How To Know if a Computer Science Career Is Right for You by Craig Middleton is a reality check for students considering a career in this field. It’s a field where you can typically work anywhere and make good money as long as you can deal with the stress of deadlines. Share this with students you know who are good in math and science.
How To Know if a Computer Science Career Is Right for You by Craig Middleton
November 22nd, 2020The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
November 8th, 2020
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel explains the psychology of spending and saving for anyone who has to deal with money and life. This is an excellent nontechnical study of this most important topic for high school students on up. If you want to acquire enough wealth to feel independent this book is for you. You can skip to chapter 20 to learn what Morgan and I do with our money.
Read entire post...Learning and Working From Home Basics by Craig Middleton
November 4th, 2020
Learning and Working From Home Basics by Craig Middleton offers tips for people who choose to or are now forced into this situation. Be sure to use these tips to make a daily checklist of things to attend to in order to increase your efficiency.
The Educator And The Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges The Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody
October 31st, 2020The Educator And The Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges The Gates Foundation by Anthony Cody shows how the Gates Foundations’ efforts to reform education have had a mostly negative impact. By spending a small fraction of the total education budget, people like Gates can buy politicians, muzzle the media, and control many special interest groups and […]
Read entire post...How to Keep Your Children Safe Online by Craig Middleton
October 20th, 2020
How to Keep Your Children Safe Online by Craig Middleton offers some specifics that parents can attend to as they try to keep the kids safe while they spend increased time online. Be sure to click on the links in this article for detailed advice.