Dealing With Cyberbullying in the Era of Remote Learning by Amanda Winstead offers sound advice for parents, educators, and students on this timely topic. The key is communication and making time for it. Since cyberbullies leave a digital trail, it’s vital that students feel safe when it comes to sharing this type of abuse with adults they trust.
Dealing With Cyberbullying in the Era of Remote Learning by Amanda Winstead
June 23rd, 2021Doing Research? Search My Archives
June 19th, 2021
If there is any topic related to education that you are researching or just interested in, you can search this site. You can also go to my five archive pages on the left of my home page and search there. While you can also search the Internet, the items stored on my archive pages have been vetted for quality and accuracy by someone who has been in education full time since 1969.
Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
May 23rd, 2021
Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto explains how the “Germain” system of schooling adopted in the US was designed to produce docile factory workers and not original thinkers. As you read this important book reflect on how your schooling and the current schools in your community use the weapons of mass instruction John describes.
Read entire post...Starting a Business While In School? Here Are Five Tips To Help Your Business Run Smoothly by Craig Middleton
May 16th, 2021
Starting a Business While In School? Here Are Five Tips To Help Your Business Run Smoothly by Craig Middleton offers advice for students or anyone else who wants to have a business of their own. Share with entrepreneurial students and adults you know. Thanks, Craig.
Be Excellent On Purpose: Intentional Strategies for Impactful Leadership by Sanée Bell
May 6th, 2021
Be Excellent On Purpose: Intentional Strategies for Impactful Leadership by Sanée Bell shares her experience and vision as a school leader. As someone who has taught leadership for aspiring principals, I find her advice to be totally on the money. This would be an excellent book for any school leadership course. It’s also good reading for teachers who don’t aspire to the principalship, but who nonetheless lead in their own way.
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