Plays Well With Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships Is (Mostly) Wrong by Eric Barker

March 15th, 2023

Plays Well
Plays Well With Others: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Relationships I (Mostly) Wrong by Eric Barker explains how having strong, multiple, caring relationships is just as important as diet, exercise, and not smoking when it comes to being healthy, happy, and living longer. There are also lots of great tips for people who want to have marriages that last. School counselors can use it to create important staff development sessions. Be sure to get a copy.

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Tips for Helping Students Build Self-esteem by Amanda Winstead

February 11th, 2023

Self Esteem
Tips for Helping Students Build Self-esteem by Amanda Winstead should convince teachers that they need to intentionally focus on this trait and explains how to do so. This should help all teachers and parents do a better job of preparing children for success in the real world. Thanks, Amanda.

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How to Help Students Develop Emotional Intelligence by Amanda Winstead

January 19th, 2023

Emotional Intelligence
Image Source: Pixabay
How to Help Students Develop Emotional Intelligence by Amanda Winstead

promotes the idea that all teachers can help students become more emotionally intelligent (EI) and teach their specific content at the same time. Since EI may not be taught at home, it’s vital that all school personal look for opportunities to help students with this vital skill.

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Graduate Engineer Options / True Car Costs / The Physics of Scuba Diving

January 17th, 2023

It seems that people with degrees in engineering have lots of non-engineering options. Then it’s a great lesson on the true costs of a car and the physics of scuba diving. On to the new roadmap for Twitter, a recap of the Neuralink Event, building a coaching program, a self-talk quote, and tips for first time Rome travelers.

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How the Internet Works / Age of AI Priorities / Trash Competition

January 12th, 2023

Start with how the Internet works. Then it’s what to prioritize in the age of AI and a litter competition. On to iPhone hacks you should know, an Archimedes video, high expectations advice, a no image, and how a hurdy gurdy woorks.

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