Parents Can Get More Than Their Kid’s Spin
- Research tells us that strong relationships add quality to life. Networks of personal contacts are personal capital. Social Media can allow you to build your network quickly as it removes constraints of time, money, and space. Leaders can add great value to the public dialog. If parents connect via social media they are no longer at the mercy of incomplete and inaccurate information provided by their children. You can also provide resources to parents that help them do their job better as you provide high quality customer service. Social media can allow for conversations that newsletters cannot. As you listen to parents, you will discover the information they want and provide it to them. Also keep in mind that this job is never done.
- Keep in mind that you have different audiences and that your employees are your first customers. Each group will have different needs. Make your news available anywhere you can and make it easy to find. Not everything will work at first so give yourself permission to fail. If you like the summary, buy the book