A Guide for Interprofessional Collaboration Edited by Aidyn Iachini, Laura Bronstein, and Elizabeth Mellin

November 20th, 2023

A Guide for Interprofessional Collaboration Edited by Aidyn Iachini, Laura Bronstein, and Elizabeth Mellin would make a great textbook for any course on social work, which is a course that anyone who cares for individuals, families, or communities should take. The complex needs people face cannot be served by any one profession, which is why collaboration is essential. This book also belongs in any well-stocked professional development library.

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Bard Does a Lesson Plan – If You Are Still Teaching, You Should Use This.

November 16th, 2023

I asked Google’s Bard to “Prepare a lesson plan to teach the quadratic equations at the high school level.” Below is what I got back. My conclusion is that if I were still teaching, I would always ask for Bard’s plan before I made my own. I might not use Bard’s plan, but I would look to it for ideas. I would certainly share the Additional Resources links with my students. If you are still teaching, why aren’t you doing this? This is probably more detailed than your real lesson plans and will impress your principal.

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School-Linked Services: Promoting Equity for Children, Families, and Communities by Laura Bronstein and Susan Mason

October 9th, 2023

School-Linked Services: Promoting Equity for Children, Families, and Communities by Laura Bronstein and Susan Mason contains extensive advice for anyone interested in linking a school with one or more other service providers in their community. It offers summaries of successful programs and demonstrates how schools with linkages out perform schools with similar demographics that lack linkages in many ways. This is a must read for leaders of any organization that serves schools.

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High-Stakes Standardized Testing in Schools: The Pros and Cons – Written by Google’s Bard

September 12th, 2023

I decided is was time to try artificial intelligence for article writing so I took Google’s Bard for a spin. I gave it the prompt “Write a 1000 word article on the pluses and minuses of high-stakes standardized testing in schools” and a few seconds later if offered the article below. See what you think. Can you tell it was written by AI and not a human educator like myself? If I were working the education beat for most media outlets, I would be q bit nervous. I also asked for a “a short story in Swedish about a day at the beach.” What I got was a valuable lesson for someone like myself who has intermediate Swedish skills. Share with foreign language teachers you know. If you want to try it yourself just click here.

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Bad at Math: Dismantling Harmful Beliefs That Hinder Equitable Mathematics Education by Lidia Gonzalez

September 11th, 2023

Bad at Math: Dismantling Harmful Beliefs That Hinder Equitable Mathematics Education by Lidia Gonzalez points out the fact that most people in our society are comfortable at saying they are bad at math. This certainly implies that there is something wrong with how we present and teach math in general. She also points out that the math achievement gap between poor and minority kids and wealthy children is likely an opportunity gap that perpetuates the problem. While you may not be able to solve this problem, you should do your part by starting conversations with parents, teachers, administrators, and policy makers and by sharing this important book.

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