The Man’s Guide to Corporate Culture: A Practical Guide to the New Normal and Relating to Female Co-Workers in the Modern Workplace by Heather Zumarraga explains how the modern workplace has evolved over time and how men (and women) can navigate it while staying out of trouble. Things like accusations of sexual harassment or worse can be real career enders so take Heather’s advice if you want to stay afloat in what can seem at times like a tsunami.
The Man’s Guide to Corporate Culture: A Practical Guide to the New Normal and Relating to Female Co-Workers in the Modern Workplace by Heather Zumarraga
May 2nd, 2022The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward by Daniel Pink
April 23rd, 2022
The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward by Daniel Pink deals with the power we can draw from dealing with our regrets in a thoughtful manner. Regrets deal with things you can control so you need to take action when possible to make things better and move on from things that can’t be fixed. Research shows that people who do this are healthier and happer. Thanks, Dan for this vital life lesson.
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March 20th, 2022
Careers Your Kids Can Strive for Directly Out of High School by Craig Middleton
March 19th, 2022
Careers Your Kids Can Strive for Directly Out of High School by Craig Middleton
If you have children, you undoubtedly want them to succeed in life and use their talents to change the world. Perhaps you have dreams for your kids, such as wanting them to be doctors or lawyers. However, these professions require many years of college and create a hefty bill.
How Educators Can Support Students’ Mental Health by Amanda Winstead
March 17th, 2022How Educators Can Support Students’ Mental Health by Amanda Winstead
Though it has rarely gotten the same attention or appreciation as physical health, mental health plays a profound role in our lives. Poor mental health can lead to several substantial health concerns and can bleed into every aspect of life. However, good mental health can enable people to take on bigger and more complex tasks and shine while doing so. Here is how you can support it.