6,000 Elementary Students Educated So Far
- Not only does the Federal Reserve offer educational resources for parents, teachers, and students, they also offer on-site economic education. Schools are welcome to contact the Federal Reserve’s Kansas City branch and set up their own on-site training session. In 2012, this program resulted in more than 6,000 elementary students getting educated on everything from the banking system to creating a savings plan, and smart budgeting.
Kids Are Eager for This
- The Federal Reserve Bank sent volunteers to a whopping 292 classrooms, each one with eager ears ready to learn the importance of saving a dollar rather than spending a dollar. These programs are both fun and educational.
- Parents and educators are urged to log on to the Federal Reserve site, in order to teach their children and students the importance of savings. It won’t be long before these students are graduating high school and applying to colleges. They’ll be managing their own student credit cards and may find themselves employing some of the strategies they learned using the Federal Reserve’s educational resources.
Some of these resources include:
- · Classroom activities
· Lesson plans
· Access to the Traveling Historical Currency exhibit
· Resources for bankers in the classroom
· Consumer help
· Foreclosure resources
· Credit card resources
Financial Fables
- There’s even an area called, Financial Fables, where stories detail how smart saving leads to a fulfilling future. The morals are something any family and educational institution can rally around. For example, in Penny Pigeon and the Missing Nest Egg, Penny learns how to save for her own nest egg, instead of taking from others. It’s a smart and fun way to teach children not to steal and instead plan for their own futures.
$0 Annual Fee Credit Cards
- The day will come when your precious child or student will have to make the choice between high annual fees or $0 annual fee credit cards. Also check out 2017’s Best Credit Cards for College Students. In order to properly employ them with the tools they need to make this informed decision, savings training needs to start young. As the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City’s website states, “We believe individuals of all ages who understand how the economy functions and know what tools are available to make better financial decisions.”
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