). @ClassTechTips
2/21 Designing Your Classroom for Collaborative Teaching – These design strategies can help support relationship-building and active learning in a team-teaching environment. Michael Ralph via @edutopia
2/19 Three Research-backed tips for teaching forgiveness to children – You may have never thought specifically about teaching your child forgiveness but we have all experienced a situation in which forgiveness comes into play. Cara Goodwin via @MindShiftKQED
2/19 Can you take algebra in eighth grade? In many cases, the answer is no, national survey finds. I missed it as I was sick for a placement text in sixth grade. What’s happening in your district? @kalynbelsha @Chalkbeat
2/19 STEAM education in action – STEM education offers students many opportunities to develop in-demand skills needed for a growing workforce. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
2/16 Some Students Have To Fail: A History of Labels – Why does a system of education have to feature a “failure” option? @LarryCuban
2/16 @sylviaduckworth @teachergoals @MindShiftKQED
2/14 Educational leaders must leverage collaboration for success. How do leaders keep improving our schools to recognize unique opportunities and needs at the forefront? Melissa Anne Brevetti via @eschoolnews @VariQuest
2/14 How Teaching Builds Entrepreneurial Skills Whether you’re pursuing a new passion or a side project, these teaching skills will serve you well in your endeavors. Andrew Wild via @edutopia
2/14 A brief history of plastic – This is a good science lesson for upper elementary on up. Sharon Colman via @TED_ED
2/13 Teaching Students to Navigate the Online Landscape (Joel Breakstone, Sarah McGrew, Mark Smith, Teresa Ortega, and Sam Wineburg) – Since the 2016 presidential election, worries about our ability to evaluate online content have elicited much hand wringing. @joelbreakstone @samwineburg @LarryCuban
2/13 How to Prepare Educators for Excellence in AI – The authors discuss teachers’ concerns, the significance of professional development, and practical strategies for integrating AI responsibly into classrooms. @ClassTechTips @Five_StarTech
2/12 Candor High (NY)School students help create 100 prosthetic legs for people in need. These students took time during and after school to help change the lives of 100 individuals and their families. What is your school doing? @daniel_curren @WBNG
2/12 Florida school districts piloting year-round classes to curb summer learning loss. A trio of Florida school districts are piloting year-round curriculums in a bid to curb summer learning loss. @selimalgar @nypost
2/9 How to ensure edtech ROI? Ask these four questions. School leaders can take an inquiry approach as they explore how to increase the return on investment of edtech tools. Nancy Rose via @eschoolnews
2/9 Guiding Students to Use Storytelling Across the Curriculum – Teachers in any subject can have students use storytelling techniques to demonstrate learning, and these story generation strategies can help them get started. @cinehead @edutopia
2/9 Is Banning Cellphones from Schools the Solution? With the current ubiquity of cellphones, many U.S. public and private schools have gone back-and-forth on the issue of whether to ban or allow them in school, much less in classrooms. @aliaemily @NirviShah @LarryCuban
2/8 Kathy Hochul’s SUNY/CUNY admission scheme is simply more unfair racial discrimination. Taking the top 10% from all school may be unfair to kids outside the top 10% at the top schools. Wai Wah Chin via @nypost @GovKathyHochul
2/8 Teaching Students How to Use Wikipedia as a Tool for Research – Wikipedia has moved far beyond its initial limitations, and is a helpful—and reputable—source for conducting research. Are your teachers still banning it? @holden @samwineburg @Wikipedia
2/7 Five educators on what 2024 will bring to education – In 2024, education will see advancements and innovations impact teaching and learning. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews @MissGroskin @millerbev
2/5 Can 4 equal 5? The impact of 4-day school weeks – There are benefits and drawbacks to four-day school weeks–each district’s context and priorities are critical for guiding conversations. @emily_r_morton @eschoolnews
2/5 Making Civic Learning Meaningful With And For Young People iThrive’s Game Design Studio model facilitated the day’s knowledge-building and knowledge-sharing, setting the stage for meaningful co-creation. @iThriveGames @Getting_Smart
2/5 Teacher Shortage Solutions: How To Find and Hire Best-in-Class Educators – Low enrollment into the teaching profession, inadequate compensation and benefits, and high attrition rates have all contributed to this problem. @ElevateK12
2/1/2024 Young students less prepared for grade-level reading and math.Nationwide data offer critical new insights into the pandemic’s academic impact on children who were not in formal schooling in spring 2020. How is your school doing? @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
2/1 ways to support multilingual learners in STEM – STEM’s hands-on approach helps multilingual learners grasp concepts easily. Veronica Burnett via @eSchoolMediaInc
1/31 Can artificial intelligence help teachers improve? The use of AI in teacher coaching is generating a fierce debate among those for–and against–the technology. @MichaelElsenRoo @ChalkbeatNY @eschoolnews
1/31 To help students deal with trauma, this school holds mindfulness lessons over the loudspeaker. For the past few years, one school has been experimenting with a new tool to help kids deal with their stress: a daily mindfulness program called Inner Explorer. @Pien_Huang @MindShiftKQED
1/31 The Real Problem With Multiple-Choice Questions – While it has been derided by educators for decades as incapable of truly measuring understanding, and while performance on such exams can be noticeably improved simply by learning a few tricks, the multiple-choice question may have a larger, less obvious flaw that disrupts the tone of learning itself. @terryheickedu @TeachThought
1/30 Student engagement requires more than edtech tools. At FETC 2024, a look at how educators must go beyond tech integration if they want to boost student engagement. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
1/30 Six Ways to Capture Students’ Attention – Teachers can use insights from neuroscience to help ensure that learners stay engaged during class and are more likely to retain information. @judywillis @jaymctighe
1/30 Why Finland’s schools outperform most others across the developed world – What can your school learn from the Finns? Read my summary of Finnish Lessons. @NewsWeatherAbc @pasi_sahlberg
1/30 Three Ways to Shift Writing to the Classroom – There are two types of writing – writing-to-learn and learning-to-write. @gcouros
1/29 The Normal Distribution and the 68-95-99.7 Rule – If there is a statistics class in your district make sure the teacher gets this video and watch it yourself. @SimpleLearning
1/26 The Fast and Curious: Use this Teaching Strategy for 4X Retention. @ShakeUpLearning
1/26 Eight Things Students Need In Modern Project-Based Learning – You can do, teach, assess, and connect almost anything within the context of a well-designed project. @terryheickedu @TeachThought
1/26 Rigor or Vigor? What Do We Want For Our Children? A vigorous learning system is strength-based, not deficit-based — human-centered, not curriculum-centered. @tracepick @Getting_Smart
1/26 Discover how to make IT budgets go further with VIZOR. Learn how to how to reduce device losses, reduce repairs, focus on device lifecycle planning, and automate repetitive tasks. @ClassTechTips
1/25 America’s Most And Least Racially Diverse States, Mapped – How does your state compare. In the case of New York, most of the diversity is in New Your City. @darcymiajimenez
1/25 Teaching Students How to Use Wikipedia as a Tool for Research – Wikipedia has moved far beyond its initial limitations, and is a helpful—and reputable—source for conducting research. @holden @samwineburg @edutopia
1/25 Business Internet Safety Guide – I think that this applies to schools as well. Camryn Smith via @allconnect
1/24 Seven Key Takeaways from a Conversation on Combating Teacher Shortages Recruiting, training, and retaining effective educators is perhaps the most impactful contribution school and district leaders can make. @DreamBox_Learn
1/24 What Next?! Edtech Predictions for 2024 – Will digital transformations in the back office will be as radical as those in the classroom? @eschoolnews
1/24 30 Of The Most Popular Trends In Education – Deciding what’s ‘trending’ is an important part of digital publishing and social media interaction. @TeachThought
1/24 As Schools Move to Change How Kids Are Graded, Some Families Push Back. ‘Standards-based grading’ treats homework as unscored practice, eliminates extra credit and focuses on proving mastery of material. @jryoung @EdSurge
1/22 Open Space Offices and Open Space Schools: Corporate Influence on Educating U.S. Students? Progressive-minded educators wanted to liberate teachers from traditional instruction in self-contained classroom buildings that architecturally looked like egg-crates. @LarryCuban
1/17 Five ways to use inquiry-based learning to make math more relevant – Math lessons and ongoing practice grounded in inquiry-based learning emphasize conceptual understanding using real-world contexts. Jennifer Chintala via @eschoolnews
1/17 Student Spaceflight Experiments Program Mission 17 Carried to Space. Students from Harrisville Central in NY worked with staff at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY on this project. Should your students give it a try. @ClarksonUniv
1/16 How to lose weight without going to the gym, according to a personal trainer I do most of these an have been at an ideal weight for a long time. @66perristreet @nypost
1/11 Promoting music education beyond the classroom – Community partnerships and impactful programs extend the reach of music education. Sam Bowman via @eschoolnews
1/11 Crafting Fair Assessments for Flexible Assignments – When teachers provide students with multiple ways to show their learning, they can also develop different ways to assess that learning. @KatieNovakUDL @edutopia
1/11 How Long Does It Take To Become a “Good” Teacher Using the “Churn and Burn” Model? “Burn and churn” is a corporate tactic ill-fitted to improve either academic achievement or learning in urban schools. @LarryCuban
1/10 Five strategies for turning boredom into brilliance – Educators can use boredom to their advantage by tailoring their content to meet student needs. @jonoosterman @eschoolnews
1/9 AI Tools for Teachers – This AI moderated feedback tool – gotFeedback is available in gotLearning and as a stand alone app. @GrowthOverTime @rmbyrne
1/9 How to inspire climate hope in kids? Get their hands dirty. A composting program at The Wesley School in Los Angeles is helping kindergarten through eighth grade students get hands-on experience. @cgrey307 @MindShiftKQED
1/5 What to do when driving skills decline – An action plan to help older drivers prevent dangerous driving and accidents. @HarvardHealth @HarvardVibe
1/5 Students Are Busy but Rarely Thinking, Researcher Argues. Do His Teaching Strategies Work Better? A math professor has spent 20 years experimenting with ways to improve student engagement, and now his teaching strategies are going viral. @jryoung @EdSurge
1/5 When parents only focus on college admissions, essential skills can slip through the cracks. The transition from high school to college has become a rite of passage laden with expectations – chief among them is the assumption that admission to a prestigious college is the golden ticket to future success. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
1/4 How to prepare for the future of technology in education – Leading the way in the innovative adoption of technology means understanding the role of technology in the future of education. @Wyebot_inc
1/4 Building Relationships With Students on Positive Words and High Expectations – By affirming students and maintaining high expectations, teachers can solidify good relationships. @JorgeDoesPBL @edutopia
1/3 10 Predictions for Education in 2024 – This guy got some things right last year so give him a shot. @ajjuliani
1/3 Three things to consider when designing digital learning experiences – If digital content is created without consideration of accessibility, visual processing, and basic design principles, messages can be lost or misinterpreted. @sadieclorinda @eschoolnews
1/3 Wish you could teach without sacrificing your personal life!? Give this webinar a try. @LindaKardamis
1/2/2024 Seven biggest tech developments, trends you should expect in 2024 2024 is going to be a year full of amazing innovations that will blow your mind. Kurt Knuttson via @FoxNews
12/29 How did edtech impact learning in 2023? What edtech trends stood out and took top billing in schools and districts in the new year? @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
12/29 Using Storyboards in the Classroom – Here’s how to turn these visual representations of film sequences into a valuable teaching tool across content and grades. @DBakkegard @edutopia
12/29 Resources For The Parents And Teachers Of Gifted And Talented Students – Here aer ten cool resources for ALL kids along with your local library. @TerrellHeick via @teachthought
12/29 Four simple ways to put the science of reading into practice – Moving from theory to action, integrating science of reading practices into instruction can help educators boost achievement. @DiscoveryEd Kim Wooden via @eschoolnews
12/28 A.J. Juliani’s 2023 (and 2022) Failing Report – When his students were doing the 20% Project (Genius Hour) in his class they had an “Epic Fail Board” (inspired by a number of people) where they would pin up some of their biggest fails and epic risks. @ajjuliani
12/28 Nine Ways to Use QR Codes in Your Classroom Library – Learn how to integrate QR codes into your classroom library, enhancing the learning environment with digital interactivity. @ClassTechTips
12/28 Why Schools Should Ban Cellphones – There are good reasons. In today’s edition of The Education Daly, we will dig into the anti-phone movement. Tim Daly via @LarryCuban
12/28 Home Schools Grow With New Funding Streams. Thirteen states have an education savings account program and more states are adding school choice options. What is your state doing? @tvanderark @Getting_Smart
12/27 Education and Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Path to Transformation – In a world where technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, education stands on the cusp of transformation. Abbie Misha via @EdSurge
12/26 Teacher Pleads With Parents For Help With His Disruptive Students. If you can’t read on grade level you are more likely to end up in prison. @joellealedun roybling12 on Instagram
12/26 How to Avoid the ‘Feedback Hole’ – Students may become reluctant to share their thoughts if their teacher and peers don’t seem to listen. These strategies make the value of their thoughts clear. @MirPloMCPS @edutopia
12/21 To Get Serious About Games, Teachers Experiment With Play in the Classroom. Every week at the Nysmith School in Herndon, Virginia, Philip Baselice breaks out a game to teach his class about key world events. @EdSurge@OBanerji
12/21 Beyond simple search: The benefits of topic browsing in library databases – Laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning by building essential research skills begins in the library and extends to the classroom and beyond. @eschoolnews @EBSCO
12/20 In 2024, education will build systems that champion the science of reading. Inspired by Mississippi’s success, educators across the country will continue to reshape literacy instruction in the new year. @MsKurto @reading_league
12/20 Four Ways To Support Grieving Students Through Writing – Approximately 700,000 young people in the United States lost a parent during 2020-21, with the COVID-19 pandemic boosting bereavement rates—not only due to the virus, but to the increased violence, substance use, and requisite illness that it engendered. @TeachThought
12/20 How Edtech Tools Can Enhance Creativity in the Elementary Grades – Teachers can guide students to explore versatile tools like Flip and Seesaw in a range of assignments across the curriculum. @TechieCoach303
12/19 Five top education innovation trends in 2023 – This year, watch for innovations that explicitly add new capacity and connections to the mix, expanding schools’ ability to innovate and improving relationships and resources for students. @juliaffreeland @ChristensenInst
12/19 Inside the Schools Where Boys Can Be Boys – All-male middle schools show what boys need to develop skills—and these lessons would work in coed schools, too. Movement and hands-on learning are good for all students. @juliejargon @WSJ
12/18 Alex Red Corn on How School Leaders Can Be Culturally Responsive to Indigenous Youth. We are joined by Alex Red Corn, Ed.D, a citizen of Osage Nation, where he is a member of the Tsi.zhu.wah.shtah.geh (Gentle Sky/Peacekeeper) clan. @AlexRedCorn
12/18 Harlan Rowe Middle School teacher goes viral for showing students how to skin a deer. Emily Bidlack is an Agricultural Educator and the FFA Advisor at the school. She provides a hands-on learning experience for students who enroll in her class. Emily Elsbree Bidlack via @Facebook @WBNG12News
12/15 STEM programs can’t keep up with AI–let’s focus on Power Skills. Power Skills are foundational and empower students to acquire and apply other skills necessary for success in diverse challenges. @michalis_gk @eschoolnews
12/15 2023 in Review, From Your Point of View – The passionate conversations and big ideas that inspired, informed, and provoked our audience this year. @tatertutt @borywrites @GonserSarah @edutopia
12/13 The Rise of the Accidentally Permissive Parent – Some moms and dads who strive to be “gentle parents” unknowingly turn into stressed and indulgent ones. @ElizabethKrPa @TheCut
12/13 Jump-Starting Academic Learning With Movement and Dance – The benefits of movement in the classroom aren’t limited to younger students. Pairing new words and concepts with gestures or dance moves locks in understanding—and active brain breaks prime students to learn even more. @GoepperNicole
12/13 The secret to good teaching? Teamwork – Movies about teachers underplay the extent to which a school’s success depends on collaboration. Catherine Friesen via @Chalkbeat @eschoolnews
12/13 Free Mae Carol Jemison Biography – Get a two-page biography, note-taking pages, comprehension resources, and a mini-biography report summary page. Your students will love learning about Mae Carol Jemison! @ShakeUpLearning
12/12 The Elephant in the AI Classroom – It’s not necessarily the bias and ethical implications we see with all kinds of artificial intelligence. @ajjuliani
12/12 Solving the IT staffing challenge in K-12 education – The lack of IT talent is a problem for all organizations, but it places an especially large burden on K-12 school systems. @AlKingsley_Edu @NetSupportGroup @eschoolnews
12/12 26 Gifts Teens May Actually Like – Teens can be scary and impossible to shop for. These adolescent-approved gifts can help. @l0uryn @WIRED
12/8 ‘Love Actually’ sex scenes a great way to teach your kids about consent. Watching a younger Martin Freeman and co-star Joanna Page muddle through a succession of awkward moments together presents the perfect opportunity for parents to educate children about consent. David Landsel vis @nypost
12/8 Starr Sackstein’s new book Student-Led Assessment with ASCD – This comprehensive guide provides teachers with formative assessment practices that put students’ voices at the center – boosting engagement, motivating further learning, and energizing the whole classroom. @mssackstein
12/6 Nine ways collaborative learning benefits teachers and students – While new and emerging technologies can feel like a hurdle at times, there is also much that can be gained by incorporating them into our curriculum. @DipalKapadia @eschoolnews
12/6 Using Data to Proactively Manage Student Behavior – Schools can identify trends and patterns in student behavior in order to help correct issues and prevent them from recurring. @Dr_Depoe @edutopia
12/5 Five strategies to ignite student engagement – At its heart, student engagement is about tapping into students’ innate curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills. @jmacpherson4 @we_are_vaei
12/5 Team Quizzes: A Low-Risk, High-Yield Strategy – Quizzes in small groups can be a low-risk, high-yield learning strategy that also fosters collaboration skills in high school students. Jay Schauer via @edutopia
12/5 The School as a Whole Community Resource – The collaboration between schools and communities holds immense potential to enrich student learning while benefiting the community at large. Also see my summary of School-Linked Services.@MaryRuppenthal @Getting_Smart
12/4 These are the jobs most likely to be taken over by AI. The list compiled by the UK Department of Education spells bad news for white collar workers, especially management consultants and business analysts. @shannonthaler @nypost @DailyMailUK
12/1/2023 The Historic Struggle to Marry Content and Pedagogy: The Case of the Sciences. Entangled, impossible to separate, that is what content and pedagogy have been and are in U.S. schooling. But not to reformers. @LarryCuban
11/30 Six tips for communicating with emergent bilingual families – It’s crucial to acknowledge and overcome the barriers that impede communication with emergent bilingual families. @SternKara @eschoolnews
11/30 Key Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Educators of Color – Learn more about viewing the live presentation and the recording, earning your CE certificate, and using our new accessibility features. Someone in your district should attend. @StilleLacreasha @edwebnet
11/28 Four Theater Games That Make Great Morning Meeting Activities – These games can spark creativity, boost engagement, and teach important executive function skills such as turn-taking. @childsplaynyny @edutopia
11/27 Countries With The Most Paid Vacation And Leave Days, Mapped – Paid leave and public holiday laws vary wildly across the globe — some countries’ employees enjoy many paid days away from work, while others are entitled to very, very little. Have your kids guess where the US falls. @darcymiajimenez
11/22 Professors say high school math doesn’t prepare most students for their college majors. Professors want their students to be able to analyze data, create charts and spreadsheets and reason mathematically – skills that high school math courses often skip or rush through. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
11/22 Do your kids cheat on their schoolwork? 13% of teens are using ChatGPT Have you talked about this with your kids yet? If not, this article is a good way to start the conversation. @diazmadriana @pewresearch @nypost
11/27 Three ways educators leverage gamification strategies – Gamification helps students dive into learning–and it helps educators present challenging topics in engaging ways. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
11/17 Shake Up Learning Professional Development Courses 50% Off. I post valuable resources from this site often. If you need to do some PD, look no farther. @ShakeUpLearning
11/17 30 Of The Most Popular Trends In Education – Deciding what’s ‘trending’ is an important part of digital publishing and social media interaction.How many are happening in your school? @TeachThought
11/17 Microschool in a Box: Programs Enabling the Microschool Movement – Funding and operations can be difficult within a microschool model. Programs and other organizations can support planning, design and implementation. @Getting_Smart
11/15 Unlocking middle school potential: Exploring career education and soft skills – McGraw Hill’s Patrick Keeney discusses the topic of career and technical education (CTE) in middle schools. @MHEducation @eschoolnews
11/15 Students Are Busy but Rarely Thinking, Researcher Argues. Do His Teaching Strategies Work Better? A math professor has spent 20 years experimenting with ways to improve student engagement, and now his teaching strategies are going viral. @pgliljedahl @jryoung @SFU
11/15 Using Live Writing to Provide Instant Feedback – This technique allows teachers to read what their students are writing in the moment and provide timely and effective feedback. Tanner Jones via @edutopia
11/15 “Did You Like School? I Didn’t” (David Labaree) – Here are some interesting reflections from a retired professor at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education. @DLabaree @LarryCuban
11/14 Six Leadership Styles: Pros And Cons Of Each – Research shows that the most successful leaders are flexible and adaptable, and tend to use multiple styles depending on the situation. Which do you use? @FerminTalksWork
11/13 Teaching Students How to Use AI Responsibly Rather than forbid students to use artificial intelligence, an English teacher shows them how they can use it in ways that support their learning. @sscoffield1 @edutopia
11/10 Three pillars for building a positive classroom culture – In a positive classroom culture where students feel encouraged and empowered, they can develop the mindset necessary to thrive. @eschoolnews @we_are_vaei
11/10 Transform 3D Printing in the Classroom – There are lots of reasons you might use a 3D printer this school year. @ClassTechTips
11/10 Four Attributes of a Great Assistant Principal – As a former principal who didn’t have an assistant, this rings true. @gcorus
11/10 Expanding ‘through-year’ assessments to boost student achievement – Montana is taking a formative approach to assessment that gives teachers actionable data to inform instruction throughout the school year. @eschoolnews
11/9 Empowering K12 Classrooms with Google Sheets – Here is the link to part two.. All-Access Pass Members can get one hour of PD credit for listening to these episodes. @ShakeUpLearning
11/9 How playing an instrument benefits your brain – Parents, be sure to give your kids a chance to play a musical instrument. I play banjo and guitar and it adds great value to my life. @TED_ED @MusicRxAssoc
11/8 Mandate for all-electric school buses by 2035 provides unique challenge for school districts. There are lots of issues with range, cost, and infrastructure that may get in the way. @WBNG12News
11/7 How Artificial Intelligence Can Help HR – I believe that hiring the right people should be the highest priority for education’s leaders. This may help. @FerminTalksWork
11/7 Three Activities That Integrate SEL Into Elementary Math – When social and emotional learning is woven into core math curriculum, elementary students can grow in their math skills, social awareness, and emotional literacy—all at the same time. @edutopia
11/7 Using Photos to Create a More Welcoming Classroom – By dedicating space to pictures of students learning in your classroom, you help ensure that everyone feels like a part of the group. Rachel Fuhrman via @edutopia
11/7 Five strategies to reduce teacher stress and improve retention – Reducing the stress that teachers face is critical in helping them achieve success and ensuring teachers remain in their positions. @eschoolnews @AlKingsley_Edu @NetSupportGroup
11/3 Three Language Shifts That Promote Self-Belief for Students – When students feel like they’re struggling to solve a math problem or draft an essay, we educators know that can actually be a good thing. @PegGrafwallner @teacher2teacher
11/3 The Science of Classroom Design – Here is a comprehensive, all-in, research-based look at the design of effective learning spaces. @YoukiTerada @smerrill777 @edutopia
11/3 Four ways to create a comedic classroom – Help students learn by applying improv comedy principles in your classroom. Nick Joe via @eschoolnews
11/2 Learning With AI Tools – Are you a teacher, coach, consultant, or school leader interested in Artificial Intelligence’s impact on the classroom? Every teacher should watch this. @ajjuliani
11/2 What Most American Schools Do Wrong (Adam Grant) – This essay is adapted from his new book, ‘Hidden Potential. @Larry Cuban @AdamMGrant
11/1 How many calories is Halloween candy, and how long does it take to burn off? The average American child eats more than 16 times the daily recommendation of sugar on average on Oct. 31. @SteinbergBrooke @nypost
11/1 Three lessons on perseverance from a honey badger – Perseverance requires flexibility and patience, but it results in growth and new opportunities. @eschoolnews @we_are_vaei @OostermanJon @jonoosterman
11/1 Next-Gen Document Camera for Classrooms – This year, you can upgrade old, bulky doc cams with OKIOCAM’s smart presentation technology. @ClassTechTips @okiolabs
10/31 Purposeful play helps kids learn–here’s how to integrate it. Many teachers feel they can’t easily incorporate purposeful play into the classroom–but doing so is surprisingly easy. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
10/31 Can team teaching break the constraints of conventional schooling? Increasing teacher burnout, coupled with the increasing pressures on those who remain, is a problem we can’t afford to ignore. @ArnettTom @ChristensenInst @eschoolnews
10/31 Hybrid learning is here to stay–and so are pandemic technologies. Effective room management and flexible booking options help streamline challenges that come with increased hybrid learning options. MICAH REMLEY via eSchoolMedia
10/30 Cornell professor suggests eco-friendly costumes. Most store-bought costumes are made of polyester and other synthetic fibers, which are essentially made of plastics. They also degrade but not bio-degrade. @WBNG12News
10/30 Halloween killed! ‘Woke’ schools axing kids’ parties over inequality is a haunting new low . As an elementary principal I arranged alternate parties for kids with religious restrictions and kids who choose not to participate. Kids could also party and walk in our Halloween parade without costumes. This could be an in-class discussion topic. @KirFlem @nypost
10/30 Defend Your Learning: An AI-Compatible Practice For Any Class – We should be looking towards compatible practices with AI instead of AI-resistant practices. @ajjuliani
10/27 Should We Evolve Traditional Teaching Practices? Is your educational experience probably consisted of a lot of lectures, notes, homework, tests, and papers? @ajjuliani @LearningTools.ai
10/27 Five Tools Teachers Can Use to Find Research-Backed Edtech That Works – Only a sliver of edtech products have been subjected to rigorous research into whether they work, but new online tools are making it easier for teachers to find tools that fit their needs. @syodertweets @edutopia
10/27 Four essential resources for building research skills in high school – Strong research skills are valuable beyond high school and will serve students well as they enter a world of digital resources and information. Ayanna Mayes via @eschoolnews
10/26 Five Positive Ways Students Can Use AI – AI is here to stay, and will be an important workforce skill–let’s teach our students to work with it, not against it. @eschoolnews @mackenzieprice
10/26 How Real-World Learning Transforms Education – Putting relationships and relevance together is how you get the rigor and the vigor. @Elliot_Washor @Getting_Smart
10/26 Students Taking Timed Tests by Adam Grant – But a race against the clock doesn’t measure knowledge or intelligence. It assesses the much narrower skill of how well students reason under stress. @AdamMGrant @LarryCuban
10/25 Blue state suspends basic skills graduation requirement again, citing harm to students of color. This is from the conservative New York Post. I think, however, this could be a good topic for a discussion in a social studies or English class. @TheHannahRay @nypost @FoxNews
10/25 How Teaching Should Change, According to a Nobel-Prize-Winning Physicist – I listened to this podcast and recommend it for all teachers and administrators. @EdSurge @jryoung
10/25 How a true teacher hero advocates for student equity and belonging – Learn how this eSN K-12 Hero Awards Winner ensures that each and every student feels they have a place in school. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
10/24 Three best practices to create a STEM-focused school – An educator shares tips and strategies to help students build STEM skills for career and life. @CLF_CLF
10/24 Covid School Closures and Reliance on Remote Instruction: Boon, Bust, or a Peek into the Future? The recent UNESCO report on the widespread use of computers during school closures across the globe takes a position seldom heard in the U.S. @LarryCuban
10/24 Teacher helps implement the science of reading ‘one bite at a time.’ Indiana is in the midst of a statewide push to train more teachers in the science of reading with the goal of improving literacy rates. @eschoolnews @Chalkbeat
10/23 How to talk to your kids about the war in Israel and what not to tell them – This looks like good advice to me. I don’t think I would let a child watch the news at this time. Although this is from Fox News, I don’t see any bias here. @maurmack @FoxNewsDigital @nypost
10/23 How parents can recognize and help a child with anxiety – Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in children. The rates of children with anxiety have been growing dramatically. parentingtranslator on Instagram @MindShiftKQED
10/20 The Importance of “Doability” In Times of Change – If you are a leader, it’s important to look at this matrix for a few reasons. @ajjuliani
10/20 Guiding Students to Know When to Skim and When to Focus – Students need explicit instruction on the benefits of skimming material and when this method is insufficient. @mmcdowell13 @edutopia
10/20 Student-Centered Discipline – While your team works to align school discipline policies to SEL, it’s important to ensure that all classrooms consistently reinforce a student-centered approach to discipline. @caselorg
10/19 Unconventional Quizzes that Liven Up the Classroom – Math quizzes can be engaging, affirming, and even fun! @suszie001 @NCTM
10/19 A 5-Step Classroom Management Makeover – If you’re experiencing behavioral issues with your students, here’s a strategy to try to get back on track for a successful year. @DFWRenaissance @Edutopia
10/19 Five Ways To Build Student Ownership in the First Month of School – The first month of school sets the tone for the entire year. @ajjuliani
10/18 6 Strategies For Dealing With ‘Difficult’ Students – Dealing with ‘difficult’ students remains the number one source of constant tension for most teachers. @allenmendler @TeachThought
10/18 A Journalist’s Reporting on Schools Can Be Shoddy. The media takes a lot of a cheap shots at the nation’s three-plus million classroom teachers in nearly 100,000 schools spread over 13,000 school districts based on cherry-picked evidence. @LarryCuban
10/18 Schools are key to solving mental health equity gaps. Declining mental health is the national health crisis of this generation, and our schools must act. @alexdalvarado @eschoolnews
10/16 Parents, stop asking kids, ‘How was your day?’ — 10 tips to really get them talking. Start by scrolling to the end to see the ten questions you might ask. @Vavabooom @nypost
10/16 Meet the high school sport that builds robots — and the next generation of engineers. Say hello to the Space Cookies, aka FIRST Robotics Competition Team 1868, a Girl Scout troop that builds tournament robots. @theLAJohnson @MindShiftKQED
10/13 From pencils to pixels: Tech is shaping the future of education – New and advancing technology tools can support the future of education by boosting engagement through interactivity. @eschoolnews @RadixCloud
10/13 Internships Rule at The Met, Where High School is a Matter of ‘Trial and Error.’ This is from an adviser at The Metropolitan Regional Career and Technical Center, a legendary public high school universally known as The Met. @LarryCuban @gtoppo
10/12 Online Safety for Students at School (and at home) – Chris McKenna, the founder of “Protect Young Eyes” has some powerful insights into the effects of the online world on kids. @ShakeUpLearning
10/12 Strengthening PD with AI – Artificial intelligence in PD is guiding teachers through a self-coaching cycle aligned to common growth areas as they watch video of their classroom teaching in action. @eschoolnews
10/12 Justin Reich on Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools – Transformational Leadership means starting with understanding, honoring, and respecting what people have already accomplished. @bjfr @Getting_Smart
When a Tiny Fraction of Teachers File Most School Discipline Referrals – Researchers found that “frequent teacher referrers” sent a disproportionate number of Black students to the front office for discipline. Nadia Tamez-Robledo via @EdSurge
10/11 Stop asking for feedback. Start asking for advice. You need someone telling you what they think. It’s not always easy to get. @DanielPink
10/11 Making In-Class Reading More Engaging in Middle and High School – Deep thinking and active collaboration aren’t mutually exclusive. These strategies extend silent reading by centering student engagement. @MarcusLuther6 @edutopia
10/11 Whatever Happened to School Lunches?This is a cool story of the history of school lunches and breakfasts. What does your district do? @LarryCuban
10/10 Economics Nobel Prize goes to Claudia Goldin, an expert on women at work. She studies the changing role of working women through the centuries, and the causes of the persistent pay gap between men and women. @PikaGoldin @ProfHjalmarsson @HorsleyScott @WSKG @NPR
10/10 16 Types Of Employees Surveys (Pros & Cons Of Each) – @FerminTalksWork @allvoicesco
10/6 It may be Banned Books Week, but we think you should read these 13 titles. I did a book report on “Catcher in the Rye” my sophmore year in high school (1963) just because it contains the E-word. @msullivandawson @nypost
10/6 Schools are key to solving mental health equity gaps. Declining mental health is the national health crisis of this generation, and our schools must act. @alexdalvarado @joindaybreak @eschoolnews
10/5 Student Choice Exit Tickets – This is on their twitter page. You should follow them. @teacher2teacher
10/5 How Students Can Use Artificial Intelligence As A Learning Partner We are facing one of the biggest changes in recent education history with the majority of students now having the ability to use artificial intelligence tools to answer and complete any compliance-based work. @ajjuliani
10/5 Five tech tools for kinesthetic learners – While movement-rich technology experiences may feel more chaotic, they are activating students’ brains in a beneficial manner. @eschoolnews @IUILuddy @IUPUI
10/4 Larry Cuban’s New Book Is Out! Larry is one of the top education authors I know. I can hardly wait to get this book. @LarryCuban
10/4 An Arts-Integrated Approach to Teaching Engineering – Incorporating the arts into STEM education helps foster students’ creativity, cognitive development, and content knowledge. Liz MacLauchlan and Priscilla Kane Hellweg via @edutopia
10/3 Using Board Games to Teach Math to Young Children – Playing board and card games can improve number sense among children as young as 3—and it’s fun. @edutopia @nellwmc
10/3 How immersive technology can empower students (and teachers) to learn – Here is how to help PreK-12 educators and students find their path to what’s possible–no matter where the starting point may be. @MHEducation @eschoolnews
10/2 Getting to the Root of Math Anxiety – When kids see themselves as capable mathematicians, it sets the stage for tackling more challenging work. @tatertutt @edutopia
10/2 Next-Gen Document Camera for Classrooms – There are so many ways to use a document camera during your instruction. @ClassTechTips
10/2 Dealing with test anxiety? Practice quizzes can actually help. Cognitive scientists argue that testing improves learning. They call it “practice retrieval” or “test-enhanced learning.” @jillbarshay @AdamMGrant @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
9/29 13 Halloween Ideas for Kids Using Chromebooks – The Halloween ideas for kids on this list incorporate Chromebooks and websites that work well on these popular devices. @ClassTechTips
9/29 25 Bad Uses of Tech to Avoid When Teaching Math, According to Teachers = Calculators, the internet, and smartphones have each raised alarms that they would short-circuit students’ math learning. @AriannaProthero @EdWeekEdTech
9/29 Tive science and technology videos to get students talking – With a vast video library and the chance to customize lessons for students, TED-Ed Lessons can be incorporated into all topics. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews @TED_ED
9/28 Self-Driving Car Crash: Who Is Liable? Self-driving cars may not have hit the roads for everyday use yet, but they’re no longer the stuff of science fiction stories. @KohanBabloveLLP
9/28 Emotional Intelligence for Students: Tips & Resources – Emotional intelligence works in tandem with intellect and diligence, giving people the resilience and flexibility they need in various situations. @smartstudynow
9/28 How Podcasting Is Changing Teaching and Research – For a new book, a scholar interviewed 101 academic podcasters and argued that the genre is challenging traditional notions of who gets to be an authority. @jryoung @EdSurge @MindShiftKQED @allegra_lab
9/27 The danger of a single story – Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice. @ChimamandaReal
9/27 How important is homework, and how much should parents help? In recent years, homework has become a very hot topic. Many parents and educators have raised concerns about homework and questioned how effective it is. @MindShiftKQED
9/27 Schools of the Future: Creating the Entrepreneurial Education Model – Agency, choice, and elevating learner voice requires innovation, creativity and embedding entrepreneurship in our school models. @DocConner13 @Getting_Smart
9/26 How to Nurture Your Joy in Teaching – Teachers can find enjoyment at work without ignoring real challenges, and doing so may help them and their students continue to learn and grow. Christina Torres Cawdery via @edutopia
9/26 The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová There are some solid tips here for anyone who wants to learn another language. @e_r_richards
9/25 Dads, your involvement is key to boosting your kids’ education: A study led by the University of Leeds found that children do better in school if their dads engage in activities with them like reading, drawing, singing and telling stories. @ADaneKlausner @nypost
9/25 Gun Violence Is Remaking America’s Classrooms. While some school districts invest in additional safety measures, such as easy-to-exit emergency windows, some parents are adding bulletproof backpacks to their children’s back-to-school shopping lists. @annette_choi @talyellin @CNN
9/22 Evidence Is Mounting That Calculus Should Be Changed. Will Instructors Heed It? Calculus is a critical on-ramp to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). But getting to those careers means surviving the academic journey. @dtmollenkamp @EdSurge
9/22 How to Reduce Disruptions without Yelling, Begging, or Bribing – This is a free crash course. @Teach4theHeart @ShakeUpLearning
9/22 ChatGPT Guide for Teachers – OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, just unveiled a new teacher guide. @ShakeUpLearning
9/21 Why My Morning Check-Ins Matter So Much to My Students. Check-ins can be as varied as content, but what’s important is that they get students moving around the classroom and talking with one another. @mrccheney @CheyandPav
9/21 A Strategy for New Teachers Facing Challenges From Students – This three-step framework can help new teachers address challenges in ways that are helpful for students and themselves. @JulieSHasson @edutopia
9/20 Three ways superintendents can maximize resources this school year – Dr. Louis Algaze via @eschoolnews
9/19 Columbia quietly closes down Teachers College project that ruined countless lives. The headline seems a bit harsh, but it does seem that phonics is the way to go. @LucyCalkins @Columbia @nypost
9/19 How Metacognition Can Improve Learning Outcomes – Teachers can empower students to recognize their strengths by offering them activities that guide them to reflect on their learning. @judywillis @edutopia
9/18 Struggling students? Let them fail — and teach them to overcome obstacles. This is an opinion piece from the conservative New York Post. What do you and your kids think? via Jordan Lance @nypost
9/18 Why schoolyards are a critical space for teaching about — and fighting — extreme heat and climate change. Transforming schoolyards into green, shaded spaces fosters STEM learning and empowers students. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
9/18 How to support student agency – This simple strategy makes a huge difference in student learning outcomes–here’s how to leverage it for student success. via Steve Walsh @eschoolnews
9/15 Is Homework Good for Kids? Children and parents are often frustrated. Some education experts are calling for a rethink. @anne_theriault @thewalrus
9/15 The 11-Minute Essay: An AI-Compatible Practice – there are plenty of times we’ll want students to be using AI at some part of the assignment or task. @ajjuliani
9/14 The Hidden Importance of Teaching With Stories – This idea is very prominent in the current education literature. @ajjuliani
9/14 A Restorative Approach to Grading – A fresh approach to promoting equity in grading can lead to stronger relationships with students and deeper learning in the classroom..By Juliana Ewing @edutopia
9/13 @Gapingvoid
9/13 Innovative High School Schedules – High school schedules signal priorities, define opportunities, allocate resources, and influence culture. @tvanderark @Getting_Smart
9/13 How Teachers Can Build Confidence – Both new and experienced teachers can benefit from using these strategies to improve their sense of self-efficacy in the classroom. @finleyt @edutopia
9/8 As more teens overdose on fentanyl, schools face a drug crisis unlike any other. Fentanyl was involved in the vast majority of all teen overdose deaths – 84% – in 2021. @ElissaNadworny @LeeVGaines @MindShiftKQED
9/8 15 Plug-and-Play Lesson Plans from Google – These are perfect for Back-to-School or ANY TIME of year. @ShakeUpLearning
9/8 How Our Math Mindsets Survey Helped Ease Students’ Fears Around Learning – This is one way to incorporate student voice. @KatieHale_
9/7 Tips for Calling Parents—Even If You’re Dreading It – Some calls to families can be tough, but there are strategies teachers can use to make them a little easier. @DFWRenaissance @edutopi
9/6 Three lifesaving tech essentials for every school child that parents need to know – Back-to-school time means loading up on school supplies and taking your kiddo to get new shoes. You still have to do that, but now there’s more than ever to get prepped. @kimkomando @nypost
9/6 A Daily Practice That Students Can Use for Self-Regulation – Knowing what makes them feel grounded can help students—and teachers—regain their calm during times of extreme stress. @desautels_phd @edutopia
9/5 Using Art to Boost Students’ Social Skills – Integrating the arts throughout the elementary school curriculum gives students the tools they need to express themselves. @CollinsNBCT @edutopia
8/28 Elementary Teacher Uses Band-Aids To Help Kids Learn What Fairness Looks Like In The Real World. At first the young students did not get it, but then came the aha moment at the end. @joellealedu
8/28 How to (actually) talk to kids It’s not dissimilar from talking to other adults, but even the most well-meaning grown-ups can forget that. @Charley_Locke @VOXDOTCOM
8/23 How helicopter parents killed kids’ freedom to play: psychologists – How much freedom do your kids have? @AboutGoGreen @nypost
8/23 Strategies for Differentiated Instruction in the K-2 Primary Classroom – Differentiated Instruction means teaching kids in one classroom with supports and strategies that makes the instruction accessible for all. @DFWRenaissance
8/23 FOUR Access Points for Family Communication – Family communication is an evidence-based practice that improves learning outcomes. @iheart6ela @teacher2teacher
8/17 How Animal Research Can Inspire Elementary Students’ Writing – Teachers can assess young students’ literacy skills and knowledge by encouraging them to produce books based on animal facts. Matthew James Friday @edutopia
8/17 Reimagining student engagement as a continuum of learning behaviors – Here is a continuum describing six different forms of engagement in the planned learning experience. @MindShiftKQED @RyanLSchaaf @KQED
8/15 STEM Success Strategies – Unleash the potential of STEM education with these comprehensive resources. @eschoolnews
8/15 Stick Figure Survey – This is one way to get to know your students so you can start forming relationships. @teacher2teacher
8/14 Four engaging assessment ideas for middle and high school – Varying assessments can not only engage students, but assist educators in collecting more datapoints on students’ skills that may flourish within different assessment types. @MatthewKlooste1 @eschoolnews
8/14 Proven classroom strategies for winning over reluctant readers – Creating a lifelong reader begins with our classroom community. @LynneRDorfman @brenkrupp
8/14 The Knowledge Society on Connecting Students with Real World Problems – The explore stage is essential. Here, prioritize exposure over learning. @tksworldhq @Getting_Smart
8/10 Exploring Before Explaining in World Languages = Allowing students to notice patterns and draw on their experiences prior to introducing new concepts can boost their learning. @brownpatrick8 @e_r_richards @edutopia
8/10 10 Mistakes We Make When We Talk to Our Students About Life After High School – Talking to teens about life after high school can be tricky. We want to motivate them without placing too much pressure on them. @JenniferLMGunn @weareteachers
8/9 We need a new approach to student assessment. Adopting a more holistic assessment approach moves education closer to achieving the decades-old promise that assessment can directly impact classroom learning. @AshleyREden @eschoolnews
8/9 Three Fun Science Lessons to Try This Summer – If your kids are looking for something to do now that school is out, try these. @rmbyrne @SciShowKids @NASA @ENERGYDeploy @lawrencehallsci
8/9 Is Mississippi the New Finland? Can Your School Learn From Them? Other schools including New York City have been borrowing from Mississippi. @NickKristof @DrDougGreen @MsSackstein @nytimes @KristofFarms @jimbarksdale
8/8 NY schoolchildren can’t read — yet state leaders refuse to act. What’s happening in school district/state? @nypost
8/8 The Practical Importance of Knowing the Logic of a Reform-Driven Policy: A Primer for Educators. Reform brand names go in and out of style swiftly. @LarryCuban
8/8 Wrere to Take Advantage of Discounts for Teachers – Ace the school year with special, teachers-only perks—like cheap software, phone plans, and classroom supplies. @l0uryn @WIRED
8/7 How extroverted teachers can engage introverted students – Extroverts really crave large amounts of stimulation, whereas introverts feel at their most alive and their most switched-on and their most capable when they’re in quieter, more low-key environments. @theVogelman @KaraNewhouse @MindShiftKQED
8/7 Leveraging edtech to help students, teachers stay connected through illness – Edtech isn’t just transforming students’ in-person learning experiences–it’s expanding access and equity for home-bound students and teachers. Sam Bowman via @eschoolnews
8/4 How to Get in the Flow – TED-Ed’s new lesson, How to Enter Flow State, explains why it can be difficult to enter a flow state. @rmbyrne @TED_ED
8/4 https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/examples-of-analogies/ – Because an analogy is a pattern established by the nature of the relationship between two things, there are an infinite number of analogies. @terryheickedu @TeachThought
8/4 Seven Summer Learning Tools Parents Should Know – Summer is in session but that doesn’t mean that learning needs to stop. @Rdene915 @Getting_Smart
8/4 10 things schools need to do to build students’ networks – What will it take to ensure that all students, especially those furthest from opportunity, are on a path to promising and fulfilling careers? @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/3 The Best Colleges in America 2023 See the acceptance rate, retail cost, real cost, and graduation rate for 738 colleges. The search feature makes it easy. @Money
8/3 Missing Voices: Part 1 — Tale of Two School Newspapers – This is where I heard about The Classic high school student newspaper mentioned in a link below. @MiseducationPod @bellvoices
8/3 The Classic, the student newspaper from Townsend Harris High in Queens, NY. This paper is an award winner from a selective high school. Unfortunately, most non-selective high schools in New York City don’t have student newspapers. What does your school have? @thhsclassic
8/2 Five Tools for Creating Automatically Scored Formative Assessments – Self-grading formative assessments will save time. @rmbyrne @goformative @plickers @TeacherMadeMee
8/2 Passion-Driven Professional Development – Thoughtful training for teachers can be invigorating and positively impact a school’s climate and culture. @JasmineBrann @edutopia
8/1/2023 The US States With The Best And Worst Health Care, Ranked – Expensive health care doesn’t guarantee the best quality or outcomes. @darcymiajimenez @digg
7/28 Teaching Young Children to Understand Consequences – Early childhood educators can use modeling and common, everyday occurrences to demonstrate consequential thinking. @SELinSchools @edutopia
7/28 Thinking about tutoring for your child? Here’s what you should consider. As educators look for ways to help students as they recover academically from pandemic interruptions, tutoring can play a key role. @YeseniaRobles @ChalkbeatCO
7/28 In School, Girls Rule. Where Does That Leave Boys? Since the 1970s, “the gender reversal in education has been astonishingly swift. @becky_koenig @EdSURGE @RichardvReeves
7/27 Efforts to recruit diverse teachers will fail unless school leaders change systems that burden and isolate novice Black teachers. What are the leaders in your school doing? @FlourishCormier @lizbeth_bettini
7/27 Three tools that foster gamification in a 4th grade classroom – Gamification encourages students to take ownership of their learning and boosts. Carrie Rosenberg, 4th Grade Teacher via @eschoolnews
7/27 Critical Role Lays Out the Next Era in Tabletop Games and Live-Action Role-Play. The creators that made the original live-play Dungeons and Dragons show a blockbuster are back to share its magic and bring its platform to new and diverse creators. @laurence_russel @WIRED
7/26 When should you let your kid quit? It’s mid-season and your child is aching to quit something. What should you do? @LindaFlanagan2 @AnnieDuke @MindShiftKQED
7/25 Tim Knowles and Amit Sevak on What To Do with the Carnegie Unit – The future driver of education will be skill rather than time or place. @_AmitSevak @Getting_Smart
7/25 ‘One-size-fits-all education’ is a relic of the past: teacher survey. Seven in 10 high school teachers agree that a one-size-fits-all education, with the same curriculum and teaching methods for all students, is a thing of the past. @SWNS @nypost
7/25 Moving Beyond Status in Math Class – By focusing on ideas rather than individual students, math teachers can move beyond assumptions that some kids are ‘good’ at math. via Janamarie Sunkle and Polly Wagner @pwagnerivy @edutopia
7/25 The Absurd Logistics of Concert Tours – If you and/or your kids go to concerts of bands on the road you should find this interesting. @wendoverpro
7/21 Three Ways to Upgrade Your School Device Management – Do you even have a system for managing devices in your school? @ClassTechTips
7/21 The Future of Children’s Television Isn’t Television. Children’s media is its own universe, where YouTube sits at the center—but gaming platforms are closing in. @Knibbs @WIRED
7/21 Using Free Edtech Tools to Get to Know Your New Middle and High School Students – Older students can use these tools to introduce themselves to their teachers and each other—even before school starts. @MatthewXJoseph @edutopia
7/20 ‘Welcome to Sex’ children’s book causes chaos on retailers’ shelves. Strangely enough this subject seems to have become political. Where do you stand? @BrookeELRolfe @nypost
7/20 Can New Technologies End Age-Graded Schools? Using high-tech devices smartly can customize the age-graded school out of existence. @LarryCuban
7/20 Roblox, PLTW team up for immersive STEM experience – Pathogen Patrol–PLTW’s first learning experience on Roblox–gives educators access to new instructional tools for STEM learning. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
7/19 Effective SEL instruction isn’t possible without this key element. SEL skills are essential for navigating both academic and non-academic environments successfully, and they’re critical for improving outcomes. @doctorlearner @LapacificU @eschoolnews
7/19 Creating a Sense of Community in High School From Day 1 = At the beginning of the year, using class time for team building can help ninth graders with the transition to high school. @MrsBegen @edutopia
7/18 This disgusting hack saved my toddler an ER trip. Every parent should know it. @emlefroy @nypost
7/17 College consultants reveal their top tips to gain Ivy League admission -The day after you graduate middle school, you are ‘live. @66perristreet @nypost
7/17 Project-Based Learning Programs Support Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Specialized Space. Programs that combine the development of core life skills and trained skills thrive in intentionally designed spaces. Hannah Pier-Herendeen via @Getting_Smart
7/17 Transgender cyclist wins female race to prove males are physically superior to women, has message for trans athletes: ‘They’re being selfish.’ Under the current binary system, women athletes will be discouraged, and their hard work might not be recognized due to the participation of transgender athletes. What do you and your kids think? @rickypollina @nypost
7/17 How parents can help children with ADHD thrive in friendships – Many kids with ADHD struggle with executive function skills. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
7/14 I work with struggling readers–here’s what’s standing in their way. It’s heartbreaking to realize that I never taught many of my former students to read. @Chalkbeat @eschoolnews
7/14 Teaching Through Asking Rather Than Telling – High school teachers can promote active learning by strategically replacing some direct instruction with questions that produce thoughtful conversations. Jay Schauer via @edutopia
7/13 The National Education Association’s summer reading selections aim to indoctrinate kids, not educate. This is a conservative opinion that liberal parents should read. As an independent, I think there are better books for your kids to read this summer. @karol @nypost
7/13 District virtual schools need to innovate beyond flexibility and security. District virtual schools are dynamic alternatives to conventional schooling, ripe for transformation to cater to the diverse needs of 21st-century learners. @ArnettTom @ChristensenInst @eschoolnews
7/13 A Good Tool for Mapping Census Data -Social Studies teachers and students should like this. @rmbyrne @uscensusbureau
7/11 School clinics bolster students’ mental health. So why aren’t there more? Nationwide, nearly 2,600 health centers operated out of schools in 2017, the most recent year with available data — more than twice the number that existed two decades earlier. @patrick_wall @Chalkbeat @MindShiftKQED
7/11 Key tips to help educators thwart cyberattacks – An education network and technology integrationist offers industry tips to reduce the risk of costly cyberattacks within districts. @MaryTMM @eschoolnews
7/7 Half of teachers expect AI to make their jobs more challenging. New survey reveals notable gaps in the education sector’s readiness for the deployment of AI-powered software in classrooms. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
7/7 Enhancing Flipped Learning With Micro-lectures = Short, recorded instructional lectures that focus on one concept or skill can be powerful teaching tools. @DrToluNoah @edutopia
7/7 Gaming the System: The Many Educational Benefits of Game-Based Learning – Game-based learning may take various forms—purposeful play in the classroom, game-like approaches to curriculum design, even school-sponsored esports competitions.
7/7 UC Offers Its Admissions’ Reviews Strategy to Encourage US Campus Diversity. With the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Thursday (PDF) that race-conscious admissions are unlawful, colleges and universities across the country hoping to enroll diverse student bodies will need to turn to different strategies to do so. @michaelburke47 @EdSource @MindShiftKQED
7/6 The Everlasting Search for “Magic Bullets” in School Reform – Most often the words disparagingly describe reforms that once pumped up hopes for solving serious school problems and then missed the target or created much collateral damage. @LarryCuban @tomfishburne
7/6 Virtual Field Trip This Summer – Here is a curated list of websites for virtual field trips for summer that will transport
7/5 How ChatGPT made my lessons more engaging – In my history, economics, and speech and debate classes, the AI tool has been a force for good. @burrows_spencer @Chalkbeat @eschoolnews
7/5 Tacoma Adding More Personalized Learning Opportunities. Tacoma, Washington is home to a growing number of choice schools that offer personalized learning opportunities for its students. @akrebecca @Getting_Smart
7/5 https://www.teachthought.com/critical-thinking/teaching-critical-thinking/ – What are the best critical thinking questions? @terryheickedu @TeachThought
7/4 America’s classrooms are finally embracing financial literacy. What is your school doing? @ghlionn @nypost
7/4 Four parenting priorities to prevent mental health ‘summer slide’ – Without the daily structure of school and extracurricular activities, kids may struggle with boredom or restlessness. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
7/4 The Power of a 45-Second Investment in Relationship Building – A short, positive interaction with a student at the start of the school year can pay off all year long. @edutopia
7/3 A Force to Be Reckoned With: How independent media has become a force to reckoned with as it rises from the ruins of the legacy media. Websites, TV and radio stations are springing up all over the world directly challenging globalist and corporate versions of reality. @FreeWCH
7/3 Harvard to roll out AI professors in flagship coding class for the fall semester. Starting in September, the Ivy League school’s Introduction to Computer Science, or CS50, will roll out a ChatGPT-like tool that aims to help both its human professor counterparts and students in the classroom. Katherine Donlevy via @nypost
7/3 Welcome to STEAM Machine online. We nurture the innovative spirit of one teacher, one grade level, one building, and one school district at a time. If you are looking for STEAM professional development, check these guys out. @TKtalksSTEAM @SammonSTEAM
6/30 25 Search Strategies You Need to Know – New Course Starting Soon. It starts in two days. Learn how to search better and teach strategies to students. @rmbyrne
6/30 What game theory can teach us about standing up to bullies. New research from Dartmouth, however, shows that being uncooperative can help people on the weaker side of the power dynamic @physorg_com
6/30 This Radically Simple Solution Helps Students Feel Like They Belong in School. It all comes down to the basic human need to feel cared for and to be part of a community. Nadia Tamez-Robledo Marcelle Mentor @EdSurge
6/29 The disappearing computer — and a world where you can take AI everywhere – In this exclusive preview of groundbreaking, unreleased technology, former Apple designer and Humane cofounder Imran Chaudhri envisions a future where AI enables our devices to “disappear.” @imranchaudhri @TEDTalks
6/29 Do You Need Help Motivating Yourself? Best-Selling Author Daniel Pink Shares a Tip on How to Tap Your Intrinsic Motivation. @DanielPink
6/29 10 powerful practices for new principals – A number of key strategies can help new principals take the important first steps toward leading with integrity and helping their students reach their full potential. @PratherEdu @eschoolnews
6/29 Sparking Students’ Curiosity to Enhance Their Problem-Solving Skills – Curiosity about small questions, or micowonderings, can help students solve problems in any discipline. @emmajchiappetta @edutopia
6/28 Why teachers and K12 administrators are split over AI’s impact on teaching – Be sure to watch the video “ChatGPT for the Classroom in 6 Minutes.” @DA_magazine
6/23 Hacking Group Work: 11 Ways to Build Student Engagement, Accountability, and Cooperation with Collaborative Teams (Hack Learning Series) Kindle Edition – This is really a free Kindle edition that you can also read in your browser. @conniehamilton
6/23 Eleven Teacher Desk Ideas with a Digital Spin – Staying organized during the school year is crucial, and having a well-arranged desk can make all the difference. In today’s blog post, we’ll explore teacher desk ideas with a digital twist to help you maintain order throughout the academic year. @ClassTechTips
6/23 Advocating for student mental health starts here. With increased awareness of student mental health needs, many districts are examining how to elevate the impact of school counselors. Alma Lopez via @eschoolnews
6/22 ChatGPT is going to change education, not destroy it. Douglas Heaven offers his take on its stunning rollout over the past six months and what he sees as its influence on public schooling and higher education in the U.S. @strwbilly @LarryCuban
6/22 Collaborative edtech tools are changing the game for student engagement. New student collaboration technologies are revolutionizing the learning experience and shaping the future of education. @dwhly @hypothes_is @eschoolnews
6/22 Hosting a ‘Bring Your Grown-Up to Class Day’ in Middle School = Inviting students to bring important adults to middle school can facilitate engagement, connection, and learning. Katie R. Medill via @edutopia
6/21 The decline of American playtime — and how to resurrect it – The world can be terrifying. But we should still give kids the freedom to explore it. To me this is very important. @annanorthtweets @voxdotcom
6/21 Our Learning Future from A to Z – Rather than simply replicate and scale the arrangements of schooling, we must seize the possibility to shift from a schooling system to a learning ecosystem to truly empower learners, educators, and parents. @loukaparry @learningfuture @Getting_Smart
6/20 Edtech leaders offer guidance on safe AI classroom integration. New global framework for computer science and AI education will have input from education, policy, and technology experts from around the world. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
6/20 Three ways to leverage tech for better student mental health – Ensuring students thrive academically requires helping kids thrive holistically—and technology can actually be part of the solution. @GaryPettengell @eschoolnews
6/20 This Teacher Turned Her Journalism Experience Into a Bilingual Media Literacy Class. Just being in a classroom and knowing that you’re changing somebody’s life, it’s very moving. @AlbaMendiola Nadia Tamez-Robledo @EdSurge @JoltAction
6/19 Three principles for tackling the right problems in education – The easiest thing in the world to do is talk about improvement. It’s vastly tougher to actually do it. @Harvard_Ed_Pub @MindShiftKQED
6/16 Making Rigor Relatable to Students – Teaching students that rigor is inextricably linked to the learning process helps them grow to be confident learners. @mmcdowell13 @edutopia
6/16 ChatGPT Is Unoriginal—and Exactly What Humans Need. The technology can help cut through buzzwordy “solutions” and serve as a shortcut for jumpstarting creativity. @WIRED @EzgiRants
6/16 Here’s What Popping A Balloon Sounds Like In The World’s Quietest And Loudest Rooms The Action Lab got to spend time experimenting with different sounds and their reactions to rooms that amplify and dampen their sounds to the maximum. @theactionlabman
6/16 The Future Belongs to Online Learners — But Only If Programs Can Help Them Succeed. Coursera’s tinkering with engagement tools points to a stark hypothesis about what may be hurtling toward the American higher education system. @OBanerji @EdSurge
6/15 Learning as a Collective – Perhaps the first step toward having schools bring together the collective is for schools to treat learners as members of a collective. @DrBenjaminFreud
6/15 We need to rethink discipline in schools: How school reinforces inequalities between Black children and their peers. @jonquilynhill
6/15 Undocumented High School Students Are Now the ‘Post-DACA Generation’ – Without legal protections from deportation and for college and work, these immigrant youth face an uncertain future. Nadia Tamez-Robledo @EdSurge
6/14 Online Spelling Games – Flippity’s Spelling Words is a free Google Sheets template that you can use to create individualized spelling games for your students. @flippitynet @rmbyrne
6/14 Making a Math Lesson More Hands-On – When teachers provide opportunities for students to construct figures and play with dimensions while exploring geometry, math becomes more accessible to everyone. @edutopia
6/14 The Fastest-Shrinking Jobs In The US, Visualized. See if you and your kids can guess the jobs on this list. @jaredrusso @digg
6/12 Civic Engagement: Museums Create Meaning. The classroom isn’t the only place for students to engage in history or civics. @Educatorslab @StartupTeacher @Getting_Smart
6/12 How important was your favorite teacher to your success? Researchers have done the math. For the lucky among us who have formed connections with a teacher, a school counselor or a coach.
6/8 The Spaces We Create – What behavior do the spaces you spend time in encourage? @JamesClear @nataliehamptonn @gcouros
6/8 Three ways to leverage tech for better student mental health – Ensuring students thrive academically requires helping kids thrive holistically—and technology can actually be part of the solution. @eschoolnews
6/8 Do math drills help children learn? Critics say these timed drills aren’t useful and instead provoke math anxiety in many children. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
6/7 Teachers’ Dreams – Like Larry Cuban I too have had anxiety ridden dreams about my teaching gone wrong. If you teach I think you can relate to this. @LarryCuban
6/7 Are we preparing students to be chefs or cooks? This is a good analogy for any teacher. @ajjuliani
6/6 Five Techie Things to Try This Summer – The summer break is a great time to play with new technology. @preimers
6/6 Three ways to boost your student resumé over the summer – Students should take advantage of time off to do some learning and build their resumé. @KatieHabits @_feedspot
6/5 Six Ways to Help Kids Grow Their Creativity – Brené Brown and other experts share insights on how parents and teachers can foster children’s creativity while nourishing their own. @BreneBrown @GreaterGoodSC
6/5 Three New Trends in Student Assessment – Through-year assessment, AI and machine learning, and individualized assessment were all focus topics at a recent conference. @eschoolnews
6/5 Five Effective Ways to Support Teacher Collaboration – School leaders can make collaboration a priority so that teachers learn from each other and develop their instructional skills. @AVID4College @edutopia
6/2 The Life Binder Journal This claims to be the perfect guide to help teens explore careers. @MyUniqueGenius_
6/2 Centering Choice in Professional Development – When professional learning is infused with choices, teachers are more engaged. Here are a few tips for getting started. @roxi_thompson @edutopia
6/2 Rive fun STEM videos for hard-to-engage students – These TED-Ed Lessons can help educators encourage students to explore different STEM. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews @TED_ED
6/1/2023 Improving VO2 Max: A Look at Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes – I am a vegan athlete and the oldest finisher in the local half-marathon for the last three years. @nutrition_facts
6/1/2023 The Learning Science Behind Analogies – Analogies help students remember new information by connecting it to frameworks or contexts they already know. @edutopia
5/30 Understanding and supporting girls with ADHD – Almost 13% of men and boys have ADHD compared to 5.6% of women and girls. Girls are often misdiagnosed or under diagnosed. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
5/26 Three essential tools to make elementary science easier – When teachers have a variety of tech resources to present scientific concepts to students, science is more likely to be part of the instructional day. @eschoolnews
5/25 The 100 greatest children’s books of all time – BBC Culture polled 177 books experts from 56 countries in order to find the greatest children’s books ever. @BBC_Culture
5/25 50 years ago, the U.S. government prohibited discrimination in education on the basis of sex. Now, women earn more than 57 percent of all bachelor’s degrees. @becky_koenig @EdSurge
5/23 Six Truths About Technology in Education – This is A.J. Juliani’s keynote at the University of Pennsylvania Literacy Network’s Winter Symposium. @ajjuliani
5/23 Getting the Most Out of Museum Field Trips – A plan to give students agency over what they learn while visiting a museum creates a significantly more beneficial experience. @saintfester @edutopia
5/23 Billionaires’ Love Affair with School Reform Beyond the occasional admission of a mistake, foundation officials are unaccountable for their errors. @LarryCuban
5/22 Poetry is everywhere: Strategies for teaching poetry through music, murals and more. Poetry is a mindfulness practice. @ClintSmithIII @TheAtlantic @MindShiftKQED
5/22 Turn Students Into Bold Historical Thinkers. By collapsing the distance between historical eras and the present day, we motivate students to ask hard questions and dig deeper into the past. @edutopia @borywrites
5/19 Preparing Students to Take Their Presentations to the Next Level – With the right preparation, students can be ready for any audience question—even if they don’t know all the answers. @mmcdowell13 @edutopia
5/17 The Pandemic’s Virtual Learning is Now a Permanent Fixture of America’s Schools. Truth is, we didn’t reopen schools back to “normal” in-person learning over the past few years … so much as we brought daily virtual learning into real-world classrooms. @ConorPWilliams @LarryCuban
5/17 Three Ways Instructional Coaches Can Support Early Elementary Teachers in Science – An inquiry-based, immersive approach can spark early elementary teachers’ enthusiasm for teaching this critical subject. @CAHoisy @edutopia
5/17 How to ask for college recommendation letters – Share with any high school juniors you know. The college application process has many moving parts, each of which requires planning ahead. Also share my summary of Valedictorians at the eGate @KatieHabits @_feedspot
5/15 Special Education Myth Busting – At least 85% of students with disabilities can learn and achieve on grade level. @Think_Inclusion @Getting_Smart
5/15 How a social-emotional learning book club can cut across cliques and connect kids – Kids naturally have emotional responses to what they read. Teachers can tap into that. @KaraNewhouse @Awhitewater @MindShiftKQED
5/15 Boost math skills with Eedi! Explore how a combination of chatbots, an online platform, and tutors can help to close the math achievement gap. @ClassTechTips
5/10 Four Ways to Teach Students Backward Planning – Students can learn to use their time wisely and strengthen their executive functioning skills by starting with the end in mind. @SarahKesty @edutopia
5/8 Nurturing Change makers With an ELA Project – One way to help students master skills is to let them cultivate their own English language arts content to explore. Here’s how. @DBakkegard @edutopia
5/4 Academia’s twisted reasons for shelving the SAT – I’m not a fan of standardized testing in general. What do you and your kids think of this conservative opinion? @RichLowry @nypost
5/4 Why Should We Map out Ideas? Ideas are put into individual bubbles that are moved and manipulated into a logical order. @tomwhitby
5/3 As Millions of Solar Panels Age Out, Recyclers Hope to Cash In. Should we be rethinking the push for solar energy? @WIRED
5/3 Six Ways to Use ChatGPT to Save Time – Teachers can use the artificial intelligence tool to effectively automate some routine tasks. @finleyt @edutopia
5/2 Six Steps to Effective Whole-Class Feedback – Ensuring that students know what they did well and where they need to improve doesn’t have to be an interminable task. @edutopia
5/1/2023 How to Support and Sustain Rich Classroom Discussions – High-functioning classrooms feature rich, inclusive discussions. Here’s how you can set students up for success before gracefully removing yourself from the equation. @edutopia @borywrites
5/1/2023 Dropping out of College: Why, How, and What to Do After – College is a challenging and stressful time for students. If you want to drop out early, it’s important to think about your goals and whether you can achieve them without a college degree. @IvyPanda3 @YvonneMcquarrie
4/28 These States Have the Most ‘Underqualified’ Teachers Stepping in to Fill Open Positions – The map is interactive so you can see how your state compares to the others. Nadia Tamez-Robledo via @EdSurge
4/28 Funding an assistive listening system in your school – Assistive listening technology can provide a better learning experience for all students, whether they have hearing loss or not. KIM FRANKLIN via @eschoolnews
4/28 Welcome to Matrix Bingo The perfect tool for bingo hosting. This can be a great learning tool that allows anyone in the class to win. You can create cards for free, but there is a charge for the hosting page. Share with teachers you know.
4/27 Want to Improve Education? Ask Students for Input. High school students have good ideas about how schools can better serve learners, as the winners of a national challenge show. @suzieboss @edutopia
4/27 What If We Measured Learning Through Skills Gained, Not Time Spent in the Classroom? Influential institutions throw their weight behind bringing competency-based education to high school and college. @becky_koenig @EdSurge
4/27 Six keys to successful school communication and engagement in the digital age – Districts leaders are paying more attention to branding and marketing, particularly as schools face new competition for students and teachers. @DA_magazine
4/26 Is “R” a Vowel? | Otherwords – What is a vowel? Watch this and find out. @EricaBrozovsky @PBSDS
4/26 13 Formative Assessments That Inspire Creativity – Sometimes mixing in formative assessments that go a step beyond exit slips and low-stakes quizzes can inject some fun—and creativity—into learning. @tatertutt @edutopia
4/26 What’s It Like to Leave the Classroom for a Job in Edtech? After three years of facing heightened stress since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic it’s no wonder that some teachers are leaving the stormy seas of classroom instruction in search of calmer waters. @KavithaCardoza @EdSurge
4/25 Four resources to differentiate computer science instruction – Computer science topics offer simple opportunities to differentiate instruction–edtech can make these concepts even more accessible to students. @eschoolnews
4/25 Dr. Scott McLeod on Leadership for Deeper Learning – Vision is important, but it can’t succeed without capacity building. @mcleod @tvanderark
4/25 35 Best Plays for High Schools in 2023: The Ultimate List – I prefer musicals, but some high schools still do plays. This looks like a good list. @stayinformedg
4/24 List of ‘bad’ NYC principals includes serial hugger, sexy dresser, and ‘Lucifer’s sister’ – Leaders and future leaders should read this. The bottom line is don’t be an a-hole. @MelissaKleinNYC @nypost
4/24 Secrets to Making Lesson Planning Easy – Planning lessons for every subject each week can be overwhelming. By creating a pacing guide and batching lessons, teachers can focus on one topic at a time. Not So Wimpy Teacher on YouTube and her website @edutopia
4/21 AI for Educators Membership – Designed for teachers and educators passionate about staying ahead of the curve, this membership offers a unique, curated monthly experience that will keep you up-to-date on the latest AI trends and tools for the classroom. @ClassTechTips
4/21 Seven best practices from educators and IT leaders – Educators are always willing to lend a helping hand–here are tips, strategies, and goals from classroom teachers, educators, and IT experts. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
4/19 THree ways telepractice helps combat burnout in special education – A more holistic approach to education staffing that includes telepractice holds the potential to reduce educator burnout and ease the workforce shortage. @eSN_Laura @VocoVision
4/19 Maintaining Your Self-Worth in the Age of Social Media – Often confused as either self-value or self-esteem, Sam Woolfe from the Healthy Place describes self-worth as the belief that you are valuable and loveable and therefore deserving of respect. @Strong365
4/17 Using Poetry to sharpen students’ Claims for argument writing – Excerpted from Poetry Pauses: Teaching With Poems to Elevate Student Writing in All Genres by Brett Vogelsinger. @theVogelman @MindShiftKQED
4/17 The Scaffolding Technique in Education: Benefits & Examples [Is It Really Useful?] As in construction sites, scaffolding in education means providing support for students while they are doing their work – studying. @CusWriting
4/13 The new way rich parents are paying to get their kids into the Ivy League – At the tender age of 7, while most kids were learning to ride bikes and play video games, Natalia Latuskiewcz, was pondering early principles of multiplication and algebra two hours per week in her Russian math class. @J_Settembre @nypost
4/13 Encourage a Little Rebellion for the Sake of Change. Consider how each of us encourages rule-breaking for the sake of institutional change and self-betterment. @mssackstein
4/13 PBL For All – BoostPBL Gives Teachers Everything They Need To Get Started With PBL. @strikingly
4/12 Interactive Strategies for Test Prep and Knowledge Transfer – From summative assessments to state tests, these strategies help students show what they know. @MMHargrave @edutopia
4/12 School Reformers’ Pledge of Good Conduct Well-intentioned reformers constantly split over which goals should have precedence. @LarryCuban
4/11 Students want to learn about personal finance…and hear about adults’ money mistakes. Studies show that students are more likely to budget, save and manage their credit after they take a financial literacy class. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
4/7 C3 Podcast: From Teacher to Leader – With so many teachers considering leaving the classroom, it’s important to consider your career pathway. @mssackstein
4/7 Five signs your district’s ed-tech tools aren’t the right fit – Insufficient solutions will consume your budget and provide inadequate data to justify your spending, says one expert. But leaders can identify the warning signs early. @DA_magazine
4/6 Five math resources to boost student inquiry – When students are truly engaged in inquiry, they are able to construct deep knowledge and understanding rather than just passively receiving information. @eschoolnews
4/6 Some Schools Are Prioritizing More Sleep for Kids. Is It Making a Difference? Despite public skepticism about changing school start times, evidence from schools that have made the plunge seems clear: It leads to better-rested, more motivated students. @borywrites @edutopia
4/6 The Ultimate Guide to Using Grants to Fund New Technology for K-12 Schools – At first glance, choosing to revitalize your school district by adopting new educational technology can feel like an insurmountable hill to climb. @OtusK12 @_feedspot
4/6 Teaching Writing In An Artificial Intelligence World – A Master Course from John Warner @biblioracle @ajjuliani
4/5 Credentialing For All – This resource explores how to get started with credentialing learning experiences. Credentialing and badging is a growing space in education, one with tons of opportunities. @Getting_Smart
4/5 Pinkcast 4.33. This is how to flip your language to create psychological safety. How can we create workplaces and classrooms where everyone feels a sense of psychological safety — the freedom to speak up without fear of getting smacked down? @DanielPink
4/4 Using rewards to encourage positive behavior from your students–and teachers – Incentivizing positive behaviors instead of punishing negative ones is an effective way to build school culture, but it’s also a powerful way to get teachers to practice PBIS. @eschoolnews @clairedavies
4/4 Building a culture of digital innovation with student devices – Educational technology should no more be optional in a society where online natives are now putting their kids to school. @lynch39083 @NYSCATE @PAECT
4/4 Seven Tips for Students to Improve Assignment Writing Skills – Writing a top-quality assignment is a challenging task. But you can achieve perfection in this task with smart work. @stayinformedg @_feedspot
4/4 Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms (Natasha Singer) – Natasha Singer is a reporter for the New York Times. In writing this article, she sat in high school computer science classes. @natashanyt @LarryCuban
4/3/2023 Pacing Group Activities With Focusable – use Focusable to pace a workshop. @getfocusable @rmbyrne
4/3/2023 The pulse of K-12: How superintendents are taking on 2023’s biggest challenges – The past three years have been overwhelming for superintendents, but education leaders have come together to find solutions to common challenges. @DougRoberts_IEI @iei_k12
4/3/2023 Beyond reading logs and Lexile levels: Supporting students’ multifaceted reading lives – When teachers familiarize themselves with students’ reading histories, they may uncover reading trauma. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
3/31 Heads Up: Eighteen things to know about rising above bullying – This was written by an 11th-grader at Susan E. Wagner High School on Staten Island, Nena Yalamanchi wants to pursue psychiatry to work with teens and children. @thebriansims @nypost
3/31 Four steps to avoid a ransomware attack – Every school can build a robust, cost-effective data security strategy as they protect themselves, their students, and their data. @Arcserve @eschoolnews
3/31 Rip Van Winkle and U.S. Schooling. – Suppose a teenage Rip Van Winkle had gone through school and graduated in the mid-1970s. He then went to a party and afterward fell asleep in his car. Rip then awakened in 2023. @LarryCuban @CUbanLarry
3/30 How edtech can solve a few of K12’s biggest non-technology problems – Very few teachers agreed with the statement “technology presents more challenges than it solves.” @Zalaznick @DA_magazine
3/30 The pros and cons of using virtual reality in the classroom – Virtual Reality is an interesting technology that is quickly gaining in popularity. It can be used in classrooms for a number of different purposes, but there are also some potential cons to consider. @lynch39083
3/30 Will “Open Classrooms” Return?* – The “open classroom,” an innovation that swept over U.S. schools between the late 1960s and early 1970s caused a few waves only to disappear from schools by the end of the decade. @LarryCuban
3/29 STEAM virtual field trip – Have you taken students on a STEAM virtual field trip? This year the team at the Country Music Association and Discovery Education has a set of free resources for teachers and students to explore the wide world of STEAM. @ClassTechTips
3/29 Using Taylor Swift Lyrics to Engage Kids with Text – Even college courses about Taylor are popping up all over the country at renowned institutions such as NYU, University of Texas, and Stanford. @middleweb
3/29 12 Parenting Skills Every Parent Should Have – Kids learn very fast and as a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach them what is right. What a child learns from the early stages of life will determine what kind of person they grow up to be. @stayinformedg
3/28 Want to Raise Kind, Generous Kids? Take Them to an Art Museum. New research shows seeing great art can inspire kids to be nicer and more generous. @ENTRYLEVELREBEL @PsychScience
3/28 Is the ‘Growing Your Own’ pipeline working for special education teachers? You should consider growing your own teachers for any assignment and your own administrators as well. @stageslearning
3/28 Removing Common Barriers to Teach With Movies – Movies can help students explore a concept and sharing them might be easier than you think. @ClassTechTips
3/27 How a School Made Play Central to Learning – At a primary school in the UK, both students and teachers have become more engaged and curious as a result of a shift to a fully play-based approach—and learning has become more joyful for everyone. @DycePrimary @edutopia
3/27 One Idea to Keep Teachers From Quitting — End the Teacher Time Crunch. When a Texas task force set out to draft a plan for attracting and keeping more teachers in the state’s schools, it ran into its first problem before work ever began. @EdSurge
3/23 Sex education is now how-to in schools —parents, beware. Do you know what passes foe=r sex ed in your school? @Betsy_McCaughey @nypost
3/23 Six ways to help reluctant readers become book lovers – A teacher-librarian shares her proven strategies to engage and captivate reluctant readers. @eschoolnews
3/23 The Most Expensive College In Each US State As you can see, some states are sort of affordable. @darcymiajimenez @digg
3/22 “Short-burst” phonics tutoring shows promise with kindergarteners. One organization has designed a different tutoring model, which gives very short one-to-one tutoring sessions to young children who are just learning to read. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
3/22 Here Are the Skills You Need to Succeed in Tech in 2023. First, stay human. Whether you’re looking to stay relevant in your current position, survive a company reorg, or secure a new role, continuing to grow intellectually and emotionally will serve your career well. @jaimestathis @WIRED
3/21 Five ways to make way for science in an ELA and math world – Science is more than a subject; it’s a necessity for young minds to test their curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking skills. @dawn_mccotter
3/20 Five ways to create a stellar online elementary learning program – Starting an online elementary program may feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be–here are some tips to gets yours off the ground. @robinwinderhc @eschoolnews
3/20 Four Ways to Promote Executive Functioning Skills – Middle and high school teachers can build activities that foster students’ executive functioning skills into their daily routines. @RHSGiants411 @edutopia
3/20 Best of 2022 – A Calendar of SEL Activities – The website called Kikori provides hundreds of free social-emotional learning activities that you can do with students of all ages. @KikoriApp @rmbyrne
3/17 Memorable Feedback: Lessons from Cognitive Psychology in Retrieval Practice – A wealth of research demonstrates that learning is strengthened during retrieval. @rmcenta @bbrunsm
3/17 Teaching Digital Citizenship to Students Who Learn and Think Differently – Make sure all students have a chance to build these essential skills. @CommonSenseEd
3/17 Six benefits of immersive learning with the metaverse – The metaverse helps students enjoy more engaging lessons and greater autonomy–and also offers significant accessibility benefits. @eschoolnews @ViewSonic
3/16 Five innovative ways educators are using digital learning tools – On Digital Learning Day, discover how the right resources can inspire students and make learning more meaningful. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
3/16 Six Steps to Protect Student Data Privacy – Many apps used in schools compromise student data. Here’s one-way schools and districts can develop a comprehensive plan to keep that information safe. @roxi_thompson @edutopia
3/13 How parents’ political views are affecting their kids’ mental health – Children do not raise themselves — and the attitudes and ideologies of their primary caregivers have a profound impact on their mental well-being. @ghlionn @nypost
3/13 These students raised thousands to make their playground wheelchair-friendly. This is a very inspirational story. How handicap assessable is your school’s playground? @jojom8ah @MindShiftKQED @npr
3/13 More teachers are using ChatGPT than we thought—and that’s good news. We are already seeing educators relying on AI to streamline their jobs, and they love it. What are your teachers doing? @DA_magazine
3/10 What the F? Grading strategies for early career teachers – Conversations and grading policies that reflect more equitable practices will hopefully continue to evolve as stakeholders understand more about student needs. @Baule_S @winonastateu @eschoolnews
3/10 Schools Are Using Voice Technology to Teach Reading. Is It Helping? A first-grade student is trying to read a passage on her iPad. A digital avatar Amira, clad in olive green, is listening. @OBanerji @EdSurge
3/10 A STEAM VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP WITH A COUNTRY MUSIC SPIN – Have you taken students on a STEAM virtual field trip? This year the team at the Country Music Association and Discovery Education has a set of free resources for teachers and students to explore the wide world of STEAM. @ClassTechTips
3/8 Eight predictions about literacy learning in 2023 – Trends in literacy education for the coming year will revolve around wider adoption of the science of reading and greater use of individual assessment. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
3/8 How to Choose the Right Coach for Your Teen – Teenagers need guidance to navigate the challenges of adolescence. @daniels_den @Shareaholic
3/7 How the wokeness it pushes could destroy higher education – Although this is from the conservative New York Post, the reasoning does make some sense as college enrollments are down 14% in the last decade even though the population has grown. Thought? @nypost
3/6 New research review questions the evidence for special education inclusion. A recent international analysis of all the available research on special education inclusion found inconsistent results. Some children thrived, while others did very badly in regular classrooms. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
3/6 The 12 most useless college majors, according to career experts – Some of these majors, like English, will help you build important skills, but leveraging those skills is not a strait-forward process. I think psychology is a good minor. @rena_writes @BusinessInsider
3/3 Five Video Projects for Almost Every Classroom – The projects in this course can be done in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Whether you have iPads, Chromebooks, Macs, or Windows computers, you will be able to do these projects. @rmbyrne
3/3 The Benefits of Presenting Preschool PBL Work – Project-based learning allows very young students to explore, research, and grow their knowledge. Presenting their work to the community validates their efforts. @edutopia @ClassTechTips @Rdene915
3/2 A Better Alternative To Grading Student Writing – Great writing starts at the beginning, whether with an idea or need or purpose of social context or spark of inspiration. @terryheickedu @TeachThought
3/2 Incorporating Vision Boards in World Language Classes – Creating a vision board guides students to contemplate their life goals and work on the target language. @ElenaSpathis @edutopia
3/1/2023 PINKCAST 4.32. Here’s how adding two letters can boost your powers of persuasion. Dan’s guest explains how using nouns is more persuasive than using verbs. @j1berger @DanielPink
3/1/2023 Designing Personalize Pathways for Every Learner – Every learner deserves an unlimited number of unbundled opportunities to explore, engage, and define experiences that advance their progress. @Getting_Smart
3/1/2023 The Power of a Compliment – A project that invites students to anonymously compliment their classmates and teachers has improved the culture at one high school. @Mr_S_Wisniewski @edutopia @WayneValleyHS
2/27 What parents should know about eco-anxiety and its impact on today’s teens – Taken from “One Green Thing” by Heather White. @onegreenthing @MindShiftKQED
2/27 Why educational robotics is a critical STEM learning tool – STEM learning can be challenging, but educational robotics offers students an opportunity for a hands-on, guided problem. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
2/27 What is computer science education lacking? There is no one answer to why computer science education isn’t more widespread–but many of the obstacles are surmountable. @yelenevych @codegym_cc @eschoolnews
2/24 The mindset that brings unlimited willpower – Many people believe willpower is fixed and finite. Yet powerful strategies exist that can help us increase it. @d_a_robson @ZoeLFrancis @PlittyC @BBC
2/24 How Dora Palfi is preparing girls to become tech’s future leaders – Encouraging more girls to study coding and other STEM subjects starts with making these subjects easier for teachers to integrate, FETC speaker says. @dorapalfi @Zalaznick
2/22 Better Learning Podcast: The Recovering Perfectionist – It is always exciting to have the opportunity to talk about education topics with new folks, and this podcast conversation didn’t disappoint. @mssackstein
2/22 Jeffrey Star trashes pronoun culture: ‘They and them is made up s–t’ – This might be something for your students/children to consider and explain why they think the way they do. @SteinbergBrooke @nypost
2/22 High-dosage tutoring is the best-known strategy for learning loss recovery. Is it actually happening? This federal tutoring campaign is based on some of the best evidence that education researchers have ever found for helping students who are behind grade level. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
2/21 ChatGPT AI robots writing church sermons causing hell for pastors. Among sermon writers, there is fascination – and unease – over the fast-expanding abilities of artificial-intelligence chatbots. @hershaelyork @SBTS @AP @nypost
2/20 Growth Mindset Music Video – If you are teaching your kids about a growth mindset you should show this video made by fifth-grade students. @LkwdSchools @HayesCCSD
2/20 35 edtech innovations we saw at FETC 2023 – This is a lot to digest. Assign one to each teacher in your school and have them report back. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
2/17 Finding the learning loss data needed to drive learning recovery – Equipped with a trove of valuable learning loss data, states can understand their own unique and evolving challenges. @DrMelodySchopp
2/17 Some Ideas for Using ChatGPT in Middle and High School Classes – Teachers can use tools like ChatGPT as one strategy in their efforts to teach students how to think critically and write effectively. Also, see the article below on ChatGPT bias. @RichmanGeoff @edutopia
2/17 Student Solar Project Bridges Digital Divide in Rural Virginia. To bridge this digital divide during the pandemic, a school district set up 32 WOW stations throughout a rural county. @Getting_Smart
2/17 Does ‘Flipped Learning’ Work? A New Analysis Dives Into the Research. Since the pandemic, more instructors at schools and colleges appear to have embraced “flipped learning,” the approach of asking students to watch lecture videos before class so that class time can be used for active learning. @jryoung @EdSurge
2/15 Teens feel hopeless, and suicidal more than ever, CDC warns. Consider sharing this with your kids and asking them how they feel. @AdrianaDiaz @nypost
2/15 Reconnecting With Wisdom From ‘The Little Prince’ – Having had the opportunity to reread the work with her son recently in English, Starr Sackstein has been reminded and moved by the big lessons in the story’s simplicity. @mssackstein
2/14 Two Ways to Use Pictures in Formative Assessment – Students answer questions based on a diagram that they upload to Formative.com. @rmbyrne @goformative
2/13 My Teenager Hates Me: What Can I Do as a Parent? What can you do to change your teen’s hurtful behavior and address your teen’s unmet emotional needs? Learning some new parenting strategies is an excellent start. @Shareaholic
2/13 Teachers Using Chatbot for Lessons – Here is one teacher’s take on using the app as a teaching tool. @David__Fortino @CubanLarry
2/13 The End of Grading – How the irrational mathematics of measuring, rankin
2/9 Four Norms for Creating a Human-Centered Classroom – Teachers can focus their energy on creating a classroom focused on the students themselves, rather than outcomes, by helping them build relationships and develop a more robust sense of self. @eckertjon @edutopia
2/7 Online learning can help schools retain students. Families want many options for their children’s education–online learning allows traditional school systems to expand the range of choices. @constntdreamer @VHSLearning @eschoolnews
2/7 How Project-Based Learning Supports ALL Students – Have you ever had students complain about project-based learning or active learning? Or have students asked for worksheets and lectures? @ajjuliani
2/7 There’s no such thing as a bad test taker, but anxiety is real. Maureen Lamb, a teacher at Kingswood Oxford School in Connecticut, can see the telltale signs of test anxiety the moment her students enter the classroom. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
2/3 Expanding the Meaning of Digital Citizenship – In this episode, educator and author Carrie Rogers-Whitehead joins to discuss the meaning of digital citizenship, including how to embed this practice across diverse learning environments and subject areas. @ClassTechTips @DrMonterosa
2/3 How to engage your students in order to build literacy – Engaged students are students who are excited to learn–and increased engagement can lead to better literacy learning. KevinHogan@eschoolnews.com @eschoolnews
2/2 Why UDL and PBL Work So Well Together – The longer you work with students and coach players, the simpler the formula becomes for growth. @ajjuliani
2/2 Five of the biggest education trends in 2023 – As new education trends lead to innovative teaching and learning, here are some of the top trends to look for. @Dr_Counts @eschoolnews
2/2 How robots and our school’s buddy program bring computer science to life – Pairing kindergarten and grade 5 students together to code and play with robots turns into a rich computer science experience for everyone. @TebbetsJulia @Sewickley @eschoolnews
2/1/2023 Many students are using study strategies that don’t work — and better options exist. Daniel Willingham is a University of Virginia psychologist who frequently engages in pop culture battles armed with academic research. He has made it a personal crusade to persuade teachers that the idea of learning styles is a myth. @jillbarshay @DTWillingham @hechingerreport @UVA
2/1/2023 Steps To Connect Students With Black History-Makers If we can get students to identify with world-changers, we can get them to see themselves as world-changers. @theLITsensei @teacher2teacher
1/31 How to Make a Good Impression in College – the Complete Guide – The lesser known but equally important 7/11 rule says that it only takes seven seconds to make eleven conclusions about someone. @StudyCorgi
1/31 How woke ChatGPT’s ‘built-in ideological bias’ could do more harm than good – In early 2023, the biggest concern seems to be whether AI has an embarrassingly PC sense of humor. @ericspitznagel @nypost
1/31 ChatGPT Is Making Universities Rethink Plagiarism. Students and professors can’t decide whether the AI chatbot is a research tool—or a cheating engine. @_sofiabarnett @WIRED
1/30 The phonics fix? Some teachers are reconsidering the role phonics plays in modern elementary education and turning more often to a science of reading-based approach. @brittenfollett @eschoolnews
1/30 How to do a student self-assessment to identify strengths and weaknesses – This post will teach you everything you need to know about how to do a student self-assessment. @KatieHabit
1/27 Using Debate as an Educational Tool – Classroom debates are closely connected to communication standards in all grades, and the predictable structure helps students express themselves. @annmariebaines @diana_medina27 @caitlinchealy @edutopia
1/27 Grappling With AI Writing Technologies in the Classroom – ChatGPT and other AI tools complicate how teachers think about student writing and how they teach academic integrity. @spinedu @edutopia
1/26 School choice just came to Iowa: Here’s how even blue states can win for their kids. This could be a good class discussion topic. @Tommy_USA @SchoolChoiceNow @nypost
1/26 How to use Minecraft Education in your classroom – When students use tools they enjoy, they become more engaged in their learning as they show what they know. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
1/25 Pinkcast 4.31. This is how to solve problems more effectively with one simple change. The study mentioned in this Pink cast is “Does Could Lead to Good? On the Road to Moral Insight,” conducted by Ting Zhang, Joshua D. Margolis, and Francesca Gino. @francescagino @TingZhangUK @jtmargolis @DanielPink
1/25 Preventing Polarization: 50 Strategies for Teaching Kids About Empathy, Politics, and Civic Responsibility Kindle Edition – by Michelle Blanchet and Brian Deters – Are you ready to break down conflict and build consensus on polarizing topics? The Kindle edition is currently free. I just ordered the paperback to summarize here. @Educatorslab @markbarnes19
1/24 These are the character traits kids should learn early in life. – Eight in 10 (81%) parents think educators should spend time teaching things outside of academics, such as soft skills and current events. @SWNS @KiddieAcademy @OnePoll @nypost
1/24 Gholdy Muhammad wants teachers to see the world as a curriculum. Defining the world as curriculum means we must move about and navigate the world and see it as full of opportunities for teaching and learning. @GholdyM @Scholastic @MindShiftKQED
1/24 Teaching In The Age Of AI Means Getting Creative – ChatGPT and similar AI systems are being used in realms beyond education, but classrooms seem to be where fears about the bot’s misuse are playing out first. @FiveThirtyEight
1/23 Project-based learning can make students anxious (and that’s not always a bad thing). Educators who invest in project-based learning (PBL) say the benefits are obvious: real-world relevance and a sense of purpose lead to higher classroom engagement and better knowledge retention among students. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
1/23 The Biggest Myth In Education – You are not a visual learner — learning styles are a stubborn myth. @veritasium @juanbenet @SamLutfi @googlesearchc
1/13 New Howard T. Ennis School opens doors, and bigger space provides additional learning opportunities. @k_firle @AnonymousOneToo @47abc @IndianRiverDE
1/13 Incorporating Growth Mindset in Personal Finance Classes – Students with a growth mindset about money management are more likely to make good financial decisions. @JonelleRocke @edutopia
1/12 How ChatGPT Can Save Teachers Time – It seems that a tool than can help students cheat can save teachers time. @OtusK12
1/12 Talking with Teens and Preteens About Pornography – Tips and scripts to promote healthy communication and development. @EmRothman @CommonSense
1/12 Teens and Pornography – Here is the report that studies teens watching porn. Start with the infographic that gives a good overview of the report. @CommonSense
1/10 Five ways video improves school-home communication – Here are some tips and strategies for using video to increase parent engagement. @eschoolnews @Les_Ortego
1/10 Students Can Create Their Own Video Games With Construct 3. Construct 3 offers students an opportunity to create games that might remind you of some classic video games like Mario Brothers, Zelda, or Space Invaders. @rmbyrne @ConstructTeam
1/6 NYC schools block access to ChatGPT over cheating concerns. Keep in mind that this software will continue to get smarter. What is your school doing? @TBarrabi @nypost
1/4 The Secret to High Performing Teams, Embrace Failure. How you handle failure, what you learn from it and what you do next determines whether you can turn that failure into success. @VentureBeat
1/2/2023 Will High School Students Ever Write Essays Again After ChatGPT? This short video trys to put this writing bot in perspective. All parents and educators should watch. @jaredrusso @TheeNerdwriter @squarespace
1/2/2023 Six tips to help start an elementary esports program in your school – Conversations around esports have centered on collegiate and secondary levels, but recently, the conversation has expanded to include elementary. @growinglearners @eschoolnews
12/30 Five essential skills to include on your student CV – It’s a common misconception that work experience is the only part of a CV most hiring managers care about. However, you shouldn’t underestimate the value of showing off your other relevant skills and experience to employers. @warwickuni @AnilaDhami
12/30 Dr. Ellen Perconti on The Practice of Contributive Learning – The students must see themselves in the learning. @EllenPerconti @Getting_Smart
12/30 Can Anti-Plagiarism Tools Detect When AI Chatbots Write Student Essays? If you work with the bot, you can get a good essay. You could also spend the same amount of time writing a good essay. @dtmollenkamp @EdSurge
12/30 A Short Overview of ChatGPT – All educators need to know about this AI that students can use to write papers at no cost. @rmbyrne @ChatGPTChef12/29 This Will Revolutionize Schooling! This is about those rose-colored, feverish innovations that appear time and again, promising to transform teaching practices. @LarryCuban
12/29 EdSurge Staff Picks for What to Read, Watch and Listen to Over the Holiday Break – EdSurge reporters and editors have been reflecting on the articles, books, and podcasts that have resonated most this year and They’re sharing them with you. @EdSurge
12/27 The Importance of Actionable Feedback Provided and Requested – Of course, no one wants their students to do poorly on any assessment. But what is the actionable thing that can help improve that outcome? @gcouros @Meghan_Lawson
12/27 – Storytelling can be an effective way for teachers to make topics like inflation relevant to students. @eschoolnews
12/27 How Human Brains Are Biased To Solve Puzzles In This Specific Way. When faced with a problem, interestingly, humans tend to opt for additive solutions rather than subtractive solutions. @AsapSCIENCE
12/27 Career Connected PBL – Whether educators are encouraging students to think about their future by exposing them to various career options or teaching students career skills that will prepare them for success after high school, here’s how PBL makes career-based learning more meaningful. @eschoolnews
12/22 How to identify student anxiety in the classroom – Educators who strive to understand the nature of student anxiety can profoundly impact their students’ lives. @TAGaccredited @eschoolnews
12/22 Seven Black History Month resources to use the whole year – I never understood why the blacks only got one month and that it was the shortest month. Try to weave them in every month. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
12/22 Use these five strategies to boost student engagement.Teachers must build strong, trusting, and collaborative relationships with their students to ensure student engagement increases. @MAguilarBueno @goguardian
12/22 Starr Sachstein’s Podcast: #StrongerTogether with Dr.Matthew Joseph -Since both of them will be at #NYSCATE later this month, they chatted about the learning to be had and some of the assessment work Starr has been up to lately. @mssackstein @MatthewXJoseph
12/22 We can teach math better–here’s how. Just as the science of reading has shown that some instructional practices are more effective than others, research points toward a more effective ‘science of math. @nigel_nisbet
12/22 Pick one of these 6 SEL activities to try this week. Every Sunday, T2T will share a new menu of low-lift, high-impact practices over email and social media. @teacher2teacher
12/21 Why Finland’s schools outperform most others across the developed world – This is
a quick look at Finish schools that outperformed most others in the developed world. @ABCaustralia
12/21 20 Best Places That Hire You at 15 Years Old or Less – Teenagers can also get jobs in their neighborhoods like dog walking, babysitting, and house cleaning. @ChukwuemekaGab6 @stayinformedg @_feedspot
12/21 Three things we get wrong in responding to child grief — and how to do better – Kids who lost parents, along with those who lost other relatives, are carrying their grief with them into classrooms. @KaraNewhouse @MindShiftKQED
12/20 Five components of a great hybrid learning program – Communication and creativity are key when it comes to establishing a warm and welcoming hybrid learning classroom. @MrsZuniga_Teach @eschoolnews
12/20 How everyday noise can inhibit learning – and how teachers can reduce it – Ongoing noises that people claim to “tune out” are unlikely to harm ears, but they can still have a profound effect on the brain. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
12/19 These career-centric gifts deliver inspiration, work smarts — and even a better image. This isn’t a modern version of Dickens, it’s a holiday gift list for the workers in your life. @actbrilliant @nypost
12/15 @MikeTyson @TuckerCarlson
12/15 Three helpful tips for district leaders to improve the power of digital assessment – Digital assessment now reaches beyond traditional exams to incorporate any assessment of learning and gauge student progress throughout the year. @maddietennis @DA_magazine
12/15 Parents are turning to schools for student mental health. Schools are realizing that providing mental healthcare is much like the importance of free school lunches. What is your school doing? @jm_wight @eschoolnews
12/13 Best Gifts For Kids – Don’t know what the kids are into these days? Worry not. We’ve picked out some crowd-pleasers for you. @BsaGrant
12/13 Educator claims advanced technology ‘causing more problems’ for students. Adding more technology to classrooms has hurt students more than helped them, a former teacher said amid speculation about the effects artificial intelligence will have on education. @TenySahakian @OpenAI @nypost @FoxNews @Markus4Ward2
12/9 ‘Our Messaging Does Not Align’: Dozens Of Public Libraries Reportedly Reject Kirk Cameron Story Hour Over Faith-Based Book. Does your library allow drag story hour and deny faith-based books? @VAKruta @realDailyWire
12/8 Adobe Creative Education Challenges – Check out this collection of challenge materials for fun, easy, and engaging ways to get your students learning! Join the conversation with this month’s challenge at the top of the page or explore past months below. @AdobeForEdu @khanacademy @ShakeUpLearning
12/8 Protecting your schools as cyberattacks rise – No industry is immune to the cybersecurity threats–schools must protect student data and maintain critical services. @eschoolnews
12/8 A Comprehensive Guide to Reflective Essay Writing – When it comes to essays, there are various different types–descriptive, expository, persuasive, and reflective essays. While you may have nailed how to tackle the first three through your school work, reflective essays may pose a challenge. @TRPMumbai @_feedspot
12/7 How to Read Music – And 17 Other Lessons About Music – Please share this with music teachers and students you know. @rmbyrne @TED_ED
12/7 20 Storybooks Online for Children – If you have been searching for the best storybooks for your kids, check out this list of online books for children. @stayinformedg @ChukwuemekaGab6 @_feedspot
12/6 How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Child? An examination of the financial impact of bringing children into this world today is worth a closer look in this era of economic uncertainty. @CredelloUS
12/6 Three ways to bring teacher PD into the 21st century – A 30-year veteran educator reflects on the changing education landscape and how teacher PD can better serve today’s teachers. @eschoolnews
12/6 Whatever Happened to Programmed Learning? Programmed learning (or “programmed instruction”) made a huge splash in media during the 1950s and 1960s. It was an innovation that grabbed policymakers and tech-driven school reformers. Yet by the 1970s, it had largely disappeared. @LarryCuban
12/5 The Fifteen Best Magazines and Newspapers for Children and Teenagers – Magazines for kids, tweens, and teenagers specifically hold content appropriate for this age range. A child should not be reading magazines meant for adults, and neither should teenagers. @stayinformedg
12/5 Using “Dear Math” letters to overcome dread in math class – Excerpted from “Dear Math: Why Kids Hate Math And What Teachers Can Do About It” by Sarah Strong and Gigi Butterfield. I will summarize this book soon. @sstrong57 @TGIFMath @matemagikern @MindShiftKQED
12/2 Five learner-centered education models to inspire reform – Learner-centered education collaborates with learners to design learning experiences tailored to their interests and needs that help them pursue. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
12/2 Using Robotics to Spark Engagement in Middle School Math – An activity that combines coding and solving equations improves students’ math skills and helps them build persistence. @JessicaRae929 @edutopia
12/1/2022 The Real Goal of Direct Instruction – In their book, Empower, John Spencer and A.J. Juliani lay out the case that direction instruction (as a form of consumption) is not all bad. @ajjuliani @spencerideas
12/1/2022 The importance of starting STEM learning early – A positive attitude and heightened interest in these critical areas of study through creative and exciting hands-on learning opportunities is key. @VEXRobotics @SmartBrief
11/30 Students are still behind in math–what needs to change? Educators face the daunting task of addressing lost instructional time from the pandemic while also managing drops in math achievement and teaching grade-level content. @jeanichol @eschoolnews
11/30 A Puzzling Question about Teaching in U.S. Schools – Why has the act of teaching in public schools (including charters) that serve wealthy, middle-class and poor children looked so familiar to past generations of journalists, researchers, parents and grandparents who observe classrooms? @LarryCuban
11/29 Why the World’s First Virtual Reality High School Changes Everything – Recently Dana Williams and her team at American High School launched the world’s first virtual reality high school – and it’s pretty cool. @danawilliamstv @EagleNationAHS @eSchoolMediaInc @eschoolnews
11/29 Best Coding Bootcamps to Learn Coding Coding boot camps provide an opportunity for beginners to learn about coding. It provides practical training and the best experiences for beginners eager to learn about coding. @stayinformedg @ChukwuemekaGab6
11/28 Have we been getting playthings all wrong? For decades, we’ve been using toys to cram learning into playtime – and toys have been marketed as tools to turn children into prosperous, high-achieving adults. Is it time for a rethink? @unkowthe @GuardianUS
11/28 The ups and downs of girls in STEM – With intentional efforts focused on eliminating barriers to STEM education, teachers can support girls as they pursue STEM studies. @eschoolnews
11/28 Five ways school leaders can break down silos to get more students in STEM Does your school or district teach STEM, or does it teach science, technology, engineering, and math as four separate and distinct subjects? @reidwhitaker @DA_magazine
11/25 How to Use Design Sprints, PBL, and Genius Hour to Get Kids Making – Many successful people in this world are self-starters. They build solutions, problem-solve on the fly, and make products that serve thousands and millions of people. @ajjuliani
11/25 Seven exercises to improve your Applications and Interviews. – Nail that job, with this no sweat workout. @warwickuni @_feedspot
11/23 South Korea has almost zero food waste. Here’s what the US can learn. In the US, most food waste ends up in landfills while South Korea recycles close to 100% annually, and its model could illustrate some core principles. @maxsoeunkim @guardian
11/23 Ten Ways to Give a Better Lecture – In essence, make it more like a TED Talk. @cultofpedagogy
11/22 STEAM Lessons About the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade – Let’s make learning fun as we go full S.T.E.A.M. ahead with our Parade-themed videos, DIY activities & worksheets. @Macys @rmbyrne
11/22 With challenging elementary standards and kindergarten readiness assessments looming, some may question whether educators should be spending so much time on play. @jackiemader @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
11/22 Five science lessons that foster students’ social-emotional growth – With a little intentionality and planning, SEL skills can be implemented into any content area. @dawn_mccotter @VAInstitute
11/18 Shame on the celeb crypto grifters like Tom, Gisele, and Larry David — who promoted FTX without a thought for the money their fans may lose. I try to stay away from buying anything promoted by any celebrity. I think that there is a lesson here for you and your kids. (Note that Warren Buffet is not a Republican.) @piersmorgan
11/18 Finding the funds for college is doable with research and creative thinking. Applying for college is stressful for high school juniors and seniors, but figuring out how to pay for it all can be a nightmare for parents and kids alike. @joegal @nypost
11/17 Three tips to help teachers boost creativity in their classrooms – Creativity belongs in all subject areas, and it can come to life in different ways in a second, seventh, or 11th-grade classroom. @ClassTechTips
11/17 Shop class sometimes boosts going to college, Massachusetts study finds. Today, students are actively choosing instead of being passively steered to shop classes, and white students are more likely to opt for a career and technical education high school program than Black students. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
11/17 How the Science of Reading Helps Navigate Today’s Reading Challenges – Reading teachers should all read this. Please share. @eschoolnews
11/16 Three ways to make inflation interesting for students – Storytelling can be an effective way for teachers to make topics like inflation relevant to students. @CertellOrg @eschoolnews
11/16 An Overview of Five Fun Geography Games for Students – Welcome to Geography Awareness Week. The following videos provide an overview of five map-based geography games that your students can play. @GeoGeek_AR @rmbyrne
11/16 Using EdTech to Promote School Safety – In this episode, Sydney Clermont, Senior Director of Customer Success Operations at Pikmykid, joins Monica Burns to discuss how EdTech can be used by a school or district to help promote school safety. @ClassTechTips @pikmykid
11/15 Four Coaching Questions to Help You Develop Emotional Maturity – To manage relationships you will need a high level of emotional responsibility. @carthagebuckley
11/15 Edtech trends are enabling more diverse learning. Edtech allows students to increase their level of technological literacy and also encourages learning outside of the classroom environment. @Lauraanniesmith @eschoolnews
11/14 Tess Talks with Monique McPherson. Monique is a hypnotherapist and the warrior mum of three wonderful boys and two wonderful girls. She specializes in supporting people with weight loss and sugar addiction. @lawrie_dr
11/14 Four tips for online learning success in schools – School leaders can use these tips to increase the impact and successful outcome–and fully leverage the power–of virtual learning. @HNga109 @eschoolnews
11/14 ‘Keep those diaries’: Strategies for centering student voices and improving reflection habits – Preserving memories is important because things that were new and significant eventually become normalized, and it’s easier to forget about them altogether. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
11/11 The Ten Best Paying Jobs in Finance Consumer Services in 2023 – This is a bit long, but it’s something that high school student thinking about a career in finance should read. Parents and teachers can also use this to advise students. @stayinformedg
11/11 How to Choose the Best Gamified Reading App – What is gamification? In the education space, we use the term gamification to describe the process of turning a traditional learning experience into an activity that feels more like a game. @ClassTechTips
11/8 Axioms You Can Use To Parse School Reforms Educational policies made in school board meetings, superintendent suites, and principals’ offices have consequences for what happens daily in schools and classrooms. @LarryCuban
11/8 How this criminal ransomware group is creating headaches for schools – A joint cybersecurity advisory warns districts of a group known as Vice Society, which has been “disproportionately
11/8 Educator retention hinges on these three things – Critical insights reveal how edtech is transforming the classroom; most educators say we are now closer to fully realizing the potential of technology in teaching. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
11/3 Could a different method of teaching address low education scores? Researchers encourage public schools to use “culturally responsive” methods. @kiaraalfonseca @ABC
11/3 Science Fairs as Pathways To Passion, Problem-Solving and Careers – Science Fairs inspire the problem-solvers that touch the future. @tvanderark @Getting_Smart
11/3 Four tips for using data to differentiate instruction – For this educator, data has been an invaluable tool for differentiating learning and also for supporting a growth mindset. @eschoolnews
11/2/2022 Modern students need modern librarians. Here’s what it’s like being a librarian in 2022, and how librarians provide students with access to resources they need to succeed. @amy_k_hall @eschoolnews
11/2 How Do You Assess Project-Based Learning? We always want to know what our students understand and are able to do/apply. The problem is a multiple-choice assessment rarely ever provides that information. @ajjuliani
11/2 Spaced repetition is the secret to overcoming learning loss. Spaced repetition can guarantee that your knowledge is constantly building rather than having your brain lose new information almost. @eschoolnews @acohenNY
11/2 Four Positive Alternatives to Problematic Teaching Practices – Old habits may be hard to break, but when teachers modify their approach in these areas, they can help improve learning for all. @stephenoonoo @edutopia
10/28 Meeting the demand to personalize learning for every student – What role can technology play in addressing the teacher burnout we’re seeing across the country? @MHEducation
10/28 Teacher shortages remain a top problem–here’s how to fix them School district leaders can fill critical gaps in the educator workforce with innovative answers to a challenging problem. If your district is interested in this service contact needteaachers@K12.com @Stride4Schools @SpezioLaura @eSN_Laura @eSchoolMediaInc
10/28 The secret to effective technology integration in schools – Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is readily available and accessible for the current task, is transparent and routine, and supports the curriculum’s goals. @lynch39083
10/28 Can educational technology support your school’s safety goals? Schools and districts can use tech tools & online platforms to make sure everyone is safe. @ClassTechTips
10/27 What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)? In order to stay eligible for student loans you need to maintain SAP. Do you and your kids know what it is? @CollegeAveLoans @_feedspot
10/27 How One School Is Beating the Odds in Math, the Pandemic’s Hardest-Hit Subject – How did your school’s math scores fare during the pandemic? If they were not so good, you need to read this. @smervosh @LarryCuban @nytimes
10/27 How to make project-based learning a reality – Part of what makes PBL so magical is that educators are helping students acquire valuable knowledge that they can apply right now in their own community. @eschoolnews @TerraTarango @VAInstitute
10/27 My Four Steps to Building Community-Responsive Lessons – As teachers, nothing matters more to us than making our students feel like their learning matters. @_jesspeacock @teacher2teacher
10/26 Kids that play video games perform better on cognitive skill tests. It seems that if a game is cognitively challenging that it should help. @ccampys @nypost
10/26 The Disruptors Official Trailer – a documentary film on ADHD – Institutions can pay, but individuals and apply for a free screening. All educators and parents of kids who have or might have ADHD need to watch this. There are lots of successful role models. @NancyAArmstrong @MAKERSwomen
10/26 Lessons learned using edtech during COVID – COVID shed light on inequities, but it also taught educators some valuable lessons. It seems some students have more autonomy.. @eschoolnews
10/26 Why I Stopped Giving Zeros – Giving a zero for missed work can make it mathematically impossible for students to recover their grade; here’s what one teacher is doing instead. @MaryTownsendEDU @edutopia
10/25 Math scores mark historic declines across the country during COVID pandemic. Eighth-grade math scores plummeted in all states but Utah, where they held steady — with nearly four in 10 students in that age group performing below basic achievement levels in math, the NAEP report found. @cayla_bam @nypost
10/25 Strategies for Teaching Students Leadership Skills Leadership skills are essential in every career and setting., but not everyone has to be a leader. @stayinformedg @BASSEYJ72088589 @_feedspot
10/25 Project-Based Learning Does Not Have to Be a 6-8 Week Unit. The problem with these projects can be the recipe-like nature that happened when students began handing things in. @ajjulian
10/24 The 5-minute daily playtime ritual that can get your kids to listen better – Sometimes kids listen to the instructions — and sometimes they don’t. And when they don’t, that can be very frustrating for parents. @SummerThomad @MindShiftKQED
10/24 Teacher Tested Strategies – New strategies and small mindset tweaks are often the very things that give you energy in your teaching – sometimes even saving time and creating efficiencies in your practice. @teacher2teacher
10/21 How to prepare yourself for jobs that do not yet exist – The advances in automation and artificial intelligence are creating new job roles and opportunities which are accessible to businesses across a range of sectors. @uowcareersjobs @_feedspot
10/21 Don’t wait to start helping students ace their AP exams. The road to a 4 or 5 starts on the first day of class and includes serious talk about how hard the exam is, offering supplementary materials, and some free candy. @katembeeson @eschoolnews
10/20 The top 20 apps schools are using most contains a few surprises. More than half of students participated in digital learning for more than two hours per day, according to Lightspeed Systems’ analysis. @Zalaznick @DA_magazine
10/20 New research offers major insights into post-pandemic learning. Annual Speak Up Research shows shifts to digital tools, virtual learning, and new roles that educators play in post-pandemic learning environments. @eSN_Laura
10/20 Align the Digital Classroom with Student Needs and Learning Goals. As one-to-one device models have become commonplace, defining and implementing the right digital guardrails at the right times can lead to more effective and engaging lessons. @EdTech_K12
10/19 Animated Explanations – Share this with teachers and high school students in your district. At $39 this is a good deal. @rmbyrne
10/19 How to Get Students Excited About Learning – This design challenge helps you use the material you already plan to teach and the tools you already have in your classroom. @ClassTechTips @DigitalPromise
10/19 How to build deep relationships with students – Creating lasting relationships with your students is all about building trust and getting to know them on a deeper level. @CurriculumAssoc @eschoolnews
10/18 Twenty Useful Apps for Kids with Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities in 2022 – Be sure to share with parents and teachers who work with these kids. @ZephinL @InfoWizcase
10/18 Using Blended Learning to Strengthen Math Skills – This effective method allows students to be flexible, develop critical thinking, and use math creatively outside of direct instruction. @nmhollan12 @edutopia
10/18 New Effort Hopes to Make ‘Weed-Out’ Courses More Equitable – Some introductory courses have a “weed-out” reputation for narrowing the paths students can take through college. (Organic chemistry, anyone?) This can happen in high school too. @becky_koenig @EdSurge
10/17 Learning Is Non-Linear. Why Shouldn’t Curriculum Be? Deeper learning means that the learner is now seeing the world in a new light and has a whole set of new questions to ask based on this learning. @stewarthase @TeachThought
10/17 Leading dyslexia treatment isn’t a magic bullet, studies find, while other options show promise. Two recent academic papers, synthesizing dozens of reading studies, are raising questions about the effectiveness of expensive education policies. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
10/14 Ten Warning Signs That a Student is Being Bullied – No school is immune from bullying, and National Bullying Prevention Month this October is a perfect time to take action. @STOPitSolutions
10/14 Explore the K-12 Section of The Open Library – The Open Library is a part of the Internet Archive that provides visitors with the opportunity to search for, browse through, and read eBooks. @openlibrary @rmbryne
10/14 How teachers like me can use AI to improve their teaching – An AI coaching process aligns with a focus on action-oriented professional development and is far from traditional sit-and-get professional development. @eschoolnews @KellerISD
10/13 Think like a parent: How can schools keep students safe on their devices? Implementing technological barriers to keep students from accessing harmful content online is the school’s responsibility, say not only parents but also teachers and administrators. @DA_magazine
10/13 Four Great Ways to Start Math Class – Spending the first five minutes of elementary math classes with one of these launch routines can help all students feel ready to learn. @MarlowMathVT @Edutopia
10/12 Getting Fast Thinkers to Slow Down – Talking students through how the brain works—its shortcuts and tendency to draw incorrect conclusions based on limited information—can help them study and learn better. @tatertutt @edutopia
10/12 David Rogers on Dual Language Education – On this episode of the Getting Smart Podcast Nate McClennen is joined by David Rogers from Dual Language Education of New Mexico. @Getting_Smart
10/6 How to Get Teenagers to Do Their Homework – Here are Nine Effective Strategies for Parents. @Shareaholic @_feedspot
10/10 The Ultimate Guide to Summative Assessments – Summative Assessments are—in simple words—the way educators determine what a student has learned. @OtusK12
10/10 Taking a Gradual Release (GRR) Approach to Student Choice – Coming out of the pandemic, one of the biggest challenges teachers are facing isn’t student engagement so much as student empowerment. @spencerideas @ajjuliani @MindShiftKQED
10/10 FOUR Ways Classroom Design Impacts Executive Functioning – Effective classroom design can help elementary students develop skills like organization and task initiation. @edutopia @MindShiftKQED
10/10 How to Find TED-Ed Lessons by Grade Level – That’s not a function available on YouTube, but it is a function available on the TED-Ed lessons website. @TED_ED @rmbyrne
10/8 Physical Education With a Halloween Theme – Justin Cahill runs a great blog called Keeping Kids in Motion. One of the regular features of his blog is a monthly thematic challenge. @justybubpe @rmbyrne
10/8 The Ultimate Guide to Differentiated Instruction – Differentiated instruction is a framework that allows teachers to incorporate many different strategies in their classrooms to reach as many students’ personalized educational needs as possible. @OtusK12
10/8 Four tips for building a strong classroom culture this year – Through centering social-emotional learning and focusing on mediation and compassionate conversations, we can safely guide our students through this historically turbulent time. @eschoolnews
10/7 Illinois’s Shocking Report Card – The Land of Lincoln is failing its children and covering it up. @WSJ
10/7 Meeting the demand to personalize learning for every student = This is a Q&A session with Dr. Shawn Smith, Chief Innovation Officer, McGraw Hill. @MHEducation @Medium @DA_magazine
10/7 How to Get Students Excited About Learning – Every educator loves to see their students excited and engaged in learning. We want them to be able to apply what they learn to real-world situations, too. @ClassTechTips
10/7 How plagiarism makes the literacy gap worse – When students plagiarize, they lose the chance to develop important critical thinking and problem-solving skills. @Copyleaks @eschoolnews
9/19 Podcast: Overthrowing Education – Going Gradeless – Nuts and Bolts – Listen to Starr Sackstein’s conversation with Batsheva Frankel of the Overthrowing Education Podcast and share your thoughts about what you learned or questions you have for a future conversation. @mssackstein @BatshevaFrankel
9/19 How Deep is Their Learning? Deeper learning is how the learner applies that instruction. @Getting_Smart
9/18 Seven Good Resources for Teaching and Learning About the Value of Money – If your kids are interested in money, these are resources you should check out. @rmbyrne @PracticalMoney @DougLevinson @MustLoveScience
9/18 Five safeguarding tips for schools this year – Of all public organizations, education has the most significant difficulties to overcome when it comes to ransomware and cyberattacks. @eschoolnews @Aaronvsand
9/18 Eleven study tips for ADHD: What works, what doesn’t – While the following study strategies work for most students with ADHD, you will have to experiment for yourself. @KatieHabits
9/17 How the Heck Do You Manage a Project-Based Class? It can be tough! In fact, it is downright scary sometimes to give up control, allow students to go off the beaten path, and really work through a problem to solve. @ajjuliani
9/17 How to Reduce the Cognitive Load on Students During Lessons – A look at ways teachers can refine their practices to help ensure that students absorb and process information so they can retrieve it later. @ijkelleher @edutopia
9/16 Schools Have Plenty of RUles. Teachers should be careful about adding more rules in their classrooms. @mssackstein
9/16 100 Benefits of Running – If you want less stress and anxiety and better health in general, start running. I’ve been doing it since 1976, and I’ve never missed a day of work or felt stressed. @worldrunday @RundaySweden
9/16 Split on Screens – Students scolded a teacher when his phone rang while he was teaching because somewhere deep inside them was a latent awareness that a classroom is a sanctuary. @CoachJPearson @LarryCuban
9/14 Do You Want to Hack Homework This Year? How we handle homework has a lot to do with our learning philosophy. And although it may be impossible to get rid of homework all of the time for all grades, how we approach it can be adjusted. @mssackstein
9/14 The Ultimate Guide to Formative Assessments – A formative assessment is a short, low-stakes check that provides both teacher and student with immediate feedback on the student’s comprehension of a learning target. @OtusK12
9/14 Documentation Panels Are a Novel Way for Students to Demonstrate Their Learning. This innovative assessment tool has students engage in metacognitive reflection by assembling and presenting evidence of their learning. @edutopia @salomeandsmiles
9/13 Author talked to 70 parents of highly successful adults—here are five phrases they always said to their kids. The things that parents say to their kids can either encourage and give them confidence or lower their self-esteem and hold them back in life. @MargotBisnow @CNBCMakeIt
9/13 Ten Practical Ways To Transform The Traditional Classroom – They work in most grade levels, in most schools, in most situations. @ajjuliani
9/13 A Great Alternative to Quizlet – It’s a tool that you can use to create flashcards from scratch or by importing a document and letting Knowt automatically generate flashcards for you. @getknowt @rmbyrne
9/13 Honors Classes In High School: All you need to know – The honor classes in high school are academic endeavors that will challenge and help you succeed in college even from your application level. @stayinformedg
9/12 Learning Personalized Part 4: Clear and Compelling Assessments – Here, Starr Sackstein and Allison Zmuda take on the challenge of what we put in our gradebooks and how that is communicated with students and families. @mssackstein @allison_zmuda
9/12 Five Ways to Support the Well-Being of School Leaders – Burnout rates are high among principals. How can we fight burnout and promote self-care? @JuliaMahfouz @katiekings @GreaterGoodSC
9/9 Learning Personalized Part 3: Reflection and Self-Assessment – Starr Sackstein’s third interview segment with Allison Zmuda clarified how regular reflection and self-evaluation impact students’ connection to learning and ownership of goals. @mssackstein @allison_zmuda
9/9 2022-2023 College Free Speech Rankings – There are over 200 schools ranked here so you can probably see where your alma matter stands. @TheFIREorg
9/9 Immediate solutions to teacher shortages – Discover how your district can fill critical gaps in the educator workforce with innovative answers. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
9/8 School cellphone rules: Why they’re such a difficult call for districts. The use of cellphones in schools has become an even thornier issue since students returned in person. @Zalaznick @DA_magazine
9/8 Ruby was the first Black child to desegregate her school. This is what she learned. This is a story that kids and adults of all races need to hear. @RubyBridges @NPRKelly @mallory_yu @courtneydorning @NPR
9/8 Five Keys to Success with Virtual Education – Virtual education often meets the needs of students who don’t do well in a traditional school setting. @eschoolnews
9/7 Learning Personalized Part 2: Language Matters – In our second segment, we focused on the way our beliefs about learners impact our expectations, aspirations, and actions that buoy their movement toward success. @mssackstein @allison_zmuda
9/6 The most powerful yet overlooked resource in schools – “When teachers and families work together, everyone wins,” says education technology entrepreneur and TED Fellow Heejae Lim. @heejpeej @TEDTalks
9/6 Five Ways to Get to Know Students – There are so many different options for student surveys. @spencerideas
9/6 Five ways to make your IT department more efficient – A few tips can help IT departments better handle future challenges while generally improving operations for the long term. @eschoolnews
9/3 Tech Fuels Student Access to Mentorships – Especially for Students of Color. Technology can and is helping to support this surge in mentoring for career education. @Getting_Smart
9/2 Five tips for a positive back-to-school experience – A hybrid learning environment equipped with the proper tools can make it easier for instructors and students to thrive. @eschoolnews
9/2 College’s Use of Exam-Proctoring Software to ‘Scan’ Rooms Violated Privacy Rights, Judge Finds. Experts say the ruling in the federal case is the first of its kind. @jryoung @EdSurge
9/2 A Guide to Planning Career Paths for Teachers – Acquiring new skills and knowledge can support you in your current role and aid you in the event that you change roles or leave education. @VictoriaTheTech @edutopia
9/1/2022 How to Avoid Sleepiness While Studying (13 Ways to Stay Awake and Focused) – You want to master the concepts and get good grades. If you fall asleep while studying, you’ll waste valuable time. Daniel Wong
9/1/2022 Five ways relationship mapping supports your students – Schools can better understand the relationships students have outside of school through a strategy called relationship mapping. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
9/1/2022 Whatever Happened to Learning Centers? Beginning in the late 1960s and extending through most of the next decade, an innovation swept across American elementary schools called “learning centers.” @LarryCuban
8/31 How to organize a school binder: Tips and examples – This also includes tips for students with ADHD. The binder set-up I teach below can work for middle school, high school, and college students. @KatieHabits @_feedspot
8/30 Students desperately need to see relevance in their learning. Students cite the primary driver for their struggles in education as the perceived lack of relevance between life and their studies. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/30 SEL Possibilities in Physical Education – Physical education teaches relationship-building and self-management skills, making it a natural for social and emotional learning. @PLT4M @edutopia
8/30 Reading Logs Are Used to Hold Kids Accountable, But They Can Make Reading Feel Like a Chore. Every book has its reader. Let your kids find their own. @KimRues @EdSurge
8/29 Back to basics: polishing your language skills for your college essays – Your college essay is perhaps the most vital component of your college application process. @ReachIvy @_feedspot
8/29 Bringing Teachers Into Instructional Leadership Teams – It’s essential for school leaders to find ways to include and strengthen teacher voice in instructional decision-making processes. @DitullioDr @edutopia
8/29 Five classroom management strategies to try this year – Being proactive is a key classroom management strategy to ensure the classroom remains a safe and productive environment. @CPI_Training
8/29 Do youth sports really build character? What kids gain from sports depends on adults – Excerpted from “Take Back the Game: How Money and Mania are Ruining Kids’ Sports — and Why It Matters” by Linda Flanagan. @LindaFlanagan2 @MindShiftKQED
8/26 Scans of Students’ Homes During Tests Are Deemed Unconstitutional. An Ohio judge ruled that such surveillance to prevent cheating could form a slippery slope to more illegal searches. @ashleynbelanger @WIRED
8/26 Learning acceleration is best to move kids forward in math. New research shows that students engaged in learning acceleration practices learned more and struggled less compared to students in classrooms that used remediation. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/26 The Journalism Year – A required course in high school journalism would give kids the tools to tell the stories of their communities and make them active contributors to civic life—not just readers and writers. @edutoppia @simmonsteacher
8/26 Ten Popular Back-to-School Tutorials for Teachers Here are the most-searched terms leading to Richard Byrne’s tutorial videos and his most-watched tutorial videos of the last month. @rmbyrne
8/25 Four Practices for Innovative School Leaders – Dr. Shawn Smith, Chief Innovation Officer at McGraw Hill, provides leadership strategies that are sure to influence change. @MHEducation @eschoolnews
8/25 Two Resources to Help Make Virtual & Hybrid Learning More Equitable & Effective – The Learning Accelerator (TLA), has designed two, freely-available, research-based resources to address this need. @brholland @LearningAccel @rmbyrne
8/25 What Adults Don’t Get About Teens, and Digital Life – Well-meaning messages meant to keep teens safe can backfire. The key is to focus on judgment and agency, not rigid rules for screen time. @em_weinstein @carrie_james @WIRED @ProjectZeroHGSE
8/24 Chasing Childhood – In “CHASING CHILDHOOD”, psychologists, activists, and leaders of the “free play” movement fight to bring back the untold benefits of a less curated childhood. View a trailer of this movie that your school can host. @ChildhoodMovie
8/24 SEL is critical–but teachers rarely have time to address it. Majority of teachers cite a lack of time and training as barriers to teaching SEL skills in the classroom and helping students build these. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/23 Why youth sports have gotten so out of control – In recent decades, youth sports have become intensely competitive, with a focus on scholarships and winning — rather than teamwork and cooperation. @msullivandawson @nypost
8/23 Middle schoolers are social. What opportunity does that create for learning? Applications in the classroom can make learning much more exciting and meaningful for tweens whose hunger for relationships can richly influence their learning. @callmeKi @MindShiftKQED @towknightcenter
8/20 Are teachers leaving the classroom en masse? The chaotic debate over this year’s teacher shortages, explained. @FabiolaCineas @Voxdotcom
8/20 Department of Education Developing New National Ed Tech Plan – Once the contract is awarded and work commences, the plan will take 12-18 months to finish. @GAlbaneseJr @govtechnews
8/20 One district’s push to help students feel like they belong – Belonging is a critical component of a school culture that supports social and emotional learning, which is important for both academic success and student well-being. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/19 Learning Personalized Podcast: Hacking Assessment Part 1 – Allison Zmuda works for the Habits of Mind Institute and understands the power of personalized learning. This is an interview with Starr Satkstein. @allison_zmuda @mssackstein
8/19 Why digital formative assessment is critical in today’s classrooms – Formative assessment is versatile–teachers can use almost any sort of assignment as a formative assessment. @jayayoo @eschoolnews
8/19 There’s Still Time to Do School Discipline Differently. What are behavioral issues and discipline going to look like this year? And where are the opportunities to make sure consequences are doled out equitably? @EdSurge @brianedtech
8/18 The education industry is now the no. 1 target for cyberattacks. Over 80% of malware attacks in the last month targeted the education industry, and the pandemic is the leading cause. @DA_magazine
8/18 Rhythm Fit – New Lesson Plans from OPEN Phys Ed – For the new school year, OPEN Phys Ed has published a new collection of lesson plans, activities, and videos for K-8 students. @OPENPhysEd @rmbyrne
8/18 Five Ways To Build Student Ownership in the First Month of School – The first month of school sets the tone for the entire year. @ajjuliani
8/18 Four ways library media specialists lead digital transformations in districts – Let your library media specialists lead your school’s digital transformation through edtech coordination, motivation, information, and education. @NHSLMA @CSDDoverHigh
8/17 Set Up a Student-Empowered Classroom. Stations are set up around the room. Technology in some places, crafts in others. One corner by the bookshelf is adorned with throw pillows or beanbag chairs, and there are tables all over the room instead of rows of desks. @mssackstein
8/17 Eleven Picture Books to Help Young Students Manage Their Worries – These engaging books and guided questions can help young learners manage back-to-school anxiety, as well as worries in general. @KristinRydholm #edutopia
8/17 Meeting and Exceeding Student Expectations of Teachers: A Way to Achieve “Good” Teaching. Larry Cuban originally posted this in 2013. This is an updated version. Thanks, Larry. @LarryCuban
8/17 Debunking Standards-Based Grading Myths featuring Matt Townsley Matt Townsley debunks common myths about standards-based grading so educators can prevent these ideas from taking hold in a school community and shift the conversation back to student learning and achievement. @mctownsley @OtusK12 @_feedspot
8/16 It’s probably time to clean your filters. Stop breathing in dirty air and drinking cloudy water. Change your dang filters, especially if you have children. @allieevolpe @voxdotcom
8/16 Creating student engagement through the power of play – Play is an essential part of learning and growth, fostering a learning mindset and teaching students to absorb knowledge through exercise and practice. @BenTalsma @VAInstitute
8/16 Icebreakers and Exit Tickets – 30 Questions – If you use either of these techniques should should find some good ones here. @rmbyrne
8/15 Data-Driven Instructional Practice – Turn now to those policymakers who gather, digest, and use a vast array of numbers in order to reshape teaching practices. @LarryCuban
8/15 Four ways to support ELLs in post-pandemic learning – Certain student groups experienced more impacts to their learning during the pandemic–here’s how to help English language learners. @eSN_Laura @eschoolnews
8/14 QUIZ: Can You Name These Historical Figures? I got 48 out of 51 and was told that I’m either a historian or a time traveler. Let me know what you get at Doug@DrDougGreen.com.
8/14 Seven Lessons for Academic Success in High School – If you are looking to achieve true academic success, simply owning the best pens and notebooks won’t be enough. @sstudentsblog @_feedspot
8/11 Four tips to bring the real world into your classroom – Real-world examples bring something more tangible, impactful, and real to the curriculum–and students become more interested and engaged. @Yo_Mista KiddomApp @eschoolnews
8/11 Creating Collaborative Classrooms – How can you use this fantastic resource in a classroom setting? Here are five ways OuiSi Nature supports collaborative classrooms. @ClassTechTips
8/11 Don’t make these five mistakes in high school. Be sure to share with high school students you know. @KatieHabits
>8/10 Aspire Podcast: Hacking Assessment 2.0 – Check out this bonus episode of Aspire, where Josh Stamper and Starr Sackstein discuss the updates to the second edition of Hacking Assessment which came out on August 2, 2022. @mssackstein @Joshua__Stamper
8/10 The Real-Life Science of Stuffed Animals, Children, and Stress Reduction – The fact that so many people hold on to their favorite stuffed animals from childhood is testimony that stuffed animals play a substantial role in the emotional well-being of children. @Support42shops
8/9 Mastery learning can help close pandemic learning gaps. As education emerges from the first two years of the pandemic and looks to the future of learning, educators are focused on how best to mitigate. @khanacademy @eschoolnews
8/9 Do You Know Who Your Students Know? Better Data on Students’ Networks Can Start the School Year off Right. New data suggests that this year, the social landscape for some high school students looks different than years prior. @juliaffreeland @Getting_Smart
8/8 Approaching the New Year With a No Grades Classroom – You’ve reflected and realized that it isn’t just shifting practice; it’s a philosophical shift you’re ready to make because you know it will benefit kids. @mssackstein
8/8 Let Students Lead the Dialogue With Parents. Giving students more say in communicating what happens in school reinforces their commitment to learning and teaches them life skills. @amsuad @edutopia
8/8 Students can get to class without bells, but schools need to adapt. During remote learning, students didn’t have that buzzer at home. So when students returned to school buildings, some administrators decided to leave them off entirely. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
8/7 How to practice effectively…for just about anything – Annie Bosler and Don Greene – But what does practice actually do to make us better at things? @anniebosler @DonGreenePhD @TED_ED
8/6 Three ways to highlight productive urgency while avoiding teacher burnout – An elementary principal explains how he creates a sense of purpose throughout his school without causing unnecessary anxiety and fear. @eschoolnews @worcesterpublic
8/6 Education tech companies bring virtual teaching to the table as a solution to the teacher shortage. Our teacher could be sitting in Montana and will have a Texas teaching certification and will stream straight into the rural Texas classroom. @ChloeNordquist @ScrippsNational @DenverChannel
8/5 How hands-on education creates better educators – To become better educators, teachers need the right tools–and the hands-on training–to help them face new and upcoming challenges head-on. @eschoolnews
8/5 Researcher Behind ‘10,000-Hour Rule’ Says Good Teaching Matters, Not Just Practice. You’ve probably heard of the 10,000-hour rule, which was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell’s blockbuster book “Outliers.” @jryoung @EdSurge
8/4 The Simple System For Planning Project-Based Learning Experiences – The textbooks are no longer “good enough”, and the multiple-choice tests are no longer “good enough”, and the lectures are no longer “good enough” for our kids. @ajjuliani
Displaced Ukrainian students find education with US online tools. For these kids online education is a big upgrade from nothing, and they are making the most of it. @KirkCarapezza @GBH
8/3 NASA Is Crowdsourcing Cloud Research—on Mars. Space fans around the world can help analyze data collected by the Mars Climate Sounder. Get your kids involved. @katrinacecile @WIRED
8/3 Schools as Factories: Metaphors That Stick. The idea of the school as an efficient factory assembly line has a surprising history. A century ago, the notion of schools delivering finished products to a democratic society was both new and–here is the surprise–admired. @LarryCuban
8/3 Next-generation tech for schools–right now – Tech is constantly evolving, and new technology advances mean that your schools don’t have to wait to use future-looking tools and strategies. @eschoolnews
>8/2/2022 Hacking Assessment 2.0 by Starr Sackstein is now available. I summarized the original version ins 2016. @mssackstein
8/2/2022 Using Games to Help Students Develop Executive Function Skills – Collaborative games can help students develop skills like critical thinking, emotional control, sustained attention, and working memory. @eeculp @edutopia
8/1 2022 A Great Place to Find Lesson Plan Ideas – In the strategy resource bank you’ll find dozens of teaching strategies accompanied by free handouts to use in your classroom. @FreeTech4Teache @rmbyrne
8/1 2022 Gamification tools that increase student engagement – Gamification offers many benefits for teachers and students alike–here’s how to integrate these tools into your instruction. @eschoolnews
7/31 Pikmykid, a School Dismissal System. A school dismissal system can ensure students stay safe. Families know when and where to be, and everyone is accounted for at the end of the school day. @pikmykid @ClassTechTips
7/31 Paper books linked to stronger readers in an international study – There’s a lot to like about digital books. They’re lighter in the backpack and often cheaper than paper books. But a new international report suggests that physical books may be important to raising children who become strong readers. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @MindShiftKQED
7/31 Not Your Average High School Finance Lesson – A Unit on Saving and Investing for High School Students appears to be created to coincide with the use of The Stock Market Game. @garystager @rmbyrne @wjfrey
7/30 How to Stay Focused During the Summer Break – Long summer vacations can also lead to forgetting most of what you’ve learned over the past school year. @StudentLifeNet @_feedspot
7/30 What College Admissions Officers Really Want Students with evident emotional intelligence, initiative, and grit are much hard to come by. @collegeaveloans @_feedspot
7/27 Using Popular Apps for Formative Assessment – Adding simple tech options to boost formative assessment activities can help ensure that every student is getting the most from the lesson. @ClassTechTips @edutopia
7/27 Hawaii’s Kihei Elementary School Selects Discovery Education’s Mystery Science to Support Deeper Student Engagement in the 2022-2023 School Year. Through this new phase of collaboration, educators at Kihei Elementary School will add Mystery Science, an award-winning digital resource for K-5 teachers and students. @KiheiElementary @DiscoveryEd @eschoolnews
7/27 Are Today’s Children Different than Children in the 1890s? Teachers speak less glowingly, however, of how their attention span is as short as a tweet or how little ones expect the classroom to be just like “Barney and Friend.” @LarryCuban
7/26 Five digital tools to enhance your social studies instruction – Social studies is critical to students’ lives beyond the classroom–educators should use every possible tool to engage students in this critical. @SHigginsBGCS @eschoolnews
7/26 Using the Inquiry Process to Improve Learning Outcomes – With data gathered from early assessments, teachers can work together to improve lessons to meet the needs of all students better. @edutopia
7/25 How do you stop cheating students? (Hint: tech isn’t the only answer) Virtual proctoring invites privacy and security concerns that don’t come into play when a teacher monitors a test in person. @NimahGobir @MindShiftKQED
7/25 The six Best Language Learning Apps in 2022: Duolingo, iTalki, and More – If you aren’t sure which one to use, this should help. I currently have a 700+ day streak in Duolingo Swedish. @RansomPatterson @collegeinfogeek
7/24 Teaching Grit Through Sportsmanship – Striking out happens. It stings, and it sucks, but it happens, and we have two choices when it does, either let it get us down and then quit or take what we learned from the strike out and try even harder the next time we get up to bat. @mssackstein
7/24 Growth Mindset is More than a Colorful Bulletin Board. As any educator knows, growth mindset work does not happen in isolation or by just putting up a picture. @akrebecca @Getting_Smart
7/22 Create Collaborative Classrooms. Connect with the team at OuiSi and had a chance to explore their resources for students and teachers. @ClassTechTips @playouisi
7/22 How I\to use technology to keep PE relevant in the 21st century – Physical education teachers are using the latest learning strategies to keep PE relevant and ensure students are practicing their 21st-century skills. @eschoolnews @IsmailCSP
7/22 The Ultimate Guide to Performance-Based Assessments – Performance-based assessments move beyond multiple-choice and written tests to determine not only what students know but how they apply their knowledge. @OtusK12
7/22 Arts, Culture, and Geography Games to Share in Google Classroom – Play with Arts & Culture offers more than a dozen interactive games for students to play to test their knowledge and to learn about the connections between art, culture, and geography. @rmbyrne @Larryferlazzo
7/21 Does Teaching Get Easier With Time? Yes, planning lessons and managing spaces gets easier, but the daily grind of teaching doesn’t. @mssackstein
7/21 Business Leaders Say Computer Science Needs to Be A Core Subject. Today, a collection of more than 500 prominent business, education, and nonprofit leaders called on states to update their K-12 curriculum to make computer science a core subject. @dtmollenkamp @EdSurge
7/21 The kids are all right online. Online learning, once dismissed as a poor substitute for in-person learning, is proving why it is engaging and fulfilling learning. KevinHogan@eschoolnews.com @eschoolnews
7/21 Five tech tools to use in an elementary music classroom – Technology enables the creation and use of digital music–how are you exposing students to digital music creation in your music classroom? @eschoolnews
7/19 The Principles of Learning: Context Is Integral To Learning. Mental models are how we understand the world. Not only do they shape what we think and how we understand but they shape the connections and opportunities that we see. @ajjuliani
7/19 5-Minute SEL Activities You Can Do Every Day – Virtually or In Person – Every activity helps students create the classroom culture they want to see: affirming their experiences, feeling safe in their learning environment and supporting their voice and choice. @BarbaraGruener @teacher2teacher
7/18 How Do Politicians Keep Getting So Rich? See if you and your students/kids can guess any of the answers before watching. This seems balanced politically. @StoryblocksCo @thinkSTT
7/18 Seven Tips for Parenting ADHD Teens – You want to help your teens get on the right path, but they’re resistant to rules and they get annoyed when you give them reminders. @Shareaholic
7/18 Researchers find a tradeoff between raising achievement and engaging students. Two researchers from the University of Maryland and Harvard University waded into this mess. @jillbarshay @hechingerreport @EricHanushek @MindShiftKQED
7/16 Ten Plus Chrome Tips and Tricks for Teachers and Students – In this episode, we are jumping into some Google Chrome updates, features, and tips for teachers and students. @ShakeUpLearning
7/16 How to Produce a Play on a Shoestring Budget – If you don’t have the funding to put on a show with costumes and big sets, you can still create a memorable performance. @edutopia @thefridaystory
7/16 Five ways to create a strong math culture in your schools – A strong math culture can help students develop positive habits and mindsets that improve their math competency. @eschoolnews @lynchbren21
7/15 EdTech Essentials: The Top 10 Technology Strategies for All Learning Environments – Be sure to get one for your school’s professional development library. @ClassTechTips
7/15 Getting real-world experience: High schoolers design a ‘life skills’ lab for students with disabilities. Students at the School of Design and Construction are partnering with IKEA to build life skills learning lab for students with disabilities. @marcelanotes @ChalkbeatNY
7/15 Parents Share Tips for Starting the College Admissions Process. It’s college application season and families with high school seniors are looking for answers to their college admissions questions. @CollegeAveLoans @_feedspot
7/13 Remote possibilities: Successful strategies for virtual teaching and learning – Virtual learning is making its presence known–here’s how emerging edtech tools are making room for innovation. @eschoolnews
7/13 What Are The Best Al