Five Important, Meaningful Benefits of Education by Craig Middleton will help students you know understand why education is important. While lessons from subjects like math and social studies may not relate directly to a student’s world this article explains why they nonetheless have meaningful personal value. Thanks, Craig Though the importance of a good education […]
Read entire post...Five Important, Meaningful Benefits of Education by Craig Middleton
February 13th, 2022Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers by Jo Boaler
February 10th, 2022
Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers by Jo Boaler explains what you can do for your own thinking and that of your students to be truly limitless. It draws on educational and brain research that points out that the brain changes when we learn. There is also a focus on the power of mistakes, how changing your mind can change your reality, and the benefits of collaboration. Flexible thinking is better than fast thinking and learning is more effective when it is multidimensional. Although Jo comes from the field of math, this book is valuable to all educators and all people.
Read entire post...Four Benefits of Employing Toys for Education by Craig Middleton
February 7th, 2022Four Benefits of Employing Toys for Education by Craig Middleton explains why toys belong in just about any learning environment and activity. Are there age-appropriate toys in you home and in your child’s classroom? Thanks, Craig. Introduction Over the last century, parents and teachers have found many creative avenues for educating children. The theories on […]
Read entire post...The Diffusion of Innovation, 5th ed by Everett Rogers
February 4th, 2022
The Diffusion of Innovation (5th ed) by Everett M. Rogers is THE book for anyone who wants to understand this phenomena. This is the 2003 version, but it is still very current. I used this book a lot when I was doing my dissertation and revisit the concepts via this summary from time to time. This is my longest book summary so it may take more than one sitting to finish it. I think it will be work your time.
Read entire post...Daniel Pink’s Best Ideas Presented Only to People Who Preordered His New Book
February 1st, 2022
On 1/30/2022 I attended a Daniel Pick online presentation only for people who had preordered his new book “The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward.” There were about 1,300 of us. During this presentation, he gave the audience the ten most important things that he has ever learned. These all match up with my thinking. Since he did a count down, we start with the number 10. This presentation will not be available anywhere else so share this with your network.
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