Free Resources for Busy Parents and Educators Who Don’t Have as Much Time to Read and Surf as I Do
The Twitter names next to each link belong to the authors, publications, and the people who bring them to my attention.
Hacking Assessment 2.0 is Coming Soon – Are you Ready to Dig Deep? The first edition of Hacking Assessment came out over six years ago. The response to this book and the support have made the second edition so much better than the first. @mssackstein
What to Do After College: Nine Options to Consider – Every day of the past four years has been building to this moment: graduation. You made it, so take a moment to celebrate! But once the excitement of graduating fades, you may find yourself wondering: “Now what?”Be sure to share with this year’s grads that you know. @RansomPatterson @collegeinfogeek
How great leaders innovate — responsibly – In times of uncertainty, leaders have a responsibility to inspire hope. Sharing hard-won wisdom, business leader Ken Chenault talks about what it takes to enact positive, enduring change. @WhitPennRod @ChenaultKen @gcvp @americanexpress
Social Media/Artificial Intelligence
New Screenshots Highlight How Snapchat’s Coming ‘Family Center’ Will Work – Snapchat’s parental control options look close to launch, with new screenshots based on back-end code showing how Snap’s coming ‘Family Center’ will look in the app. @adhutchinson @socialmedia2day
How to Solve the Problem of Plastic Packaging – Single-use bottles, wrappers, and containers are often simply discarded—but reforms that could make them infinitely recyclable are on the horizon. @alexgwhiting @WIRED
Reducing Stress Through Tech – Podcast – The podcast is called The Crisis in Education Podcast. In the podcast they explore opportunities for sustainable improvements in schools. @rmbyrne
Inspirational/Funny Tweets
Humor, Music, Cool Stuff
Mom with ALS stands, shares mother-son wedding dance. My wife died from ALS so you can imagine what this means to me. @CortneyMoore716 @FoxNews

Recent Book Summaries & My Podcast

The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward by Daniel Pink
Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers by Jo Boaler
180 Moving Forward past the Pandemic with Dr. Doug Green – On October 4, 2021, I was Kim Mattina’s guest on her weekly show. Please join us for a discussion on what we can gain from our pandemic experiences as educators.
The Future of Smart: How Our Education System Needs to Change to Help All Young People Thrive by Ulcca Joshi Hansen
Noise: A Flaw In Human Judgement by Daniel Kahneman, Oliver Sibony, & Cass Sunstein
Unwinding Anxiety: New Science Shows How to Break the Cycles of Worry and Fear to Heal Your Mind by Judson Brewer
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation by Steven Johnson
Listen to Dr. Doug on the “Cup of Joe” podcast. I recorded it last week. On it, I talk about the many good things I have seen in schools doing hybrid teaching. @PodcastCupOfJoe @DrDougGreen @BrainAwakes
Grasp: The Science of Transforming How We Learn by Sanjay Sarma with Luke Yoquinto
Back to School COVID Myths – It’s popular to say that hybrid learning is negatively impacting poor students who generally attend schools with lots of discipline issues. Is it possible that some poor kids who make a serious effort to learn aren’t the big winners? There may be stresses at home, but not many bullies. @DrDougGreen @mssackstein
This is my podcast on the Jabbedu Network. Please consider listening and buying my book Teaching Isn’t Rocket Science, It’s Way More Complex. Here’s a free executive summary. @jabbedu @DrDougGreen
Boys and Sex: Young Men on Hookups, Love, Porn, Consent, and Navigating the New Masculinity by Peggy Orenstein
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry & Jean Greaves (the book can be found here)
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