Making Homeschool PE Class Fun by Craig Middleton

May 2nd, 2021

Disc Golf
Making Homeschool PE Class Fun by Craig Middleton offers ideas for parents who homeschool their children by choice. His suggestions are also good for parents who want to add exercise options beyond what their kids get at school. His advice on nutrition is also good for all parents. Remember, all parents are teachers weather they homeschool or not.

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Fun Science Experiments for Elementary School Students by Craig Middleton

April 18th, 2021

Chem Lab
Fun Science Experiments for Elementary School Students by Craig Middleton offers two interesting science experiments that kids can do in their home kitchens. If you compare a modern kitchen to a chemistry lab you will see a lot in common. While Craig’s experiments can get you started, the Internet is full of other fun science experiments you can do at home or around your residence. Good luck.

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Supporting Your Child’s Education During COVID-19 by Emily Graham

April 11th, 2021

Supporting Your Child’s Education During COVID-19 by Emily Graham offers advice from a parent to other parents facing the challenge of helping their kids do some or all of their learning at home. Like her, you can learn to take advantage of the fact that when kids are learning a home, the parents can better […]

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What to Look for in a Good College: the Ultimate Checklist by Jane Crighton

April 4th, 2021

College Life
What to Look for in a Good College: the Ultimate Checklist by Jane Crighton gives sound college selection advice from a recent graduate. As someone who graduated in 1969, I find this advice up to date and valuable. While the pandemic has further complicated college selection, this advice should stand the test of time. Thanks, Jane.

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Live Feed from the Iceland Volcano – Special Post

March 21st, 2021

Live feed from Iceland volcano – This is so cool (hot) that I didn’t want to wait for my daily post to share it. Enjoy. @verityjx @BeckePhysics @somafm Share this:

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