Doug Johnson’s Crystal Ball
- Many predictions have under estimated the time it takes for technology to have an impact in K-12 education, and impacts have been over estimated. Even established technologies have had limited impact in most schools. As we move towards 1:1 computer programs, it remains to be seen if the emphasis will remain on passing high-stakes tests or if there will be some shift towards project-based instruction. The current tight budget situation implies that progress and change is likely to be slow.
- Regardless of what the future offers, Doug sees an ongoing need for effective technology trainers. He offers the ideal qualities which include: not touching the learner’s mouse, separating the essential from the confusing, maintain the perspective that not everyone is equally interested in technology, and assume the problem is on the desk, not in the seat. We need to listen to and help each other and aim for a little learning and progress each day. If you like the summary, buy the book