Things Your Childcare Provider Absolutely Needs to Know by Rachael Cherry can help both parents and child care providers increase the probability of a successful experience. This is written from the view point of the parent, but can also be great advice for people who provide child care who are often known as baby sitters.
Experience Helps
- Experience can do a great deal to help a childcare provider prepare for the task ahead. Interacting with various children can provide an insight towards certain behaviors or assist in avoiding specific situations. Each child, however, is unique, and there could be things about him or her that the childcare provider should absolutely know. Even the child’s home environment can vary a great deal from one home to another. Parents should let the provider know what to expect as they give a complete tour of the home.
Disciplinary Actions
- Not every household views disciplinary actions the same way. Although everyone involved would like the experience to go smooth, kids will be kids. The care provider needs to know what is considered an acceptable method of interaction. Is a time-out involved? Do certain toys or electronics get taken away? Most importantly, is the parent going to enforce the disciplinary action for severe situations after the care provider has left for the day? If you don’t collaborate with your childcare provider in this manner, the child could grow to disrespect any child care provider as an authoritative figure. If you like the summary, buy the book