Everything Will Change
- The story of Dan Woolley who saved his own life during the earthquake in January of 2010 in Haitt is fascinating. It is clear that education is due for a major upgrade and the Story of Abilene Christian University that gave iPhones to all freshman and faculty in 2008 shows the way. Students answering anonymously increases participation, lectures are podcasts, and students quiz themselves to see how they are doing. Medicine will change as smart phones can be equipped as medical devices that non medical people can use. Police can trace phones and they envision the smartphone replacing most facilities of a police station. They can scan fingerprints or eyes and check car registrations. They can also become an easy way to invade your privacy. Governments that try to control information won’t have much luck as citizens broadcast what’s happening in real time. These are only a few professions poised for transformation.
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Tags: Always ON, Brian X. Chen, iPhone