The Basics
- Doug offers basic advice for readers who need to obtain or upgrade their home computer system. This includes hardware and software basics. If you are not sure what to get, consider getting the same system you have at school. Compare his list of a well equipped classroom to the reality you face. The seven common mistakes teachers or anyone can make are: not backing up data, doing personal business using school equipment, not supervising students using computers, thinking online communication is private, believing it’s ok to teach the old way with new technology, not using technology to build on student interest, and thinking the technology revolution will go away.
- The seven brilliant things you can do with technology are: empowering students with technology, being creative when finding and using resources, using technology to reach out to parents and the community, putting kids in touch with the world, learning along with the students, allowing the students to use their own devices for learning, and delighting in the discovery while having some fun. If you like the summary, buy the book