Evolving Learner: Shifting from Professional Development to Professional Learning From Kids, Peers, and the World by Lainie Rowell, Kristy Andre, and Lauren Steinmann

August 31st, 2020

Evolving Learner
Evolving Learner: Shifting from Professional Development to Professional Learning From Kids, Peers, and the World (©2020) by Lainie Rowell, Kristy Andre, and Lauren Steinmann focuses on how teachers need to learn from their students, their peers, and the world at large. They also need to be allowed to have a voice and choice when it comes to their professional learning rather than be exposed to old school one-size-fits-all professional development.

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Making the Wait for a Donor Heart Bearable by Steve Suto – Part 3

August 29th, 2020

Making the Wait for a Donor Heart Bearable by Steve Suto tells the story of waiting six months in the hospital for a heart transplant. He talks about how support from staff, family, friends, and fellow transplant candidates helped him stay strong and make it to the big day. If you have suffered setbacks you will appreciate this even if you are not a transplant candidate. Here are the links to part 1 Reflections of a Heart Transplant Survivor and part 2 How to Qualify for a Heart Transplant.

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Student-Centered Teaching / New US AI & Quantum Institutes / Emotional Support for Teachers

August 28th, 2020

White House
Start by learning more about student-centered teaching. Then it’s the creation of new AI and quantum research institutes and giving emotional support to teachers. On to balancing personal and professional social media, batteries that last 28,000 years, how to brainstorm when you are not in the same room, a Fredrick Douglas quote, and The Auckland Zoo’s new baby rhino.

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How to Qualify for a Heart Transplant by Steve Suto – Part 2

August 22nd, 2020
Patient and Doctor

This is part two for a four-part story written by a good friend who had a successful heart transplant in 2013. Here you can learn about what it takes to become an “A” candidate who lives in a hospital so that there is no wait when a proper donor organ becomes available due to a tragic situation for the donor. The first part is available here: Reflections of a Heart Transplant survivor

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Reflections of a Heart Transplant Survivor by Steve Suto – Part 1

August 12th, 2020

Heart Transplant
Seven years ago I made a couple of visits to a hospital where a friend was waiting for a heart transplant. I saw first-hand that it was a grueling ordeal with no guarantees. He recently asked if he could do a guest post to encourage others to register as organ donors. Here is his touching, personal, and somewhat humorous account. For information about how to sign up for organ donation visit DMY.org.

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